Chapter 1

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Translated by: anameescans

The four heavenly Sects of Wulin (Martial Arts) are: Dongfang (in the East), Nangong (in the South), Ximen (in the West), and Beitang (in the North)

These are the Masters of the entire world of Wulin; where the power to overturn all lands under the heavens lay, and there is no one who does not know this truth—not one soul to whom this truth is not known.

This generation's Four Sect Masters are:-

Dongfang Xi (Eastern Sect): who is confident and unruly, distinguished and debaucherous; his only interest is to visit brothels, and has no interest in the affairs within the sect.

Nangong Yan (Southern Sect): he is mature and earnest; thorough in the handling of his work; possesses a strong sense of responsibility; and is the actual leader of all Four Sects.

Ximen Yu (Western Sect): is arrogant by nature, and an ill-tempered and despotic ruler. He always refuses to acknowledge the affairs of the sect, and makes it hard for others to know what he is thinking.

Beitang Ao (Northern Sect): a frigidly cold and arrogant loner; shrewd, reserved, and hard to decipher. He is extremely strict in his management of the sect's affairs, but although he is cold-hearted, he takes care of business efficiently.

New Year's Eve.

It was rare for all of the Sect Masters to gather at the main headquarters, The Floating Residence, except for one time of the year, that is, for the Spring Festival. But this year, there was also another grand occasion deserving of celebration. Exactly one month prior, on his way up north, the Northern Sect's Master, Beitang Ao, journeyed to the Northern encampment to patrol and demolished an armed rebellion within the sect, after which, also returning with his new fiance, Lin Yanyan.

Originally, Lin Yanyan was his younger female cousin on his mother's side. After not seeing each other for many years, they met once again in their native homeland of the north during that period. After many interactions with one another, all day and all night, it soon gave birth to friendly affections. It was not long after where Mother Lin played matchmaker for the two and had their marriage arranged.

Within these Four Sects, only Nangong Yan had been married. The other three were all still without a family of their own. Who would have thought that the youngest one amongst them—the only still twenty-two years of age—Beitang Ao, would surprisingly agree to this marriage, thus making it a truly grand and joyful occasion for the Sects of the Tianmen.

So it came to be that this New Year's Banquet will also be Beitang Ao's wedding feast. Almost two-hundred people from the Four Sects gathered together, all of them from within the higher classes, giving the affair a level of prestige which was quite grand.

This feast for the incoming year had begun at noon and had already continued into the night, yet those men who had toiled for the entirety of the previous year, seemed to possess little desire to stop.

Rather than sharing a drink with his three sworn brothers, Beitang Ao sat in the highest seat of Heavenly Sect, with Lin Yanyan taking the seat right beside him. Also, much to one's surprise, on that usually cold and arrogant face of his, a faint smile was now worn. This expression he bore made the room grow brighter, as this look was one where only his beloved was in his eyes.

Further down from them were a few banquet tables, each seating a high-level master of the Heavenly Sect, and somewhere in a corner, at one of those tables beside the reception hall, Yan Feili's face had grown pallid.

"General Yan, why aren't you having a drink?" The Eastern Sect's, Hua Xiangyan, who sat in front of him noticed that surprisingly the Northern Sect's First General, Yan Feili, was sitting all alone in an ordinary corner. Guessing that the isolated man may have wanted to avoid drinking, he made his way over with a goblet in hand, having made up his mind to punish the other with a few drinks for this act. Who knew that the closer he looked at the other man as he drew nearer, the more he became aware of Yan Feili's normally handsome face had grown pale and unsightly with fright. "General Yan, your face doesn't look too good. Are you unwell?"

Yan Feili forced a smile: "I am alright. I just drank a bit too much. General Hua need not pay me any mind. Just go have a drink with our brothers, alright!"

Even though the sickly man tried to persuade him otherwise, Hua Xiangyan could still see that Yan Feili did not appear intoxicated.

Despite Yan Feili being a renowned military leader, he conducted himself magnanimously, treated others warmly, and was rather popular within the sects. However, he was also always quite reticent, and not eye-catching at all.

"General Yan, you look uncomfortable. I'll go inform Master Beitang so you can head back early and rest, alright!" What made this most lively Hua Xiangyan say such words was actually the thin layer of sweat Yan Feili had springing from his forehead; and because the other man seemed as if he bore a tremendous amount of pain, Hua Xiangyan could not help himself from urging the pained man to get some rest.

Yet all Yan Feili could feel was his pain gradually intensifying which made it increasingly difficult for him to bear. So lifting his head to look upfront, he was met with the sight of Beitang Ao carrying a piece of cake, then smiling lightly as he placed it in Lin Yanyan's bowl. Their two pairs of eyes locked on the other's. The sight gave outsiders looking on the feeling that these two people were in a deep and everlasting love, and a true pair of peerless lovers.

—A burst of pain erupted within the ailing man's heart! Although he knew it was forbidden, he had still harboured improper thoughts towards that man. There were many times he had wished to shed these sinful feelings that should not be; but those feelings had been there for so long, they had grown deep roots within him—gnawing at him from within—so how can he possibly fix them? How can he shatter those feelings? All Yan Feili could feel inside him was the drilling pain within his heart that could not be stopped, seeming as if it wanted to kill him via a thousand cuts while he still had breath!

Ever since the New Year's feast had started that afternoon, that man—from its inception—had not spared him even a single glance. Allowing his body to suffer those thousand torments he couldn't stand, and the sight of that person's continuous display of affections towards his beloved was however simply unbearable.

Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to push down the pain. Forcing out a smile for Hua Xiangyan, saying: "My apologies for troubling General Hua like this."

Saying this, he slowly rose to his feet, though he stumbled a bit. Prompting Hua Xiangyan to immediately step forward to offer him assistance. "General Yan, are you alright? If not, I'll send you back."

"No need. I do not want to spoil General Hua's festive mood." Yan Feili stealthily supported his body under his coat, smiling bitterly as he spoke: "Looks like I really am drunk, but if I allow General Hua to escort me back home, I fear that tomorrow I will be met with our brother's ridicule. I also think it is unnecessary for the General to explain to the Sect Master, for if the Sect Master is made to believe that my drinking capacity is so low, I would really have no face left. I will just go on my own."

With those words said, he pushed aside Hua Xiangyan's aiding arm, straightened his back, then turned and slowly retreated into the shadows.

Following his departure from the lobby, he passed through a few ribbon covered corridors, and could see the servants bustling to and fro with the feast's dishes. Passing by the main courtyard of the Floating Residence, then walking through several courtyards heading north, the distant gate of the Zhuyuan (Bamboo Garden) draws ever closer.

"Ngh..." the moan he had stifled finally slipped from his lips.

Feeling his forehead drenched with sweat, Yan Feili, in a bout of pain that was impossible to bear, could not stop himself from curling over, with both of his hands wrapping around the round bump on his abdomen under his coat.



The first character of the Sect's name refers to their location, since these names are family names (and should not be translated) the contents within the brackets are just for explanatory purposes.


Tianmen: Heavenly Sect

Fuyouju: "Floating Residence"

Zhuyuan: "Bamboo Garden"

Dongmen: Eastern Sect; leader – Dongfang Xi

Nanmen: Southern Sect; leader Nangong Yan

Ximen: Western Sect; leader – Ximen Yue

Beimen: Northern Sect; leader – Beitang Ao. (fun fact: the Ao[傲] in his name means arrogant)

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