Chapter 46

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Chapter 46:

After years of fighting on the battlefield, Yan Feili has developed a habit of staying alert in a critical environment.

So even though he was exhausted, he quickly woke up.

His whole body was sore and unbearable, the joints were stiff like rheumatism.

Yan Feili supported his body with difficulty, then he heard the unusual sound of water in the creek, he walked forward and followed the distinctive sound.

The afternoon sun was radiantly shining and emitting a sparkling reflection on the clear water.

A white and slender figure, volleyed out of the water, did a graceful backflip, drew a beautiful arc in the air and dove back like a carp hitting the water.

Yan Feili subconsciously stretched out his hand to block his forehead and gazed at the beautiful scenery in front of him obsessively. For a while, he couldn't help but be puzzled, thinking that he had inadvertently broken into an enchanted land where a fairy was playing.

The person who fell into the water lurked for a while, then came up again, and his dark and soft long hair flung into the air, bringing out a string of shiny silver drops.

"Feili, you are awake."

That person's smile, which could compete with the bright moon in the sky, became more and more gorgeous under the sunshine.

Yan Feili looked at Beitang Ao's upper body exposed on the surface of the water. The lines were cold and graceful, full of strength and vigor, and the unhealed whip marks on it also gave him a wild shock.

Yan Feili clutched his robe tightly, and his throat suddenly felt a bit dry.

"Feili, catch!" Bei Tang Ao suddenly raised his hand, and a fat fish was tossed at Yan Feili.

Yan Feili was unprepared and hurried to catch it up, but the scales of the fish were very slippery, it fell from his hand and he immediately patted on the ground to catch the squirming fish.

Yan Feili had just woken up, and his body was still a little stiff so he clumsily groped on the ground for the fish.

"Hahaha..." Looking at Yan Feili's clumsy appearance, the hearty laughter overflowed from Beitang Ao's mouth, revealing an unprecedented briskness.

Yan Feili glared at him with a slight annoyance, but unexpectedly saw his rare smile, and he couldn't help being stunned for a while.

Beitang Ao slowly walked ashore with another fat fish in his hand. He saw Yan Feili, who had been staring at him in a daze, suddenly turned his head, and there was a clear blush at the base of his ears.

This man is already old, has made love with himself so many times, and even gave birth to his child, but still has an amazing simplicity.

Beitang Ao threw the fish to the ground with a smile, and did not shy away from his naked body being exposed to the hot sunlight.

"Feili, are you feeling better?"

"Um! Good, much better, thank you for your concern."

Hearing the rustle of dressing behind him, Yan Feili didn't dare to turn his head, but stubbornly held down the two big fat fish on the ground.

"If you are fine, do me a favor."

"What is it?" Yan Feili looked back subconsciously, and saw Beitang Ao standing behind him, wearing only a pair of pants.

"Please put medicine on this Seat."

Beitang Ao threw him a bottle containing the wound medicine Ximen Yue left for them.

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