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When Eddy woke up the next morning, he didn't really understand where he was. He knew this wasn't his own room, he knew this wasn't Brett's room.

He rolled over, and soon realized which room this was. Just the memory of it made him want to puke, but thankfully the contents of his stomach stayed in for now. Judging by the large brownish stain next to him, he assumed that hadn't been the case the whole night.

A knock on the door followed by it opening and letting in a bunch of light made Eddy groan in annoyance. He just wantedto sleep some more.

"Morning sunshine. Glad to see you didn't die last night," Ray laughed, leaning on the door. "I made breakfast. You want some?"

Eddy sighed and pulled the duvet over his head, but gagged when he realized it smelled like vomit. He pushed it away.

"Yeah, I guess. Sorry for puking all over your guest room, though," he said as he slowly sat up in bed. He was still wearing the puke stained shirt and jeans he had been yesterday.

"Don't worry about it, I've got cleaners coming in later today anyway. I realize I can't clean up after these parties myself, anyway," Ray said with a wide grin.

He followed Ray into his kitchen where he had made some vaguely burnt pancakes and coffee. It would probably normally have smelled nice, but his still vaguely upset stomach didn't think so.

"You had a few of those jellyshots last night. Were they good?" Ray asked as they sat down to eat. Eddy nodded and helped himself to a few pancakes.

"Yeah, they... Yeah," Eddy confirmed, not really knowing what to say. He had really only had them to het drunk enough to forget about Brett and Leonora and their talk and Brett's crying. He knew it was his fault Brett was crying.

"Good, I'm thinking of making more next time. Leonora said she loved them, so I guess they were good," Ray laughed before stuffing his mouth with the pancakes he had taken for himself. "You know her, right? She and Brett has a thing, appearently."

Eddy wanted to scream when Leonora was mentioned.
"I've seen her, yeah," Eddy mumbled, not able to help his bitterness that seeped into his voice. Ray raised an eyebrow.

"My guess is you don't like her a lot?" Ray half asked, half stated before taking a sip of his coffee. "Or am i wrong?"

Eddy shrugged.
"Not her fault she's better than me, I guess," he sighed, taking another bite of the burnt pancakes Ray had served. It made his stomach rebel a bit, but he ignored it. "I guess I just need to figure out what to do when Brett drops TwoSet completely."

"Don't be silly," Ray laughed. "Brett's your best friend. Of course TwoSet is still gonna run."

"You don't understand, Ray. He skipped work three times last week, and left early the other two days," Eddy sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Just to go home and fuck Leonora."

Ray raised an eyebrow and almost choked on his coffee when Eddy added the last part.
"Well, that's a bit forward," Ray snorted, settind his cup down on the table. "He's just in love, Eddy. It's no sweat. Either he'll get over it or it'll chill enough for him to actually be productive again."

"I'm in love too, but it doesn't stop me from being productive," Eddy mumbled followed by a sigh, letting his eyes drop to the plate of now almost cold pancakes.

"It's Brett, isn't it?" Ray asked with a voice that sounded like he felt bad for him. It didn't help when he reached over and placed a hand on his forearm either. "You're in love woth Brett?"

Eddy just nodded quietly, stuffing his mouth with pancakes to avoid having to explain anything. Thinking about it hurt. Everything hurt.

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