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"Third is the Fire Chakra, located in the stomach," explained Pathik. "Well my Fire Chakra wants something more then onion banana juice to drink," I muttered. "Aang said the same thing!" Pathik laughed. "So-" "Moving on. This chakra deals with willpower, and is blocked by shame. What are you ashamed of? What are your biggest disappointments in yourself?" I thought about it for a second. "I don't know," I mumbled. Pathik sighed, "It's the nature of the Protecter." What does this idiot mean by that?! Sorla exclaimed. "Give it some thought."


So, I unlocked my Fire Chakra. And two others. But I felt tired so I went to sleep on Appa, since Aang came back to check on me. I was starting to get used to the onion banana juice as well. The next day we finished the rest, "The sixth pool of energy is the light chakra, located in the center of the forehead. It deals with insight and is blocked by illusion. The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one in the same." I gasped, catching on, "Like the four nations." "Yes. We are all one people, but we live as if divided." "We're all connected. Everything is connected," I sighed. "That's right! Even the separation of the four elements is an illusion. If you open your mind, you will see that all the elements are one. Four parts of the same whole. Even metal is just a part of earth that has been purified and refined."


"This is the last chakra, isn't it?" I asked, kinda bored.
"Yes. Once you open this chakra, you will be able to go in and out of the Protecter State at will and when you are in the Protecter State, you will have complete control and awareness of all your actions." "Great. Let's do this." "The Thought Chakra is located at the crown of the head. It deals with pure cosmic energy, and is blocked by earthly attachment. Meditate on what attaches you to this world." I closed my eyes, images of Zuko and the Gaang appearing in front of me. "Now, let all of those attachments go. Let them flow down the river, forgotten." "What? Why would I let go of them? I love them!" I exclaimed. "Learn to let them go, or you cannot let the pure cosmic energy flow in from the universe."

"Why would I choose cosmic energy over my friends? How could it be a bad thing that I feel an attachment to them? Three chakras ago that was a good thing! They're all I have left!"
"You must learn to let go." I sighed, "Fine. I'll try." Pathik smiled. As I meditated on it, a giant celestial version of me, holding a ball of energy appeared. It looked kinda pretty. Wait, hold up, is this supposed to happen? I think so.

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A small, glittery path connected us two. I walked to it, visions of the Gaang passing my mind. Let go. Let go. I love them all. I do. But I have to do this. I took a deep breath, pausing right in front of it. Here goes nothing. My foot went in, the energy replicating water as my foot disappeared into it. I lifted my other foot, surprised I hadn't lost my balance and fallen into the endless void or whatever. Warmth encased the part of my body that had been engulfed into the energy. I took another deep breath, taking a brave step into the middle of the giant dome. A bright flash filled it, sudden energy swirling in my body. My chakras became clear, I was even able to feel the small pools of energy. My hair floated towards the top, or whatever. I didn't know direction anymore. I didn't know anything anymore.

My tattoos and eyes glowed, and I was able to move. I was in control. Congratulations, smiled a spirit. She had platinum blonde hair with black roots, reaching to her waist. The light glinting off it let off a silvery hue. Her eyes were a color I'd never be able to describe. They were purple, a really light purple. Not lavender, though. Periwinkle, I guess. A small blue also swirled in them. Her eyes looked playful, but caring. Silent but loud. Dark but light. She was so pretty. "Wait hold up- are you Sorla?" The spirit scoffed, obviously. "I've never seen in your human form." Nice isn't it? Raava let me design it. You finally got control! Took you long enough. "Can't you be nice for once?" I am being nice. You'll be able to talk to me in the Spirit World now. Just meditate. "So...I guess this is bye?" For now, but you'll be able to talk to me in your next lifetime, before you get control. And while you meditate, Sorla laughed, Bye. "Bye."


"Thanks for everything Guru Pathik," I bowed. "Your welcome. It's a great honor to help the Avatar and Protecter," Pathik smiled, bowing back. "Come'n! Let's go home!" Aang said, holding out a hand. I smacked it out of the way, climbing on myself. Aang stuck his tongue out at me. I scoffed, grabbing the reins. "Yip, yip!"


We finally found the ship, only two days left of their trip. "You guys are finally here!" Exclaimed Sokka, bringing me and Aang into a tight hug. "JUST EAT THE VEGGIES!!" Yelled Zuko, chasing Kiyi across the deck, his robes billowing behind him. "NEVER!!" Kiyi shouted, running into one of the guards and swerving around the stairs. I don't why but this gives me baby fever. They're so adorable. Wait no snap out of it. Sokka told me about Zhao and their adventure at the Northern Water Tribe, since I missed it and we were bored. "Wow. So Zhao had three main enemies, a happy twelve year old, and angsty fifteen year old, and two fish. Yet, he still lost. My dad always hated him," I said. "Yeah. I hate him too."

Kiyi ran up to me, gasping, "Your back! Can we go flying dolphin riding?" "No she can't," Sokka mumbled. "What!? What gives you the authority to decide that?" "Being your older brother does. We need you to pack if your coming with us," Sokka said. "Your leaving again?" Whined Kiyi. "Kiyi come back!" Zuko exclaimed, still chasing after her with a bowl of vegetables. "Gotta go!" Kiyi shouted, dashing to the upper deck. "I'm actually gonna back to my house in the Fire Nation. It needs cleaning. I'm hoping I can find mom there as well. She ran away, but things are better now," I shrugged.

"Okay. Wait, how you gonna get there?" Sokka questioned. "I have my ways," I smiled nonchalantly. Sokka sent me a suspicious look, "your just gonna have us drop you off aren't you?" I smacked the back of his head, "Yes. But saying that makes it sound cooler. There's a lot of stuff with the New Ozai society going on so we don't want to attract attention."

Aang sat down beside us, telling us he had a game or something, "Okay, what's the most random thing someone's done before," Aang queried. "Uh, I remember this one time, Zuko came to my house, handed me a jar of pickles, and walked out without saying a single word," I recalled. Sokka snorted, "I'm sorry what?" "He wanted me to open the jar, but was too mad to say anything so he just left." "That doesn't make any sense," Aang giggled. I sighed, "I know." "So he just barged in through the door, handed you a jar and stormed off?" "Pretty much. He was quite mad at the jar and would've probably smashed it."

Sokka laughed, "Yeah. I trained some of the younger boys in our tribe and once this kid chased another around with a pointy stick saying he was putting a spell on him. During class." I choked a laugh, "I never finished school, but that sounds like something I'd do if a kid bothered me too much." Aang continued asking us random questions that got us to tell a lot of great stories, until Katara told us to get on Appa, since we were leaving now. "So, where are we going first?" I queried. "We'll drop you off then we're heading to Ba Sing Se. Might visit Iroh."

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