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When Eddy woke up in their bed the next time, it was still dark. He could feel that he was alone in the room, but the house was quiet.
"Brett?" he asked out loud as he sat up in bed, but got no reply. Not even a cough from Elise, which was both comforting and scary at the same time.

He pushed the duvet aside and put his feet down on the cold floor. The sound of the bed creaking slightly as he stood up felt incredibly loud, but as no other sounds were heard he opened their bedroom door and headed out to investigate.

It was obvious to him what had happened once he got out in their living room and Brett's soft snores were heard from Elise's room. So much for coming to wake Eddy before  falling asleep.

Eddy peeked into Elise's room and finally heard the very gentle sound of Elise's breathing mixing with Brett's snores and he felt himself relax just a little bit. Nothing had happened to her, that was the most important part. The fact that Brett would have the sorest back tomorrow from the curled up position he was sleeping in took second priority by far.

"Bretty?" Eddy whispered, reaching down to touch his arm gently. He opened his eyes slowly and furrowed his brows, looking confused.

"Hm?" Brett asked, blinking a few times. "What time is it?"

"Like three," Eddy whispered back, caressing his cheek gently. "You fell asleep watching Elise, I think."

"I did?" Brett mumbled, looking around like he was trying to understand where he was. Eddy kissed his forehead carefully.

"Let's head to bed, love, I think she'll be fine," Eddy whispered, and Brett nodded, standing up slowly and stretching his sore back from the uncomfortable position.

Brett just stood there for a bit, and  Eddy took the initiative to get him moving by taking a hold of his hand and getting him out of Elise's room so they wouldn't wake her accidentally.

Brett followed willingly, more ready than anything to get into bed. Elise had coughed a bit thw first few hours, but had eventually settled down. It was around that time Brett decided that sitting down in the chair would be okay. That closing his eyes for just a moment would be okay.

They got to their bed eventually and Brett sat down on his side while Eddy walked around the bed to get in on his side. Brett took his glasses off and looked down at his sweatpants, considering if he would bother with taking them off or not.

A moment later he felt Eddy sneak his arms around him from behind and a kiss to the back of his neck.
"I love you so much, Brett, you know that?" Eddy asked softly, exhaling against his ear. Brett couldn't help but smile a bit to himself.

"Even when I act like an idiot?" he asked back, and felt Eddy tighten his grip around him.

"Even when you act like an idiot. I'll always love you, Brett. You think after waiting over ten years for you to notice me that a tiny moment of frustration from you is gonna put me off?" Eddy chuckled softly, placing a kiss on the side of his neck as that was the closest part of Brett to his lips.

Brett shrugged a bit.
"I don't know, maybe? Maybe that was the straw that broke the camel's back, you know?" he mumbled, closing his eyes again. It felt so safe being in Eddy's arms.

"I'll love you always, Brett. Never doubt that," Eddy mumbled, cloaing his eyes a bit too and just inhaling Brett's scent. It was weird how much it calmed him, but he wasn't complaining.

"I love you too, Eddy. And I will continue to for ever," Brett mumbled sleepily, getting drowzy from the comfort. "Let's get a few hours sleep though, before Elise wakes up."

"Yeah, let's," Eddy chuckled and let Brett go to get his sweatpants off. There was no way he would let Brett sleep without cuddling with him tonight.

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