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I blinked open my eyes, not even being able to get up. My window was cracked open. Sokka stood there in his Fire Nation disguise. "Y/N!" He rushed forward, hugging me again, this time for real. "Come'n, we gotta go!" He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I stumbled forth, into a pole. "Owww." I groaned. "Oh, so you're low low on energy. Here." He scooped me up, dropping his sword. "I'm gonna pass out." I mumbled into his Fire Nation disguise. I don't even know how he got here without being caught. "No, no, no! Don't pass out!! J-just for a little bit, 'Kay?" I hummed a 'okay.' I ended up passing out anyways.


I woke up in Sokka's lap. Katara was healing me, brow furrowed in concentration. Toph and Aang were in the corner talking about something."You're okay!" Katara exclaimed, dropping her water to bear hug me. "Well..I'm alive." I said in a questioning tone. "What happened to you? They told me that you passed out and were super low on energy." She pressed. "Hey, hey! Give her some space!" Aang urged, suddenly appearing at my side. "I'm fine." I assured before explaining to them what happened. Aang's face was unreadable, Sokka's, I couldn't see, and Katara was shocked. "I can't believe it." She mumbled. Sokka dropped his sword to side and leaned on his hand, elbow resting on his leg, hovering above me. "We're sorry."

"It wasn't your fault. Where are we?" I asked, looking around. "In a cave. Having to eat cave critters and what not." Said the unpleasant voice of Sokka. I got up from his lap, rubbing my eye. "I think I should go get a Fire Nation for myself." I murmured. "I'll go with you. We don't want you want you passing out again." Aang offered.


I kept my red harem pants, but switched out my dark blue top, for a dark red one, with golden dragon accents covering it. It reached my waist, cuffing inwards. I also found a cool water/ice bracelet for my ankle. It would be useful for fights if we don't have any water, since it's hidden by the cuff of my pants. Aang also found me a fan to hide my face, since people would recognize me instantly. Good. We were heading back, Aang telling me about the traditions of the Air Nomads. "Then, when you master it, you can get blue arrow tattoos!" He exclaimed, excitedly. "Hey, Aang? Do you think that I could get my tattoos?" I asked, tilting my head. "Yeah, of course!" Something passed through his face. "Y'know, maybe one day we can go to the Western Air Temple, and you can your tattoos there. I'm really glad that you're an airbender."

"It's nice to have someone who's interested in learning about your culture and people. Especially since no one else really can." He smiled, sadly. "But when you were away, Katara and Sokka decided that if we get out alive, and find you, then they were gonna let you be a co-chief. Y'know, after their dad. It's gonna be you, Sokka, and Katara. They've never had more then one chief, but since your not the Avatar, and don't have a birth element, 'cause you were a non bender when you were born, you belong in all three of the nations. So I don't know how that'll work out." He said, scratching his chin. "Hmm...maybe we can-" Toph launched herself towards us, "Hey! We're going down town! Nice fan, Y/N." I smiled, "Thanks. Wait how did you-"


"I used to visit my friend Kuzon here a hundred years ago. So, everyone just follow my lead and stay cool. Or as they say in the Fire Nation, stay flamin'." Aang explained. "No one says that." I whispered back, shaking my head. "Yeah, maybe we should listen to Y/N. It's been a hundred years. A lot has changed." Toph said. Too late. Aang was already walking about. "Hotman!" He said to a poor guy just trying to cut his meat. "I am so sorry." I whispered to him. His brow furrowed and his eyes followed me more closely then what would be considered normal. Oh. I'm an idiot. That was a bad move. I pulled my fan closer to my face, hiding behind it more. We stopped at a meat shop. Aang seemed disappointed. "Oh we're going to a meat place?" He muttered.

"Come'n Aang! Everyone here eats meat! Even the meat!" Sokka exclaimed, popping up behind him, pointing to a giant hippo cow. "You guys go ahead. Me and Y/N'll find another place or something." They left us, entering the shop. "I'm sorry you lost me at 'and Y/N'." I glared. Aang shrugged, "If you want to be an airbending master, then you'll have to start with being vegetarian." I grumbled under my breath. "Okay whatever. I'm gonna go that way, you go that way. Tell me if you find any restaurants that serve vegetarian food." I said, pointing to both sides. "Kay." I headed away from him. I didn't need a map since I knew these streets like the back of my hand. I noticed a lot of people looking at me, old people, mostly. Some of the oldies in the Fire Nation could tell exactly who you are, how old you are, who your soulmate is, and how many kids you're gonna have, just by eyeing the way you walk.

I don't believe in this stuff, but I think you guys'll like a little peek into their futures so I added it. I also need more ideas sooooo.

A specific old lady watched me, sipping her tea, and eyeing my every move. She pulled the tea cup away from her lips, revealing a smile. She motioned for me to come over to her. I don't think she knew who I was yet, though. I kept my fan close to my face, approaching her cautiously. "I think I have just found our future Fire Lady. May I see the face of our future ruler?" She asked gently, tilting her head. Woah, okay. Future Fire Lady? I broke up with Zuko. And we're probably not gonna get back together again. "Umm..well, you see, I-..I can't show my face 'cause-...'cause"- "It's okay. I understand if you don't want to. Would you like to know how many kids you'll have?" She offered. I paused to think for a while. I knew I shouldn't, but my curiosity is getting the best of me. They're never wrong. Well, they've never been wrong. My mother and grandmother always learned the ways of them. And they had even guessed right with my mom. They had told her that she would give birth to a powerful, brave, young woman with a very unique ability. And they were right.

I placed my palm in her hand, grip tightening over my fan. "Ahhh..I see. A beautiful young girl. A Fire bender, and future Fire Lord. Very sassy, and protective." She chuckled. The vision of the girl from the swamp passed my mind again. I had named her Izumi. Even though I didn't know how the future would turn out. " was nice to meet you. You have a great future. Hopefully I'll get to see you again, Y/N." The lady smiled. Wait, hold up. "H-how did you know?" I stuttered. The lady chuckled again. "I could tell who you were just by looking at you. I read your mom's fortune. She was pretty happy to know that her girl would be the Fire Lady one day. Even the previous Fire Lady, Ursa, knew that. I've read her palm too." Wow. I remember the way Ursa would smile whenever me and Zuko were playing hide n fire together. So she knew. So did my mom.

"Hey! There you are!" Said the voice of Katara. I turned around to see her jogging towards me. She flattered, seeing the lady. The lady smiled. "Ahhh....the wife of the..nevermind. You've already had your future read." Katara paused, blinking. "Wait, you can tell futures! I have some questions about mine!" She exclaimed, happily. She settled herself down beside me, holding out her palm. "Three kids. An airbender, a non bender, and a water bender. Two boys and one girl. Your husband, I cannot tell, for he does not want you to know yet." She said simply. Katara looked like she had seen a ghost. Her head turned to me. "She knows." I whispered. Sokka walked inside. "Oh, so there you guys are. What are you-?" The lady motioned for him to sit down. He scoffed. "I don't believe in this fortune reading mumbo jumbo. The last one we went to was wrong." I pulled him down, and he stumbled onto the cushions. "Yes, but she's the one who read the Fire Lady's palm, and my moms. And she wasn't wrong." Something passed through Sokka's face.

He sighed, handing her his palm. "Just this once." The lady smiled, observing his palm closely. "Oh ho! A kyoshi warrior huh? Those are usually hard to get. You have a lot of skill." Katara snorted. "A skill of being annoying." I slapped her arm, shutting her up. "I don't see any kids, though. But I do see great leadership, future water tribe chief." Sokka jumped. "She knows." Me and Katara whispered to him. Toph entered the room this time. Yay! Another one! I pulled her down with me too, and she landed on a cushion with a small 'ahhh'. Katara handed the lady Toph's palm. "What is going on?" Toph asked, confused. "She's gonna read your palm!" Katara exclaimed. "Oh! Two kids! Both are earthbenders! Oh, wow. I'd rather not spoil this special skill that you'll discover." Toph also froze up. "She knows." Me, Katara, and Sokka whispered to her. "Come'n go away now! It's my nap time." The lady smiled. We headed out of the tent, all happy but unsure of our futures.

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