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"I'm not ready for this," Eddy whimpered, rubbing his face hard. "I'm not ready to get glasses. Can we pick them up some other day?"

They had dropped Elise off at Eddy's mom's house for the day to get their glasses. Brett has suggested it, mainly because he knew Eddy would need his full attention for this, but also because mama Chen hadn't really seen her granddaughter in a while.

"Don't you think it'll be good to actually see a bit further than a meter in front of you , though?" Brett asked, taking his hand. They had parked outside the glasses shop and Eddy had refused to move. "And drive again and all that?"

Eddy shrugged.
"I guess, I just... It's stupid, but it feels like I've failed? And I know I probably haven't done anything but getting older for this to happen, but...?"

Brett pulled his boyfriend into a hug, stroking his back carefully.
"You've not failed, you're doing the right thing by getting it sorted out so you can see. And after a while, if you still don't see yourself as how beautiful as I see you with those frames, we'll see if you can get contacts or something."

"Okay," Eddy sighed, not wanting to let the go just yet. He still wasn't feeling too great about the whole thing, but Brett's words calmed him. "Let's go then."

"Just one more thing before we go," Brett said, pulling back from the hug a bit. Eddy looked at him with a questioning look, but giggled instead when Brett leaned in to kiss him quickly. "Okay, then we're good. Let's go."

They got out of the car and Brett locked it before walking around the car and taking Eddy's hand. A passing group of middle aged ladies stared at them and whispered among themselves when they thought they couldn't hear. They were getting used to this. It happened every time they showed affection publicly.

Eddy was getting more nervous when Brett opened the door to the shop for him, and a woman with the longest black hair braided in the longest braid he had every seen smiled widely at them as they entered.

"Good afternoon! How can I help you?" she asked with a slight accent Brett though possibly was Indian. He didn't really pay much attention to it, though.

"We're here to... To pick up some glasses," Eddy said, smiling back at her. Brett could feel Eddy's palm get sweaty as the shop lady opened the computer.

"Your name?"

"Eddy Chen and Brett Yang," Brett responded for both of them. Eddy let his hand go to place his arms around himself for comfort. Brett responded by sneaking his arm around his waist.

The lady typed them into the computer, getting a wide smile when she saw what frames Eddy had gotten on the screen.
"Ohh you got the golden frames?" she asked excitedly, looking up at Eddy who gave her a small nod. "Those are gonna look great on you! Let me get them for you!"

Brett smiled up at Eddy who got a mild pink over his cheeks. The shop lady came back with two spectacle cases and one set of glasses care.

"Here," she said, opening the case with Eddy's glasses in them. "Try them on and tell me how they fit so I can adjust the fit for you."

Eddy did so hesitantly, not feeling great about it.
"Uh they're... Kinda sliding down..?" he asked, and the shop lady walked around the desk to check.

"Yeah, I'll adjust them a bit. Gimme here," she said with a smile, and he gave them to her. She went and adjusted them while Brett got his own glasses and tried them on as well. They'd need adjusting as well.

"Try now," the shop lady said, handing Eddy his glasses again, and he tried them on again.

"Yeah that's better," he said, avoiding to look at any mirrors. "Thank you."

"My pleasure entirwdly! It's rare to get to see someone who actually look amazing in those frames, so it's just exciting, really," she said with a smile before turning her attention to Brett to get his glasses adjusted. He offered his old glasses as a template, and off she went.

Eddy took a few deep breaths, trying to get brave enough to look in the mirror. It made him feel slightly better that the shop lady seemed to think he looked alright.

He turned to the mirror in a brave moment and looked at himself. Except the fact that he realized he could actually see himself clearly, he thought that maybe this didn't look awful? Not amazing, but... Okay?

Brett got his new glasses and out the old ones in the case he was given before turning to Eddy.
"Wow! Who's this hottie?" Brett exclaimed, sneaking his arm around him to rest his hand on his hip. "Oh wait, it's my boyfriend."

Eddy blushed at Brett's words and turned to look at him, getting slightly dizzy from it. He wasn't really used to his glasses yet.

"It looks okay?" he asked woth a small smile, and Bretg tiptoed up to kiss him.

"Okay is the understatement of the year. You look wonderful," Brett smiled, reaching up to caress his cheek. "Absolutely stunning."

"Yours look great too," Eddy said, leaning down to kiss him. "More soft in the round frames."

"You know what, let me take you shopping for a full new outfit to match your new glasses and let's take some pics for insta," Brett decided for them with a large grin. "I want to show you off to the world."

"Okay, soft boy," Eddy giggled nervously, agreeing despite not being sure if he was ready for it to go on instagram just yet despite feeling less crap about the whole thing. "Let's go."

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