72. (nsfw)

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Brett's hands slid under Eddy's t-shirt, traveling up the side of his body as their lips collided. Eddy still had his hands on Brett's waist, feeling unsure of what to do. He wanted to feel all of Brett under his fingertips, but because that hadn't been allowed before he hesitated, no matter what Brett had said.

They pulled away after a moment and Brett moved one hand to touch Eddy's cheek gently while looking him in the eyes. He saw the uncertainty, and it hit him like a wall of bricks.

"D... Do you want this, Eddy? I don't want to push you..." Brett asked, sounding unsure, feeling the ball of guilt make itself known again. The feeling of forcing himself onto someone finally made sense to him. He understood hpw Eddy felt with the appointment earlier.

"I do want this, I just don't know... I mean, what is okay?" Eddy asked weakly, looking away as his cheeks caught on fire. "I mean, what are the rules?"

Brett blinked a few times, trying to make sense of what Eddy asked him. Why would there be rules?
"No rules, Eddy, just love," he finally said, licking his lips. "Whatever feels right."

"Okay," Eddy agreed with a small nod, and Brett placed a gentle kiss to the side of Eddy's mouth. Eddy answered by placing a hand behind Brett's neck and pulling him for a proper kiss. He felt Brett smile against his lips, giving him a hint of confidence.

A small moan escaped Brett's lips against Eddy's mouth when Eddy's larger hands slid down his sides, coming to a rest on his hips. His thumb caressed circles into the little soft spot at the edge of his hipbone and Brett found himself pushing his hips towards the touch.

"Should we move to the bed, though?" Brett exhaled once they moved away from the kiss for a breath. Brett didn't wait for an answer before placing butterfly kisses down Eddy's long neck, drawing a light moan out of him before he found his voice again to answer.

"Yeah, yeah... Probably best," he stuttered, and Brett stood up. He took his hand and helped him to his feet, eyes glancing over the evidence of how much Eddy liked this. Eddy noticed his glance and looked shyly away.

Brett pulled him into a quick kiss before leading him by the hand to the bedroom. Eddy followed willingly, and when Brett gently pushed him down on the bed, most of the hesitation was pushed to the back of his mind.

"Did I remind you how much I love you today?" Brett asked, leaning on his arms over Eddy. His glasses were slipping down his nose, and Eddy reached up and gently took them offhis face.

"You can remind me again, so I'm sure," Eddy said as he reached over to place Brett's glasses on the bedside table. "It helps to hear it."

Brett leaned down to kiss Eddy's half open lips softly, formulating the words he wanted to say in his head.
"I love you so, so much," Brett mumbled as a start before moving slightly down and pressing his lips against the side of his mouth. "You're the best person I've ever met."

Eddy opened his mouth to reply, but a quiet moan came out instead as a kiss was placed on his neck. He tangled his fingers into Brett's hair, feeling the dark strands tickle between his fingers.

"I'm so grateful for getting to be with you every day," Brett mumbled against Eddy's neck, moving down to kiss as far down as he could before hitting the neckline of Eddy's shirt. "I'm grateful for you being selfless and supporting me even after all the hurt I've caused you. I want to make it right..."

Brett moved slightly so he could look Eddy in the eyes for the last part. 
"... because I love you."

"I love you too, Brett," Eddy half whispered, reaching up to him to caress his cheek gently. "So, so much."

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