Chapter 13

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Translated by: anameescans

It was already afternoon when Beitang Ao had returned. After Lin Yanyan had completed the offering of incense at the temple, she wished to go pay her relatives in the city a visit. Beitang Ao had no interest in dropping by to bestow them with his best wishes for the new year, and Lin Yanyan did not dare to force him, thus she made that trip on her own.

Beitang Ao rode his most favoured steed, Moxue [Inksnow], back to Fuyouju. Upon the sight of snowflakes descending from the sky yet again, he was prompted to recall that person who was left kneeling within his Shenmei Courtyard—the melancholic frame of mind which now overtook him, rather difficult to dispel.

In any event, the matter regarding that child, absolutely, cannot be changed. Him keeping that pregnancy of his hidden for so long, was already an unforgivable offence! And now, he even wants that child to be returned—absolutely not!

Beitang Ao did not return to his courtyard immediately, instead choosing to personally lead his horse into its stable, and comb his mount clean of the fallen snowflakes upon its body.

Silently, a singular shadowed form flitted towards Beitang Ao's back, whispering: "Sect Master, it has been taken care of!" Nodding lightly, Beitang said nary a word, not even turning back his head, as he simply continued to brush his beloved horse's mane. Then, just as swiftly as that figure had appeared without a trace, in a flash, it was gone; without even a shadow left behind. The entire scene happened in an instant. Where anyone who had happened to catch sight of it, would be led to believe their eyes had been tricked; that they had been seeing phantoms all along.

Having returned to his residence, Beitang had deliberately avoided the front courtyard, passing through the rear of the stable to head back. He knew Yan Feili would still be kneeling in the front yard, and to his own astonishment, seeing that man made him troubled! Yes, troubled! Beitang Ao, despite his face looking as calm as it ever has on the surface, was actually distraught on the inside.

This was something, in all of his twenty-two years, he had never experienced. Following his departure from the headquarters for the past six months, he had intentionally cast all the memories from that day from his mind. But, the more he tried to forget them, the more vividly he would remember. Despite his frenzied state of mind at that time, the pleasurable sensation he had felt while penetrating Yan Feili's body, was deeply carved within his mind.

The tautness and temperature of that place belonging to that man, was different from that of a woman's. So that when he had visited the mansion belonging to the high-official of Mingguo's capital, before all of those beautiful women sent by that official, much to his surprise, he had no sexual desire towards them at all.

Beitang Ao liked women, especially the ones who were beautiful. But a lecherous man he was not, nor was he one addicted to carnal desires. In his eyes, he simply believed women were a mere tool to further ones ancestral line. Even his own fiance, Lin Yanyan, was no exception. It was only her noble status, ingenuity and cleverness which had allowed her to become his wife in the days to come, and nothing more.

After returning to the headquarters, in the wake of his six-month absence, Beitang Ao was in high spirits. With a beautiful woman at his side, he paid no attention towards Yan Feili. On that night prior to the new year, after Lin Yanyan had gotten drunk, he took her back home, and had intended to return to the feast in hopes of sharing a drink or two with his brothers. But when he passed by Yan Feili's Bamboo Courtyard, his heart suddenly throbbed, at the recollection of the Eastern Sect's, Hua Xiangyan, informing him of Yan Feili's health not being well earlier that evening and his early retirement from the festivities.

Previously, Yan Feili's health was quite good, so why would he suddenly be unwell? Beitang Ao mused for a moment. Still deeply concerned for Yan Feili, he soon made his way to the Bamboo Courtyard. But who could have foreseen that upon entering the man's bedroom, he would be greeted by the sound of moans. Only to then be graced by the sight of Yan Feili lying on his bed, both legs spread wide, while being restrained by Hua Xiangyan and Qiu Yeyuan.

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