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"Brett!" Eddy called out, seeing him sitting in front of the flower shop, looking like he had just sunk together. Tears were flowing down his face, but there were no sobs. Eddy had never seen him like this before, but he looked to be physically okay.

Eddy jumped out if the car after turning off the engine and walked over with quick, long steps before dropping to his knees in front of him. Then he pulled him into a tight hug. He felt him shaking slightly in his arms, and the need to protect him grew stronger, and he could feel a tiny pot of anger brew in the bottom of his stomach. He knew who was to blame for this.

"Let's go, yeah? I'll make you a nice cup of tea and we'll talk through this, okay?" Eddy mumbled calmly despite his amger, stroking his back with long, slow strokes. Brett nodded quietly, trying to wipe his tears as Eddy let go. It didn't really work.

"S... sorry for having you... drive out here, it's not even far..." Brett tried to say, but his voice failed him and it came out barely as a whisper. It was as if he was drained of the ability to make sound.

"Dude, anytime. You'd do the same for me," Eddy said assuringly, standing up slowly and taking Brett's hand to help him up. "Come on, let's go."

The short car ride to Eddy's place was quiet, and once they got inside Eddy had Brett wrapped up in blankets on his couch and immediately made him a cup of tea. It looked like he needed it. He made one for himself as well before sitting down in the other end of the couch with him.

"I... I guess I fucked up," Brett mumbled, staring down into his cup. His tears had stopped, but it looked more like it was because he had ran out of tears than because he was feeling better.

"What happened?" Eddy asked softly, ignoring the sleepiness that suddenly came over him from the warm tea. Brett needed him.

"I uh... She told me she's pregnant..." Brett said hesitantly, shifting uncomfortably. Eddy wanted to drop his jaw to the floor, but knew that wouldn't help.

"How did you take it?" Eddy asked instead, taking a sip of his still quite hot tea before looking back up at Brett.

That was appearently not the right question, as the tears finally had discovered the reserves and started up for a new round. Eddy bit his lip, feeling unsure of how to help.

"Th... The wrong way, I guess? I... I don't know," Brett stuttered, trying to put the cup on Eddy's coffee table as his hands started shaking again, but ended up spilling some it on Eddy's carpet. "And then she... she kicked me out...? I don't know, I'm sorry."

"Shh, Brett, Brett..." Eddy said, putting his own teacup on the coffe table before doing the same with Brett's and then taking his smaller hands in his. They felt cold. "Take some deep breaths and start from the top. What happened?"

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