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"Hey bro, you okay?" Brett asked as Eddy spaced out for probably the millionth time that day. It wasn't like him to be so out of it, and it honestly worried him that he seemed to get worse for every passing day.

"Yeah, yeah. Why are you asking?" Eddy mumbled back, quickly grabbing a sip of the coffee Brett had brewed for him. The relatively dark circles under his eyes told Brett he needed the coffee, but he also hadn't seen him consume anything else the past two weeks.

"You feel off, and I worry about you," Brett responded, putting down the pencil he had used to sketch up the storyboard of their newest skit. "And if you say you're fine one more time I'll flip my shit because it's not true and I'm tired of pretending I believe you."

Eddy froze, staring down into his coffee and not really knowing what to say. He felt called out. Couldn't Brett just understand that he was trying his best to be fine? Doing all he could to not worry Brett?

"I'm sorry," was what came out, not daring to look up at Brett. "I don't mean to worry you."

Brett sighed, not knowing what to do. He wanted his best friend back, but everything he did seemed to be useless. Eddy just wouldn't let him in anymore.

Made him wonder what he did wrong.

"I worry about you because I care about you," Brett pointed out, trying to reach out to him with the most cliché line he knew. Eddy seemed to make himself smaller.

"I know, but..." Eddy began, but interrupted himself before saying anymore. Brett sighed.

"But what?"

"But I'm doing my best," Eddy mumbled, fiddling with the sleeve of his hoodie. Brett hated seeing him so small and vulnerable, and his instinct was to joke and make him snile again. He knew that wouldn't get the truth out in the open, though.

"I know you are, Eddy, but I want to help you," Brett tried, but was interrupted by a heavy sigh and Eddy rubbing his eyes.

"I don't think there's anything you can do, Brett. Don't worry, I'll get this sorted out," Eddy said, adding a smile to assure him. "It's just about pulling myself together."

Brett nodded, feeling bad even though he was just told there was nothing he could do. It felt wrong to just sit and watch him struggle on his own.

"Let me know if there's anything I can do after all, then. You know I'd do that for you," Brett said, taking a sip of his now lukewarm coffee. "Anything."

Eddy just snorted before pulling his hair away from his face and standing up to go to refill his coffee. Brett got a confused look, but Eddy explained before he could ask.

"You don't mean that, Brett, and I honestly don't blame you," he said, sounding all matter-of-factly. "Just try not to forget me despite having other priorities and I'll be more than happy with that."

"Are you jealous of Leonora, Eddy?" Brett asked, causing Eddy to freeze. Brett sighed, knowing he had hit the nail on the head. "Dude, she can never replace you or our, what is it now, fourteen years of friendship?"

"I know. As I said, it's just about pulling myself together," Eddy mumbled, setting the pot and his half filled cup down on the counter. "I'll just... I gotta go to the toilet."

Brett watched as his best friend avoided showing emotions in front of him or coming to him for comfort. It hurt.

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