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We were all out and about in the Fire Nation. Katara went to get something for me and Aang. Sokka and Toph were just walking around, I guess. "Hey! Have I seen you before." Said a voice behind me. I turned around, keeping my fan as close to my face as possible. Zuko was standing there, brow furrowed, trying to peek over my fan. "Huh? No, no! I don't think so! I just moved here yesterday from the colonies." I said, using the most heavy earth kingdom accent I could. "Oh. I'm...Kwan. You just reminded me of an...old friend." He said the last word like it hurt him to say it. "Oh. Okay." Zuko examined my face again. "You seem, really, really familiar." He muttered, more to himself. "Well, thanks? I don't how they look so..."

"They're the most prettiest person I know. So I would take that as a compliment." Zuko smiled. I hid my smile behind my fan. A couple Fire Nation soldiers came out an alleyway. "The Prince needs to stop sneaking out! We'll get in trouble with the Fire Lord." One of them said to the other. Oh. So he snuck out. Like we used to. Those were some fun times. "Umm..anyways, gotta run!" Zuko said to me before heading off.


Aang is stupid. My brother is stupid. "You're stupid." Aang huffed, sitting down. "Least I went to school. You were asleep for half of your life, and didn't even finish your education." He said, plopping himself down on the ground. "Well, yeah, you see, I had better things to do. Like saving the world!!" I retorted. "Okay, okay, you two separate!" Katara ordered. "Leave 'em be. 'Least until they try to murder each other." Sokka chimed in, leaning back on his arms. "I got this." Toph muttered bending a rock wall between us. "Hey! I'm talking to him!" A grin curled on Toph's face. "Why don't you bend it down? Oh wait, you can't." She teased. "YOU WANNA GO MS. EARTHBENDER!?" I yelled. Sokka covered my mouth with his hand. "Shhh..your being too loud. We don't want Fire Nation soldiers to find us!"

I gave him an unamused look. "We're literally like a hundred miles away." I murmured. "Yes but, anything here could be a spy. Like those cave hoppers!" He screamed, pointing to some cave hoppers. "That's not the point though! I'm the Protecter and my job is to protect you guys. Especially Aang since he seems to get himself stuck in weird situations all the time. And if you keep going out into the Fire Nation like that then someone'll figure out who you are!" I scolded, turning back to Aang. "He'll be fine. Twinkle toes is quite the fighter." I turned to Toph. "Are you defending him!?" I screeched. "Well...I guess I am. Never mind then, you're a horrible fighter and need to stay inside and be taken care of twenty-four seven."

"There we go! Though, I can't really tell if your being for real or if your being sarcastic." I said, muttering the last part. Aang sighed. "Y'know what? Those kids need to learn about freedom! I'm gonna throw them a secret party!" I paused. "Have you learned NOTHING!!" Aang shrugged. "They need to learn to let loose."


We ended up having a party anyways. If they get caught then I'll get the biggest 'I told you so' moment. I spent most of the party time in the back where Appa was hidden, playing with him, and sipping on a cup of dragon berry juice. "'s life?" (Inspired by my conversations with my relatives). Appa groaned. "Same. No one ever listens to me, y'know?" Appa groaned again. "Bruh, I know right? They really think that Fire Nation kids are gonna let loose?" Appa grumbled, settling down. I gasped. "Language, Appa, language." I scolded. Appa made a noise, much like a scoff. "Listen to me, young man! There will be no swearing in this household! Well...cavehold." Toph joined me after a while, finding no interest in the party as well.

"It's just a bunch of kids dancing. What's the point?" She scoffed. "I know right." Toph started talking about her parents and the time we first met. "I could notice you trying to strangle him. It was honestly amusing." I giggled, setting my cup down. "What are your parents like?" She wondered, tilting her head against the rock she was leaning against. " mom is ran away or something after giving me to her friend, Kya. She's Katara and Sokka's mom. And my dad, he's evil. I guess." Toph chuckled. "It's funny how we all have parent problems. Mine are controlling, yours are absent, Kataras and Sokka's moms dead. And Aang doesn't even know his parents." I chuckled. "Yeah. Katara does always talk about her mom though." Toph laughed. "I know right! This one time she and this girl were having a fight and the girl said something about her mom. Katara was mortified. I think she gave her frostbite." Me and Toph fell into a state laughter. I wiped a tear, picking my cup of dragon berry juice up again, and calming myself as the laughter was getting too loud. "We're horrible friends for laughing at that." I said, lifting my glass to take a sip.

"We're a horrible everything, hun." Toph stated simply. "True, true..but still. I feel kinda bad." Toph shrugged. "Yeah. are you and Zuko?" I spit out my dragon berry juice. "...uh- yeah- w-we broke up." I muttered. "Oh.." Sokka walked in after who knows how long. "Some soldiers raided the place. We're gonna have to run." He said urgently. "I told you so!" It felt so good to be right. "Okay, we don't have time for that!" Oh. So when I'm wrong you have all the time in the world, but when you're wrong, we gotta go. I 'hmmph'd like a child, crossing my arms, but getting onto Appa at the same time. "I call the reins!" I said, claiming my spot. "Fine.." Aang huffed.


The town we stopped at is sad. The food there is disgusting and the people there seem really sick. We're gonna have to fix that. Their river was also really polluted. I felt really bad for these people. "Maybe we should help these people." I whispered to Sokka. "Yeah, Y/N's right. They seem really upset." Katara chimed in. Sokka shook his head, "No guys, we're on a tight schedule, sorry." I shared a look with Katara before turning back to the polluted river. I stretched out a hand, trying to bend it. Some it rose up. Ok, so it's not completely garbage. Maybe we can fix it. I don't know how but we have a chance.

The sun had set, turning the sky into a deep blue. I felt a lot of spiritual energy around the place. You're right. Sorla? No. The Painted Lady. Oh, and me. I'm the River Spirit. Oh. Nice to meet you guys. Nice to meet you too. I didn't hear anything else from the two after. I got up, not being able to sleep. Katara was also up. "Hey.." she smiled. "Wassup." I mumbled, joining her beside her sleeping bag. "Do you want to come with me to help the village?" She offered. "What? No, I mean, yes, of course, but how?" Katara smiled. "I got these purple berries. We can feed them to Appa, and act like he's sick. Then we can help more. And us two can use our waterbending to give the villagers some food and clean water." Wow. This girls good at planning ahead. "Sure! But what if someone wakes up?"

"Disguises." Katara smiled, titling her head. "Maybe we can dress up as some spirits here. Can you sense any?" I nodded. "Yeah. The Painted Lady and River Spirit. Give me a couple of minutes and I'll whip up some outfits." I ended up getting Katara a purple robe and straw hat with a veil and got myself a dark blue robe, same hat. Nice. Let's go help people.

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