Chapter 106

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Chapter 106.  Extra:  Christmas Gifts

As the end of the year was approaching, there were also unusually many people hurriedly returning home for the New Year. On the northern official road, some horses or vehicles appeared from time to time, temporarily prospering the business of this inn. However, this day is already the twenty-ninth, and tomorrow is the 30th of the New Year, and the public roads that had been busy for a while were finally silent again.

The helper of the inn was cleaning the hall. According to previous years' experience, there shouldn't be any guests anymore by this evening. Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the sound of horses hooves coming from the distance. His ears, who had already been so perfect for listening to upcoming customers, perked, he quickly put down the broom in his hand and greeted the people coming.

Seeing the two horses gradually coming forward, they stopped at the entrance of the inn as they wished.

The inn helper had never seen such a handsome horse.

The head was tall and strong, all black, like ink, but the four hooves were as white as silver and there was a white mark on the forehead of the horse's head.

With many years of experience in leading horses, even the idiots of the shop would also know that this was a rare thoroughbred. Based on years of experience in driving such thoroughbreds, the helper in the shop had determined that the owner who could ride it was also a character not to be underestimated.

Thinking of this, the helper hurriedly raised his most professional, most pleasing, and most 'sincere' smile, and said: "Does the guest officer want accommodation or..."

The words of proficiency and fluency came to an abrupt end. For the first time in his life, the helper almost smashed the sign of his best model inn. It was because the person who stepped down immediately shocked him.

The man was dressed in a white brocade robe, his body was covered with luxurious and rare white fur. Most of his face was hidden in the soft and gorgeous fur, and only a pair of slender eyes were revealed.

The helper had been working in the inn for so many years, and he had never seen any kind of person like this. What made him stunned at this time was not the cold face of the person in front of him, but his chilling temperament. Obviously it was double Qiushui's bright eyes, but when he glanced at him, he let out an icy chill, which instantly froze half of his words.

The winter had obediently come to his doorstep! This is definitely not a master to mess with!

The helper was stunned for a moment, and he immediately made a judgment.

"Xiao Er, we want accommodation."

A gentle and deep voice sounded, and the coldness immediately disappeared without a trace.

The inn helper quickly turned around and saw the other guest riding a maroon horse. This guest was about forty years old, dressed in a big black fur, very handsome and with a gentle smile, which makes people feel good at first sight. The faint whiteness on the temples and the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes also made him feel trustworthy.

"Yes, yes, please welcome, distinguished guest officers." The helper immediately took out his professional qualities and put on the frozen smile immediately.

Leading the two horses to the backyard and handing them over to the stable helper to take care of, the helper returned to the front hall to greet the guests. Just now, the innkeeper, who had no idea where to count the money, also popped up and greeted them diligently.

Both guests have taken off their furs, and the cold guest in white just threw it on the stool beside him, and the long white robe on his body hung to the ground.

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