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The Gaang finally arrived. Took them long enough. "So where were you guys?" I asked, sipping on more of the horrible healing tea Iroh had sent. I normally loved his tea, but this one was built different. I didn't like it. "We were in the Earth kingdom. We also met Toph's dad, and he said he didn't recognize her at-" Sokka fell into a rant telling me about everything they did. "WHAT!? Bruh, I missed out on so much," I grumbled. Sokka laughed, patting my shoulder. "As if Zuko would even let you get on Appa." "He's gonna have to soon. Aang's taking me to onion banana soup guy or whatever his name is to help me get rid of this lightning problem and finally get control over the Protecter State."

"His name's Guru Pathik, and we can leave tomorrow if you want!" Aang smiled, setting down some hay for Appa to eat. "Tomorrow? I can finally leave this ship?" "Why would you want to leave? It's great here. Nothing but the ocean," Katara sighed, dreamily, walking by. "I'm bored of the ocean. I've been looking at it for like three months. I wanna leave." "Great! We'll leave two days later then!" I made a face of excitement. "But we'll have to ask Zuko first, though." My face fell.


"What?!" Zuko exclaimed, choking on his tea. I nodded. Zuko coughed, hand on chest, before staring at me, shocked. "She has to get rid of the lightning if she wants to go into the Protecter State," Aang said. Me and him had hunted down Zuko, ok well, we just looked for him in ship's downstairs, and found him in one of the scroll rooms. Zuko sighed, reluctantly, "Fine. But make sure she's safe. Oh, and she doesn't eat if she gets demotivated, so make sure she eats. Also, tell her to go to sleep, she has to get at least eight hours of sleep or else she'll be all cranky...ummm, what else...oh yeah, make sure she's doing okay, she doesn't like to talk about her feelings a lot. If she cries-" "God, it's not gonna be that bad! We'll be back in like two days. And why would I cry?"

"Trust me, its hard. I almost cried. But then Katara was in trouble and all that but still, I felt horrible. Like I was a failure and-" I slapped a hand over Aang's mouth before he convinced Zuko to not let me go. Zuko sighed, "Fine. I'll send Suki and Ty Lee over-" "Zuko, we're the Avatar and Protecter."


"How are you, Y/N?" Asked onion banana soup guy. "How do you know my name?" Aang elbowed me. "What? 'Was just asking." "Introduce yourself properly," Aang ordered. "Geez, okay. Hey, wassup, I'm Y/N, you probably already knew since you called me that. Oh, and I'm the Protecter. You probably know that too." "That's your definition of a proper introduction?" Aang asked. I nodded, solemnly, humming a 'yes'. Me and Aang had flew over to the Northern Air Temple on Appa, and found Guru Pathik. He was hard to find since he liked living alone and what not. "Great! Come'n let's go to the creek," smiled Guru Pathik.

Aang left us, knowing he'd be bored and Guru Pathik was now telling me about the first chakra inside a cave beneath a waterfall, where mist covered us as we settled ourselves on the slippery rocks. "Your journey is gonna be different from Aang's. After all, your the Protecter. Not the Avatar. Each spirit is different, therefore they have different ways of growing. Chakras are pools of spiraling energy in you body. There are things that block them. If you open them, you'll have control over the Protecter State. There are seven chakras that go up the body. Each pool of energy has a purpose, and can be blocked by a specific kind of emotional muck. Be warned, opening the chakras is an intense experience, and once you begin the process, you cannot stop until all seven are open. Are you ready?"

Pathik stared at me for an answer. I shrugged, "Yeah."
Pathik continued, "I understand you have lightning in you, but that will be gone once you deal with the first two chakras. First we will open the Earth Chakra, located at the base of the spine. It deals with survival, and is blocked by fear. What are you most afraid of? Let your fears become clear to you." I closed my eyes, trying to find a fear. "I don't know." Pathik smiled softly. "I knew it. Being the Protecter, you shouldn't be afraid of anything. But being Protecter does not define you. You have many fears. Try to think of all the times you were afraid. And tie them together. Find what's common in them." I closed my eyes again. What was I scared of? What am I scared of?

A vision of Aang being shocked by lightning passed my mind. Another one, this time of Zuko falling off the edge of the temple did. I opened my eyes, breathing quick and eyes wide with fear. "Y/N, your vision is not real. You are concerned for your loved ones getting hurt, but you must surrender those fears. Let your fears flow down the creek," Guru Pathik said. I took a deep breath, clearing the visions. "You have opened your Earth Chakra!" I sighed in relief, wiping a bead of sweat from my brow. This is hard.

"Next is the Water Chakra. This chakra deals with pleasure and is blocked by guilt. Now, look at all the guilt with burdens you so. What do you blame yourself for?" "I hurt people. I left Zuko, I left Azula-" "Those situations weren't your fault. But if you think so, then you must forgive yourself for them. Both the royal siblings found comfort with you. Something they never had. You blamed yourself for Zuko's scar. All of his pain. You blame yourself for Azula's pain as well. Forgive yourself for it. Accept the reality that these things happened, but do not let them cloud and poison your energy. If you are to be a positive influence on the world, you need to forgive yourself."

I took a deep breath. Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself. "You never loved me!" "AHH!" I clutched my head, tears welling in my eyes. "Now here's the hard part. The lightning in your body is stopping you from forgiving yourself. Voices of Azula make you feel guilty. But you did all you could. Forgive yourself, Y/N. Don't let the past define you. This life is meant to forgive." I focused on my breathing. It's fine. I loved her. Not the same way I love Zuko, but I loved her. I did all I could. It happened for a reason. Forgive yourself. "You always loved him!" Forgive yourself. "No one cares!" Forgive yourself. Bright flashes of blue light filled the cave, glinting off the water. I felt a sudden surge of energy leaving me. "Congratulations. You got the lightning out. And, you've unlocked your Water Chakra," smiled Pathik.

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