Chapter 89

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Chapter 89:

Yan Feili came to the capital city to help Liu Qi with things for the house and the racecourse, he stood in a daze on the street after coming out of the last shop and finishing his errands. 

He hadn't been to the racecourse for so many days, and he felt a little overwhelmed, so today he specially robbed Liu Qi of this errand. Before leaving, Liu Qi reminded him that he must find a doctor to see his illness, otherwise he would personally invite a doctor to go back and treat him next time.

Yan Feili stood on the street for a while, and walked slowly towards the Medicine House on South Street. He arrived in front of the medicine shop, but stopped and dawdled for a long while, just because he couldn't make progress.

Yan Feili sighed. In fact, he already knew what was wrong with his body. In the past few days, those symptoms have not retreated and became more and more obvious, and they seem to be worse than when he was pregnant with Yaori. 

Yan Feili recalled their countless sexual activities after reuniting with Beitang Ao, that person has been very cautious all the time, and there has been no mistake. But only on the first night, when the two reunited after a long absence, and he was drugged. Their passion and desire was so intense, that Beitang Ao wasn't able to hold himself, or he did not notice. It must be that time that the seeds in this belly were planted.

Yan Feili smiled bitterly. Recalling what Qiu Yeyuan said to him back then, the physique of this Moye tribe was like this, and he would get pregnant through intense emotions. He didn't know how deep is the love he felt for Beitang Ao, he was afraid he could not be able to stand it even if he just touched him, let alone their love making.

Yan Feili stood outside the Medicine House for a while, but didn't enter. In any case, it was better not to let others know about this matter. Making up his mind, he turned and left.

Walking aimlessly on the street, Yan Feili picked up something for his sister-in-law, then walked around at will, standing for a moment in front of a small department store stall, not knowing what to buy, and then seemingly strolling leisurely for a long time. Only then he slowly turned into an alley.

A figure behind him followed him into the alley, turning left and right inside, and after turning a corner, suddenly there was no trace of Yan Feili. The man hurriedly searched around, but found nothing, and finally cursed angrily and returned without success. But he didn't know that he had changed himself from a tracker and now became the target of being tracked.

What kind of person is Yan Feili? 

He had been displaced since he was a child, lived alone in the streets and later with Liu Qi, stealing food, escaping and running most of his young life. He was a very alert person that his keen vigilance was better than ordinary people. Since the age of twelve, he has set foot in the arena and fought on the battlefield. The rich experience in the arena has become an instinct. Although he had lost a few success strengths, he was aware of the person who had just adorned him on the outside of the medicine house. This kind of effort to get rid of other people's stalking, he has been familiar with since he was a teenager.

Yan Feili initially thought that the man was just an ordinary bastard, and wanted to rob him, but later found out that he had a bit of skill and his purpose was probably not simple. Seeing that his sneaky behavior in the alley was really suspicious, he gave up his plan to subdue the bastard, instead, he changed his mind and followed him.

Yan Feili became more and more frightened!

That person was really good at light work. Tossing around in the crowd, abnormally fast. If it weren't for Yan Feili Jianghu's rich experience and clever means of escape, he would definitely not be able to get rid of such a powerful character.

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