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The next time Eddy opened his eyes, he didn't really understand where he was. He was in a bed in a room he hadn't woken up in before and it sounded like someone was banging pots and pans together just outside the door to the room.

He blinked a few times before realizing where he was.
"Brett?" he called out, and the rustling of pots and pans stopped. A moment later, the bedroom door opened and Brett peeked inside.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Brett asked, but Edfy shook his head.

"When... When did we fix the bed?" Eddy asked, and Brett stepped inside the room properly.

"I did, last night," Brett said with a shrug. "You were completely gone. You don't remember me carrying you here?"

"Carrying me? You!" Eddy asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not exactly a feather..."

"Alright, alright, you got me. More like half dragged you, but I got you in bed without waking you so I'll say that's a success," Brett grinned while Eddy rubbed his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I should have helped you. Why are you up, anyway? If you were up after I fell asleep then you should be tired too," Eddy pointed out, holding out his arms like a child to get Brett to come lay down in bed with him.

"I'm alright," Brett said, only sitting on the edge of the bed to give Eddy a kiss. "Do you want breakfast, though? I was looking for a frying pan just now..."

"Frying pan's under the plates," Eddy yawned, remembering where he had packed it. "But we don't have any food, so there's no point in pulling it out."

"We do now, I went shopping earlier."

"How long did I sleep?"

Brett shrugged as he checked the current time on his phone.
"Only like twelve hours, not too bad."

"How long did you sleep?" Eddy asked, reaching out to push some of Brett's bangs away from his face. Brett shrugged again.

"Dunno, not sure when I woke up. I'm fine, though, I just wanted to make sure you slept comfortably and I wanted to make breakfast for you," Brett explained, taking Eddy's hand. Eddy couldn't help but smile a bit.

"You're sweet, Bretty. Thank you," Eddy said, pulling him into a hug. "I love you."

"Love you too," Brett sighed back, closing his eyes for a moment. He was actually so tired, having not really slept properly sitting up in the window sill and then spending half the night trying to fix the bed even though it really was a two person job before waking up at his regular early.

"That's the longest blink ever," Eddy joked as a whisper, kissing Brett's cheek just before he jolted awake again.

"Sorry, got lost in thought for a bit," Brett tried to excuse it with, but Eddy just pulled him into bed with him.

"Sleep for a few minutes and I'll make breakfast today. How does that sound?" Eddy suggested, and Brett hesitated for just a moment.

"Tempting," he admitted with a sigh. He was already half asleep. "Alright, but only if you'll stay here with me for a bit first."

"Okay," Eddy mumbled, running his fingers through Brett's hair. "I'll wake you when breakfast is ready, okay?"

"Okay," Brett mumbled, but Eddy wasn't sure Brett understood what he was answering anymore as he started snoring lightly only a moment later.

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