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Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, I just started my ATLA/LOK oneshots after like three months of saying I would. Also, this ones kinda long.

"Did you forget, Azula? I know how to deal with your lightning," Zuko shot. Sokka took a step back, "Whoa. I think I might be scared of you again." "Misu and Rafa have nothing to do with your mother! How could you even think-" "But that's exactly what she wants you to believe! Zuzu, how could you be so naive?!" Zuko's expression softened, "You're right. I have been naive. Take her down," he said, turning to Katara and Sokka. Katara picked up the water from her pouch, Sokka raising his boomerang. "Gladly!" Katara smiled. "It's about time!" "What are you doing? Azula doesn't want to hurt you! Her mind is-" "She's tried to hurt us!" Zuko shot, interrupting me. "She's still your sister! You don't understand!" I shouted, raising the entire pond behind me, using the technique during the invasion.

Katara's eyes widened, "Maybe we shouldn't-" Misu stepped in between us, before we started a war, "No, don't do this! The Avatar is trying to bring the spirit here! You mustn't cause such a disturbance!" Katara froze Azula's foot to the ground, as she tried to attack Sokka. Everyone was throwing flames, water, and boomerangs left and right, ignoring Misu. "Alright, that's it!!! Stop bending! I said STOP BENDING!! Don't make me bloodbend you!" At that, everyone dropped their weapons, truly scared. "Alright, now shut up! I sense a spirit!" I ordered. "She's right. Stop," said Aang, surprising us all. "Gah!" "Aang, you're back!" "Whew! It's just you, Aang! This forest is so creepy, I half-expected another creepy-face!" Aang casually gestured toward the pool, "You mean like those?"

A bunch of faces appeared in the pool. "Gah!" Sokka exclaimed. There was something special about them. A towering spirit appeared. "I am the Mother of Faces. Through me, separateness came into the world. Through me, came identity. The many one became the many. I walk through my forest once a season, but never have I strayed from the path my wolf chooses for me. I do so now in deference to the Avatar and Protecter, the great bridges between the spirits and the humans. I am a generous spirit, softhearted and kind," she spoke, even though she kinda scared me. "Maybe she knows where my mother is," said Zuko.

"Spirits know a lot of things. You should definitely ask," Aang encouraged. "Each season, I grant one favor to one human. You may make your request now." Oh. My face fell as I turned to Zuko and Misu. Aang also seemed kinda upset, "Wait. Just one?" "One. Humans like you often chase after me, begging for new identities. Have you come to do the same?" "Girl, look. Your a super powerful face, identity, whatever spirit aren't you? So shouldn't you have the power to grant two wishes? I thought you were generous," I chided. Everyone tensed, staring at me as if I had just disrespected Appa. "I see Sorla has rubbed off on you." "Nah, that's just me," I shrugged. "Well, do not test my generosity, young Protecter. One."

"They've waited for so long. If there's only one, it should be theirs," Zuko decided. Aang set a hand on his shoulder,
"I'm sorry, Zuko. We'll keep looking for Ursa on our own after this." Zuko gestured forward, "Go ahead, Misu." "Thank you, thank you!" As Misu approached the Mother of Faces, Azula suddenly broke through the ice, holding her down. "Ridiculous!" "M-Mother of Faces, on behalf of my b-brother, I ask-" Azula managed to get past me and Zuko, pushing Misu aside. "You're such a constant disappointment, Zuko! Even when you're strong, you're weak!" She stormed up to the spirit, ignoring Misu. "We seek a princess of the Fire Nation named Ursa! Tell me where to find her!" "No!" Misu shouted.

"Ursa. I remember her. I could not understand why a human of such beauty would ask for a new face. To test her sincerity, I offered her one as plain as can be," the Mother of Faces answered, lifting the face of Zuko's mom on a hand. The misty face turned into Noriko's. "She accepted." "That's Noriko!Azula, our mother is-" Zuko paused, whirling around, and not seeing Azula. "She's gone!" Zuko sprinted towards the way Azula took. "I know exactly where she's going-back to Hira'a, back to Noren's house!" Misu called after Zuko and me, "Wait! You're trying to get back to the Fire Nation town just outside the forest?" I nodded. "There's a shortcut this way."

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