The Last Agni Kai

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Btw, this book will continue into the comics

I opened one of the scrolls that Iroh had given me while the water rushed past us. 'The next Avatar is much like the past Protecter. Whatever the most traumatic experience was for the previous Protecter, the next Avatar will have to deal with it as well.' So I guess the next Avatar is gonna be forced into the Avatar State. Alright, cool. Iroh had told me not to tell any one else about these scrolls, as well as my visions, which even Sorla and Kyoshi had told me about. Zuko's hand was tightly gripping mine. In fact, it hadn't left mine since we took off. "Are you okay?" I asked. Zuko nodded, leaning back as I rolled up the scrolls with my free hand since Zuko refused to let go of it.

"You haven't let go of my hand since we left," I noted. Zuko didn't say anything. I cuddled into his side, pressing a kiss to his lips. "You'll be fine. Your gonna be a great Fire Lord." "I hope so," Zuko sighed. "Trust me,"I smiled, giving his hand a comforting squeeze. "I don't want you to be in the courtyard," Zuko decided. "What? Why not?" "I have a bad feeling about it," Zuko admitted. I placed a hand on his cheek, turning his face towards me. "I'll be fine." "I know you will, but I-I don't know I...I just don't like it." "Iroh said your gonna need help, so I'm coming wether you like it or not."

Appa grumbled, signaling that we had neared the Palace. "Here goes nothing." The Fire Sages we're just about crown Azula. Her bangs were cut, very badly, and there was a different type of glint in her eyes. Appa landed as the Fire Sages paused. Me and Zuko jumped off of Appa. "Sorry, but you're not gonna become Fire Lord today. I am." Azula laughed, "You're hilarious." "Your insane," I muttered. "Wait. You want to be Fire Lord? Fine. Let's settle this. Just you and me, brother. The showdown that was always meant to be. Agni Kai!" Azula announced. "You're on." I stared at Zuko, "What are you doing? She's playing you. She knows she can't take us both, so she's trying to separate us."

"I know. But I can take her this time," Zuko said. "But didn't Iroh say you'd need help?" "There's something off about her I can't explain it but she's slipping. And this way, no one else has to get hurt," Zuko explained. "Okay. If you think so," I sighed, letting go of his hand. There was something off in Azula's energy, I don't know what, but there was something. Azula smirked, "I'm sorry it has to end this way, brother." "No you're not," Zuko spat, getting into his stance. I backed away, as Azula advanced, blasting a blue flame at Zuko. He blew it away, using an airbending move which I recognized instantly. A wall of blue fire collided with an orange. I bet you could see it from the outside of the capital.

Everything was becoming all firey firey, with blasts and huge flames everywhere. Zuko managed to land a pretty good hit on Azula and she hesitated for a second with surprise. Her surprised expression turned agitated. She advanced, blasting flame after flame, Zuko dodging them all. "No lightning today? What's the matter? Afraid I'll redirect it?" Taunted Zuko. "Oh, I'll show you lightning!" Azula exclaimed, lightning starting to prickle her fingers, her stance odd and not precise. The lightning got bigger and bigger before Azula aimed it. Not at Zuko, though. At me. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, light flashing my eyes. Zuko jumped in front of me, blocking the lightning before it could reach me.

"ZUKO!!" I yelled, rushing towards him. His robes had come undone from the strike, exposing the wound on his stomach, matching the one still on my back. Azula didn't let me reach him, blasting a flame in my direction. I absorbed it, trying to find a source of water, since my waterbending is the strongest. Another flame was blasted at me. I blew it away with air, trying to get to Zuko. "I'd really rather our family physician look after Little Zuzu if you don't mind," Azula shot. She aimed more lightning at me which I redirected. More and more blasts kept coming, making it overwhelming. I couldn't focus, I couldn't think. When I tried to I'd be shot with lightning or fire. A wall of fire was advancing towards me. I tumbled out of the way, behind a column, breath fast and uneven. This was the first time I was truly scared of someone.

My eyes landed on a drain, water rushing beneath it. A lot of water, in fact. I looked up feeling Azula's presence. Some chains caught my eyes. "There you are, you traitor," Azula shot. A blast of fire was shot at me, which I backed away from, grabbing the chains and stumbling onto the drain. Azula advanced, her fingers, prickling with lightning, almost touching my nose. I lifted the water, freezing us. I melted the water around me, securing the chains around Azula's arms. I unfreezes the rest of the water, dropping it back into the ground. I tightened the chains once again before rushing to heal Zuko. The water glowed, Zuko giving me a weak smile, "Thank you." I glared at him, "Shut up."

Zuko sat up, the pain having lessened enough. Azula was crying, fire blasting from her mouth. Tears streamed down her face and I actually felt bad for her. I turned to Zuko, "Zuko can I-" "No." Zuko said. "She's your sister." "She's dangerous." I sighed, turning back to her. "Please," I pleaded. Zuko thought about it for a second. "Fine. But I'm staying right behind you." I picked up a blanket, lying on the side, draping it around her shoulders. "I'm sorry," I whispered. Azula's eyes turned to me, "No your not! You don't care! No one cares! Not even my mother, not even the people who I thought were friends." I placed a hand on her shoulder, which she threw off.

"Stop acting like you care! No one loves me! Everyone always, always, loves Zuko. Even you, and my mom!" Azula shouted, clutching her blanket closer to herself. Something rushed into me, surging my veins. Everything and everyone started to glow. Y/N! Exclaimed Sorla's voice. Sorla? It's me! I-I can talk to you? Yes, you idiot. Why did I miss you so much?Aww, you missed me? Forget I ever said that. It's good to have you back. I smiled to myself, hugging Azula. That means Aang finally unlocked the Avatar State.


"You need some help with that?" I asked a struggling Zuko. Zuko looked up from the Fire Lord robes he was trying to put on. The bandages on his stomach weren't making it easy. "I could use some," Zuko smiled. I walked over to him, pulling the clothing over his shoulder, gently. I tied the belt around his waist, being extra careful not to make it too tight. I grabbed the armor, placing it over his shoulders. "Thanks," Zuko sighed. "Shut up." Zuko laughed, while I put his hair into a bun. "You ready?" Zuko nodded, hand grabbing mine. He placed a gentle kiss to my lips, before we headed outside, where Aang was.

"I can't believe a year ago my purpose in life was hunting you down. And now..." Zuko started. "And now we're friends," Aang finished. "Yeah, we are friends." "I can't believe a year ago I was still frozen in a block of ice. The world's so different now," Aang smiled. Zuko placed a hand on Aang's shoulder, "And it's gonna be even more different... when we build it together." They hugged, before we had to go back outside. Zuko's hand was still in mine, and he wasn't showing any sign of letting go. "I don't think I'm supposed to be up there," I said. Zuko sent me a questioning look, "What?" "Up there. On the stage. I don't think I'm allowed to go there." Zuko scoffed, "who told you that?" "My common sense."

"Well your common sense is stupid. Of course your allowed. You've done just as much." We headed outside, the crowd cheering, and the sound of a gong filling the air as Zuko walked past. Zuko raised a hand silencing them, "Please. The real heroes are the Avatar and the Protecter. Today this war is finally over! I promised my uncle that I would restore the honor of the Fire Nation. And I will. The road ahead of us is challenging. A hundred years of fighting has left the world scarred and divided. But with the Avatar and Protecter's help, we can get it back on the right path and begin a new era of love and peace." Zuko knelt down, a Fire Sage approaching with the Fire Lord headpiece. He settled it into his hair, "All hail Fire Lord Zuko!"


"Zuko, stop moving! I'm trying to capture the moment. I wanted to do a painting, so we always remember the good times together," Sokka ordered. Me and Katara paused our conversation. "That's very thoughtful of you, Sokka," Katara said, walking up to the painting, "Wait, why did you give me Momo's ears?" "Those are your hair loopies!" Sokka exclaimed, indignantly. Ooooh, now I have to see the drawing. I smiled at Sorla's comment, walking up to the drawing. It was pretty bad, but I was used to it. In fact, I had many drawings like that on my ankle. "At least you don't look like a boar-q-pine! My hair is not that spiky!" Zuko shouted. I giggled, "I guess I can now earthbend." "And why did you paint me firebending?" Asked Suki. I thought it looked more exciting that way. Oh, you think you can do a better job, Momo?" Asked Sokka. "He probably can." Iroh pointed at the painting, "Hey, my belly's not that big anymore. I've really trimmed down." "Well I think you all look perfect! Toph laughed. We all joined in, much to Sokka's dismay.

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