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Eddy kept looking at the time on his phone whenever they weren't filming. Sometimes even when they were filming. He tried to think that no news from Brett's mom were good news, that he wasn't a bad parent just because he enjoyed some time away from Elise and that he hadn't messed up everything between him and Brett with his stupid overthinking earlier. It was so hard.

"And I think that's all we have time for," Brett cheered next to him, pulling him out of his thoughts and he gave a grin to the camera. "Thank you guys for watching!"

"See you next time!" Eddy added, giving a wave while Brett switched the camera off. Once the red light was off, Eddy leaned back om his chair with a sigh.

"You okay?" Brett asked softly, taking his hand. Eddy licked his lips before moving his gaze down to their hands.

"My brain is being stupid again and I don't know how to deal with it," Eddy admitted with a sigh. "I'm sorry, it's silly. I know everything is fine I just..."

Brett placed a gentle kiss on the side of his mouth, before giving him a hug.
"It's okay, love. Tell me about it? What are you thinking about?"

"It's so much," Eddy sighed, checking the time again. "I try to convince myself that Elise is fine with your mom, because of course she is. She knows more than any of us how to handle a baby, anyway."

"Do you want me to call and check?" Brett asked, rubbing his back. "It's no sweat, she did say to call if we were too worried."

Eddy sighed into Brett's shoulder.
"It's a bit overprotective, isn't it?" he asked followed by a short laugh. "God, if I'm this bad now she's not dating anyone until she's twenty five."

Brett snorted, kissing his cheek while still holding him in the hug.
"What do you mean, dating? She's never dating anyone, geez. Not on my watch, that's our babygirl you're talking about."

"Right, right," Eddy mumbled with a smile on his lips. "But it would be really nice to confirm she's alright, actually, if that's alright."

"Yeah yeah, of course," Brett said, kissing him quickly before letting the hug go to reach his phone in his pocket. He found his mom's contact and put it on speakerphone.

"Hello?" his mom said after a while, and Brett put his phone down on the table in front of them.

"Hey mom, we just wanted to check on Elise. You're on speakerphone," Brett answered, and Eddy ran his hand through his hair.

"She is sleeping, very sweet. Ate all her milk earlier and has been very calm," mrs Yang said calmly, and Brett turned to Eddy to see if there was anything else they wanted to ask.

"Mrs Yang, is she... Are you with her right now?" Eddy asked, biting his lip. He felt Brett sneak a hand around his waist.

"No, no, she is sleeping in Brett's room. Why?"

"Please go check on her? Just so I can breathe," Eddy asked, and a moment later he heard mrs Yang get up from the couch with a groan followed by her slippers against the floor and Brett's door creaking.

"Yes yes, snoring a bit but she is ok," she confirmed, and Eddy finally exhaled.

"Thank you. Sorry to have disturbed," Eddy said, feeling Brett press his lips against his cheek.

"Okay okay, go back to work now! Work!"

"Yes mom," Brett chuckled, running his hand through his hair. "See you in a few hours."

"Yes yes, bye now!"

She hung and Eddy exhaled again.
"Okay, she's okay. It's okay," Eddy mumbled, and Brett realized that was just one thing on a long list.

"What more are you thinking about, love?" Brett asked, kissing him quickly. Eddy felt bad about worrying him, but swallowed it.

"I feel bad about enjoying time without her, that's one," Eddy mumbled, kissing Brett again. He wanted to move the conversation away from everything he thought was wrong. "And I'm still convincing myself that I didn't make you hate me after overreacting earlier."

"I could never hate you, love. Actually, I love you so much it's wild I'm able to keep my hands off you."

"I actually don't want to keep my hands off you ever," Eddy said with a small smile that Brett quickly matched.

"I know it's only been like three hours, but... I kinda want you again," Brett said, kissing Eddy quickly for the millionth time. "If you'll let me have you."

"Sounds way better than filming another video," Eddy mumbled, sneaking his arms around Brett's waist and pulling him closer.

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