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When Eddy woke up, the house was quiet. Brett wasn't sleeping next to him and Elise wasn't in her bed.

"Brett?" Eddy asked out loud, getting out of bed quickly. The silence made him nervous. What time was it?

His nerves calmed quickly as soon as he opened the bedroom door and stepped out in the living room. Brett was still asleep in the chair with Elise sleeping against his stomach and his arm. It was a beautiful sight that made his heart flutter.

He knew it was nearing feeding time, though.

"Bretty?" Eddy said, pressing a kiss against his forehead and stroking his cheek carefully. Brett blinked a few times before looking confused at Eddy.

"Mhm, what time is it?" he yawned, rubbing his eyes. Eddy kissed him again before reaching over to Brett's phone on the table to see the time.

"Nine. It's feeding time," Eddy said, sitting back down on the couch. Brett groaned.

"Can't she just sleep? She finally fell asleep," Brett sighed, running a hand through his hair. He looked down at Elise who was stirring awake as he did. "Or nevermind, she's up."

"She wouldn't sleep?" Eddy guessed, and a moment later Elise began crying. Brett shook his head and rubbed his eyes.

"Not in her bed at least," Brett sighed, rocking Elise carefully. He just wanted to crawl into bed and get a few hours, and he was sure Elise would want that soon as well. Or, at least she'd want to sleep.

"You should have woken me, I would've taken over," Eddy said as he walked over yo the kitchen to prepare her milk. Brett stood up with a groan to walk around with her to hopefully stop her from crying.

"You needed sleep, and it was my turn. I might need a nap today, though," he admitted, following Eddy to the kitchen. Elise was crying still, and Brett felt rather useless after trying to calm her all night. He knew it was his sleepiness being silly, though.

Eddy was quick to get the bottle ready and set it on the kitchen table.
"Do you want to sleep? I can feed her, if you want?" Eddy offered, and Brett looked down at his daughter for a moment.

"No, I can feed her. Maybe you can take care of her for a bit after, though?" Brett said and sat down on a kitchen chair. Eddy nodded and pushed the bottle towards him.

"I'll take a shower, then, while you feed her," Eddy said, and Brett nodded as he grabbed the bottle. Elise resisted taking it for a bit, but after Brett shifted positions slightly, she quieted down and took the bottle.

Eddy disappeared to the bathroom, and Brett enjoyed the silence for a bit. Elise looked up at him with her still clear blue eyes, but they honestly grew on him. Maybe she just had blue eyes? He didn't know how that worked out genetically, but she was definitely his. As time went on, he did recognize how much she looked like pictures of himself when he was a baby, but a million times more beautiful.

"You're gorgeous, babygirl, you know that?" Brett whispered to her, brushing some of her dark hair hanging lightly down her forehead.

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