BONUS- Chapter Two

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Zuko had thrown a ball. That's all you really need to know. I fixed my dress, straightening it out, while Katara did my hair, putting it into a bun. "There, all done," she smiled. "What is the point of this ball anyways?" Toph sighed, throwing herself onto my bed. "Because. Think about the public's image of us. After all that happened, we need to open up a bit more," I answered, adjusting my betrothal necklace. "Whatever," Toph sighed. "How are your students doing?" Katara asked. "The lily- I mean, my students are doing great! They're becoming really good, and I've got many more students now."

"This reminds me of the Ba Sing Se ball," I giggled, sitting down on my bed, beside Toph, who was lying on her back, staring at the ceiling. "It sure does!" Katara exclaimed. "Girls, you ready?" My mom called, opening the door. "Yeah," I mumbled, getting up. "Yes, Miss L/N," Katara bowed. "Yep," Toph said.

The next bonus chapter will be the ball, also I'm so sorry for not posting for so long, I've had a couple of exams and stuff. Bye, love you!

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