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A few weeks passed, and the nerves and excitement were slowly building more and more for each day. They finally got the studio set up and had spent the past week filming almost around the clock except for a few hours of sleeping and the occasional sex session.

"That was the last one, right?" Brett asked, laying his head down on their table. He was tired and just wanted to crawl into bed and be held by Eddy for a few hours.

"Yeah, thank fuck," Eddy sighed as he turned their studio lighting off. His eyes were tired from the lights, and he was getting kinda hungry. "Two weeks worth of backlog done."

"I want to sleep the next two weeks, but we gotta have more for the first few weeks after Elise is born. Only like two weeks left," Brett sighed, taking his glasses off and rubbing his eyes. "Let's take the rest of the da..."

He paused as Eddy's phone vibrated on the table in front of him. He picked it up and handed it to Eddy, who raised an eyebrow when he saw who was calling.

"Hey, Ray," he said after answering, leaning against the wall. "Thought you were in Germany?"

Brett rested his head on his hand while half listening to Eddy and Ray's conversation. He didn't realize he had fallen asleep before Eddy poked him.

"Okay if Ray drop by? He's in town for a few days," Eddy asked, and Brett nodded despite only being half awake. Eddy places a kiss to his forehead before telling Ray it was fine and that he'd text him their new address.

Half an hour later their doorbell rang and Brett hauled himself off the couch to let Ray in. Eddy was in the kitchen making coffee.

"Hey Brett! Nice to see you!" Ray exclaimed with a wide grin and patted his arm once the door was open. "How are you?"

"Tired," Brett admitted, giving a small smile. "Come in, welcome to our new house."

Ray got his shoes off and followed Brett into the living room, looking around at the large open living room. Eddy peeked out from the kitchen with a smile.

"You want coffee, Ray?" he asked, and Ray grinned back at him before walking over to pull him into a bear hug.

"It's so nice to see you, especially that smile," he grinned before letting him go. "Coffee would be good, though."

Eddy brought out a tray with three coffee mugs, including the one with the little hearts on for Brett, and sat down next to Brett on the couch. Ray had seated himself in the comfy chair, looking around rather impressed at the sight.

"The house looks nice," Ray commented, taking the mug with the twoset logo on. "From what I've seen so far, at least."

"We'll give you a tour later," Brett offered, taking the tiniest sip if the still too hot coffee. "Unless you've watched the video we made already."

Ray chuckled and warmed his hands on the coffee mug.
"I did, but there's probably some furniture in the rooms now, or am I wrong?"

"Nah, we are going for a minimalistic lifestyle with no furniture," Eddy joked, running a hand through his bangs. He was still tired from their hard working week. "Of course there's furniture."

"Not sure whether I want to see your very special room for very special stuff, though," Ray snorted, eyes locking onto the closed door to Elise's room. "Sounds like you are having a sex den in there or something."

Eddy's cheeks burned red, but Brett just laughed at the suggestion.
"Damnit, Eddy, we should have had another bedroom," he grinned, placing a kiss on Eddy's cheek. "For our sex den."

"God, is that really what it sounded like when I said it?" Eddy sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Well, it's not a sex den, anyway."

Brett turned to Eddy, meeting his eyes.
"Should we show him the room? I mean, he can...? He'll be quiet, right?"

"I'll be quiet, whatever it is," Ray supplied while Eddy considered it for a moment.

"I mean, yeah, it's fine by me," Eddy nodded, feeling the butterflies in his stomach from nerves. "But Ray, you really gotta shut up about it. Not even our parents know."

Ray furrowed his brows, trying to imagine what it could be but didn't come up with anything. He put his coffee mug on the table.
"Of course. Won't tell a soul, not even my violin."

"We're having a baby," Brett said, taking Eddy's hand. "A daughter. In about two weeks."

Ray's jaw dropped to the floor before his face twisted into the widest smile.
"Oh my god, I'm gonna be an uncle!" he grinned, clapping his hands together. "Ahhh, that's exciting news!"

Eddy's cheeks were burning, but a smile played on his lips. He hid his face in Brett's shoulder.

"So, how's thos happening? I'm assuming neither of you are pregnant? So surrogate? Or adopting?"

Brett licked his lips nervously, considering Eddy before answering. He hoped this would be fine.
"Uh, you know Leonora?"

Ray nodded, leaning forward in the chair. That's when it clicked for him.
"You're the father of her child? She said she was giving it up...? Ohhh! You guys are getting her kid?"

"Pretty much summed up, yeah," Eddy nodded, not liking the sound of 'you're the father' and 'her child'. It hurt a bit, but he pushed it to the back of his mind.

"We've signed a contract saying we'll adopt her once she's born, so yeah. In two weeks," Brett confirmed, squeezing Eddy's hand.

"But your parents doesn't know?" Ray asked, raising an eyebrow. "Wow, guys, that's... My mom would kill me, just saying."

"Don't want to take their hopes up without having the dna testing done," Brett explained, looking over at Eddy to make sure he was okay. He seemed to be keeping it together. Actually, he seemed perfectly fine.

"Do you want a tour of the house? We can start with her room," Eddy suggested with a smile, standing up. "We repainted it and everything."

"Yes please! Ahh shit guys, did not expect such great news!"

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