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After promises of babysitting and gifts to spoil the little girl, Ray eventually left to catch a flight. At that point, they were both pretty tired, but at least Elise was calm. It was nearing bedtime for all of them.

"Let's try and move her bed back to her room tonight and keep the doors open, okay?" Brett suggested to Eddy who was rocking Elise in an attempt to get her to sleep.

"Sure, yeah. Your turn to be up with her tonight," Eddy sighed, leaning down to kiss Elise's forehead gently as she was drifting off. "Do you need help moving her bed?"

Brett tried to move the bed, but gave Eddy an innocent smile when he couldn't. Eddy sighed.

"I guess she'll be fine in the middle of our bed while we move hers?" Eddy said, sounding uncertain. He didn't like having to put her down places and then turn his back, which made sense, but they only had four pairs of arms.

"Should've asked Ray to help us," Brett commented as Eddy moved the covers aside and placed her right in the center of their bed, making barriers at the edges with their duvets.

"Yeah..." Eddy mumbled as he assessed his work. Elise was still sleeping, and he eventually deemed it safe for the minute it would take to move her bed.

They grabbed an end of her bed each and Brett threw a look over at Elise as they exited the room, just to be sure. They had barely put the bed down, though, before Eddy ran off back to their bedroom to make sure Elise was fine still.

He got in there and found her awake and whimpering, but very much okay. He lifted her up again.
"Shh baby, it's alright, shh..." Eddy whispered to her, rocking her.

Brett came in after him, leaning on the doorframe.
"I love how protective you are," he said with a smile, and Eddy looked up at him. "It's... Hot, in a way."

"I just want her to be alright," Eddy said with a small smile, rocking her again. She was beginning to settle again.

"I think that makes two of us," Brett said, going over to kiss him quickly. "If you wanna sleep, you can. It's my turn tonight, remember?"

They moved Elise over into Brett's arms, and Eddy kissed his boyfriend's forehead.
"Wake me if it's too bad, then," he sighed, expecting her to be about as fussy as when he had her last night. Brett sighed.

"You endured it, so I can too," Brett said, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "Good night, love."

"Night, Bretty. Night babygirl," Eddy said, giving them kisses in that order before Brett turned to head to Elise's room, getting ready for another long night of little sleep.

He walked back and forth a bit in her room, rocking her in am attempt to get her to sleep. She laid quietly in his arms, but wasn't really sleeping. Brett sighed.

"What do you want me to do, sweetie? What do you need to sleep?" Brett asked her quietly, brushing her hair to the side. "I can sing for you?"

He of course didn't get any reply, but still opted to hum a version of Brahms' lullaby for her.

Brett was surprised when she fell asleep after just a few minutes and stayed asleep when he placed her in her bed.

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