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Eddy seemed to get back to his more regular self after a week, and Brett almost forgot about the whole thing. Maybe he really had just been tired? He didn't care what it was as long as he was fine now, and he really seemed to be getting better. Not perfectly fine yet, but at least better.

Things were really starting to get more serious with Leonora, though, which gave him butterflies just to think about. Their second date had been amazing with making out in the back row of the cinema, enjoying some good food at a nice restaurant, which Brett of course paid for, before ending up back at his place for a good time.

Brett didn't mind paying for things to please her. He didn't mind making her happy in any way he could at all, really. He knew it was a bit early to say, but it really felt like this was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

"Earth to Brett," Eddy said flatly, snapping his fingers in front of his face and Brett blinked, returning to reality where he and Eddy was in their local coffee shop.

"Sorry, got lost in thought," he mumbled, taking a sip of his coffee. He could feel Eddy's annoyance, but he couldn't really blame him. "You were saying..?"

Eddy shrugged and leaned back against the back of the wooden chair he was sitting on, still with that annoyed look.
"You sure you actually want to hear it? Because it's the third time I'm saying it."

Brett bit his lip. He felt bad about not being able to focus on the conversation with Eddy, but just the thought that Leonora would be finished with work in just a short hour and that she had invited him to dinner with her family after that didn't help. He was there mostly because he knew they were way behind with work because of him.

"I'm sorry, Eddy. I'm just really nervous about tonight, I can't really focus," he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "I know it's silly, because we're not even officially a couple yet, but I'm going too meet her parents for the first time and I just really wanna make a good first impression."

"Amazing impression to give if you can't even listen to what they're saying," Eddy said, sounding like he was trying to make a joke but not really getting the tone right. It felt off.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't focus. What more do you want me to say?" Brett sighed, taking a sip of his coffee. "I know I should have, and I really am sorry."

Eddy stared at him for a moment before his eyes fell down into the last of his coffee and his annoyed face faltered into a much flatter expression.
"I know, I'm sorry for being so sucky about it. I guess I should have asked if you wanted to talk about it instead of complaining."

"Don't worry about it, dude. I get that hearing about Leonora all the time must be annoying, it's just... She's very important to me," Brett said, blushing slightly from admitting it. "I really want it to work out."

"Do you love her, then?" Eddy asked, fiddling with the handle of his cup. Brett looked up at him, but could only find his slightly too long bangs hanging in front of his eyes.

"I do. I really do," Brett confirmed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't think there's anyone else I could see my future with in the same way as with her."

Eddy just nodded, sipping his coffee. He still didn't look up at him, and the whole energy between them changed.
"I guess that's good, then. Who am I to be in the way of true love, anyway?" Eddy said after a while, finally tilting his head up and meeting Brett's eyes with a smile. It felt off. "We can do this another time if you wanted to go home and get ready for your dinner. It's an investment in your future to get her parents to like you, after all."

His words felt wrong. It sounded right, but at the same time the tone was just slightly off as if he was saying lines for a skit. Brett couldn't put his finger on it, but it made him unsure.

"I mean, are you sure? We still have so much to do..." Brett began, but Eddy interrupted him before he could express his worry.

"Don't worry about that, I'll do some of our emailing and talk to the merch designers to catch up on that," Eddy offered, running a hand through his hair. Was his hands shaking? Brett wasn't sure if he saw that right. "You just enjoy your evening. I'm sure they'll like you, because who doesn't? Everyone likes you."

"Are you actually okay with that, Eddy? You don't sound like you are," Brett pointed out, licking his lower lip. He wanted to take his offer, but the way it was suggested felt wrong. Eddy felt wrong.

Eddy shrugged and flashed another one of those smiles that Brett knew wasn't genuine.
"Of course I'm okay with that. Why else would I suggest it?" he pointed out, and Brett had no choice but to give up with a sigh.

"At least walk home with me, then, so we can get some work done on the way? Just to make me feel better about ditching work," Brett requested, and Eddy agreed, downing the last of his coffee.

"Okay, let's go then. Don't want you late for your important dinner."

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