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Brett woke up in his own bed with Leonora still snuggled onto his chest, her blonde hair flowing down her back. It was a bit tangled from turning in her sleep, but he didn't care as he collected it and pulled it away from her neck, exposing the mark he had made on her the night before.

"Mhm, Brett?" Leonora asked, her eyelids fluttering open to meet Brett's gaze. All Brett could think of was how incredibly beautiful her eyes were, and a moment later how close he had been to losing this.

"Hey beautiful," Brett mumbled, adding a tiny smile and stroking her cheek with the back of his hand. "Slept well?"

"Just okay," she sighed, closing her eyes again and leaning into Brett's touch. Brett felt the guilt brew back into his stomach. He had been the biggest jerk ever, and yet she laid snuggled into his chest.

"I'm sorry," Brett said, licking his lower lip. He'd apologize a million times if he had to. "I really fucked up."

Leonora opened her eyes, her beautiful blue eyes, and met Brett's brown. The butterflies and the guilt combined in his stomach were overwhelming.
"You did, yeah," she confirmed, pushing some hair away from his face. "And I guess you're right to be sorry about it too."

"How can I fix this?" Brett asked, halfway as a whisper. He didn't feel like he deserved her soft touches, but he still longed for them. "I'll do anything."

Leonora kissed him softly, and just tasting the sweet taste of her lips on his felt intoxicating. He closed his eyes, letting her lead the way, until she pulled away.

"Maybe start with making some nice breakfast?" she suggested with a small smile playing on her lips while she combed her fingers through his hair. "Maybe some eggs or pancakes, or something?"

"Of course. Do you prefer eggs or pancakes?" he asked, stroking her bare shoulder with gentle fingers. Her skin was so soft, it felt like silk. If he could, he'd stay in bed and stroke it all day.

"Pancakes would be good," she smiled, kissing his forehead before sitting up in bed. Brett couldn't help but let his blurred gaze swipe over her body as she grabbed one of his t-shirts. He swallowed hard, forcing himself not to let his thoughts wander in that direction. She wanted breakfast.

"I'll take a shower while you make breakfast, okay?" she said, still not wearing any clothes as she stood up and grabbed her underwear from the floor. "And uh, I'll borrow this, okay Bretty?"

Brett looked at the t-shirt in her hand. Just a random merch t-shirt, one of those with the Ling Ling clock on them.

"Of course, take anything you want from my closet," he assured her while reaching for his glasses. He put them on just in time to see her turn to the door. "I'll have breakfast ready for you when you're done."

"Good, good. Try not to burn them again, then," she said with a smile before heading across the hall to the bathroom. Brett was determined to make them perfect for her.

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