Chapter 7

470 31 6

Translated by: anameescans

Yan Feili woke up with a start, after feeling the child being taken from the pillow beside him and hearing the faint sounds of muffled cries.

"Who's there? Let the child go!" Yan Feili swiftly caught the hand of that person who had already turned their back to leave. Never suspecting that same figure could easily deflect his own martial art skill with a simple flick of their hand.

Though it was dark, that figure could still be seen clearly, as that man was draped in white—encompassing a cold elegance akin to the winter snow—was in fact his own Northern Sect's Master, the man known as Beitang Ao.

"Sect Master?!" Yan Feili cried out.

However with only a cold snort, Beitang Ao just turned back around.

"Sect Master!" Yan Feili, not daring to reach out in an attempt to fight that man since he knew he stood no chance, stumbled back onto his bed, then fell onto his knees. "Sect Master, where do you intend to take that child?"

"This child cannot stay here, so I must take him away."

"Take him away?" Yan Feili stated in shock.

"Where will you be taking him?"

"That is none of your concern!"

"Sect Master, I beg of you. Do not take this child away, allow him to stay here with me..."


"Sect Master! You clearly know this child is..."

"Shut up!" Beitang Ao shouted harshly at the suggestion, his face quickly becoming livid.

"This child will not stay here! Nor will he be allowed to remain at your side! This child... his existence, was never supposed to be!"

"NO!" Yan Feili's heart trembled. "Sect Master, please don't—I'm begging you! This mistake, it was mine, the fault is all my own! So if you want to punish someone—punish me! I beg you... please let that child go!" An endless stream of cries now left that little one; their wails further seizing Yan Feili's heart only to shatter the ailing organ to pieces.

Beitang Ao thought back the time where the unforeseen mishap had occurred, when he originally held the belief no traces would be left behind after enough time had passed as well as his intention to treat the entire matter as something which never happened. Never once thinking that Yan Feili, a large man in his own right, would actually get impregnated as a result, and furthermore go on to give birth.

If others caught wind of this matter—that he, the leader of the Northern Sect for this current generation, had relations with another man who in turn had also begotten his child—it would become a great joke throughout the Tianmen. So this was not only simple about his own disgrace, it would also cause the entire house of Beitang great shame.

"I said no! You cannot blame me for this Feili. No matter what happens, I cannot leave this child here!" these callous words were stated by Beitang Ao.

"No, you can't! Please, Sect Master... I'm begging you!" With nothing but heartbreak within him, Yan Feili repeatedly, ceaselessly, kowtowed towards Beitang; pleading for the man to allow the child to remain by his own side. "This lowly one will never let other know of this matter. This lowly one will leave and take that child with him, and will never again allow him to appear before your eyes. No one will ever find out who fathered this child—this lowly one will never tell one soul! So please, I beg of you, please let him go! I beg of you, please let him stay with me..."

No one will know? Beitang Ao sneered internally. The plum blossom birthmark residing on this child's chest is the best proof of his identity there is! If this issue is not dealt with immediately, when the time comes where this child comes of age, and the inherited power which can only be possessed by the eldest son of the Beitang clan has gradually manifested itself, it's obvious all will know to whom this child belongs. Therefore, I—with all certainty, can not leave this at Yan Feili's side.

"Move!" Tossing Yan Feili aside, Beitang Ao hardened his heart and moved to leave with the babe still in his arms.

No! Yan Feili, in a moment of desperation, knowing full well he was no match for that man, still raised his left palm to hack at Beitang's left shoulder, then used his right hand to expertly capture his child.

"How courageous of you! You actually dare to lift a hand against me!" Beitang Ao was now indignant. As, for his entire life, what he hated the most was when others had disobeyed him.

His undoing of Yan Feili's offensive maneuver was prompt, then moving to strike the other in his chest. Seeing not long had passed since the other man had given birth, Beitang Ao had only used a fifth of his strength in his blow. But, despite that, Yan Feili's chest was still obstructed; so forcing himself to bear with it he nonetheless persisted, attacking the man again, having no intention to give up on reclaiming his child.

Sadly, let alone his state still being in one of recovery from childbirth, even when his body was at its peak he was no match for Beitang Ao, much less now! So within that darkened room, these two men fought. Until a rattled Yan Feili, who was hit on his acupoints by Beitang Ao, was tossed onto his bed.

"Yan Feili, for all your offences against a superior today, I will let them pass! But I warn you, from this day onward, it would be best for you to forget this child's existence and never on you life mention it again!" One those clod words were delivered, Beitang Ao took that incessantly wailing child and left.

No! Due to his acupoints being struck, even though he wished dearly to leave that bed, he could not even speak! Thus, could only watch his Sect Master carry the babe out the door. A stab of pain slicing within his heart, it appeared the strike he had received knocked all the air from his chest, causing his throat to fill with a metallic sweetness then a gagging noise to sound; a mouthful of blood soon escaping, only darkness was left before his eyes as he then soon fainted.

Once more he awoke in a daze, this time with two days having passed, to face Qiu Yeyuan who looked at him worriedly from the bedside.

"General Yan, are you awake?" Qiu Yeyuan did not know martial arts, and on the night of the incident his sleeping acupoint was hit by Beitang Ao immediately after he entered the house, so he had no idea what had went on.

"What happened? Why don't I see the child?" Yan Feili suddenly sat upright at his inquiries, but was hit by burst of lightheadedness following this act.

"General Yan!" Qiu Yeyuan quickly supported him. "You've suffered internal injuries and your body has not yet recovered, so right now—you must rest!" No, he cannot! He wants to go find his child!

Hearing not one of the words spoken by Qiu Yeyuan, and at the recollection of the night before happenings, he pushed away from the doctor's supporting arms, staggering to his feet before rushing out the house, while not even wearing an outer robe.

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