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Zuko looked around the clearing the tunnel had led us to. It seemed like a graveyard. "I've been here before. This is the royal family graveyard," Zuko announced. "What about the Dragonbone Catacombs? Wasn't that it? Plus, the title sounds cool," I questioned. "No, the Catacombs are only for the Fire Lords. This place is for everyone else. It's called the Garden of Tranquil Souls," Zuko explained. "Really? Well, I hate to break it to you, Zuko, but the souls here don't seem all that tranquil!" Aang shouted as smoke filled our vision and multiple towering figures dressed in pitch black robes and masks appeared. "I know right," I agreed, looking around at the so called 'Kemurikage'.

One second, everyone was still and silent. No one moved, no one talked. Next second, chaos. I threw an icicle at Azula, who was the only one not wearing her mask. I mean, there isn't much of a point anymore. "Nice to see you again, Y/N! You've been practicing!" "Azula, where are you hiding those kids?!" I demanded. The water in my water pouch won't last for long. Air and fire it is. I blew a gust of wind, straight at...nothing. She was gone. I felt my hair stand on end, and turned around just in time to miss a bolt of lightning thrown by Azula. "Tsk, tsk. Manners, manners! Is that any way to greet an old friend? Though, I'd like to consider you something more then a friend. I really ought to thank you, you know! Remember that one time you, me, and Ty Lee had a sleepover at Mai's place?"

"The time you made us steal mochi from her mom? I remember," I drawled. "Made you? Please. You give me too much credit, Y/N. I merely suggested it. You're the one who insisted on going through with it. Afterward, you and Mai wouldn't touch the mochi at all. Ty Lee was worried about negative energies or whatever, so I had to eat it all by my lonesome." "My mom had made that mochi for my grandmother's seventieth birthday. She told us specifically not to touch it!" Shouted Mai, appearing behind me, and throwing multiple knives, which Azula expertly dodged. "Oh, your mother may have said something like that. It's hard to recall. It was so long ago-"

"All I know is, you were horribly annoying that night, tossing and turning and mumbling over and over..." Azula left us to finish the sentence. Me and Mai turned to each other, now remembering vividly what happened. "Kemurikage...Kemurikage are gonna get me...Kemurikage..." Azula mimicked. "I've wondered ever since: What could possibly flap my most unflappable friend? Recently, I found out. The Kemurikage are dark spirits of legend, born of fear and anger and revenge. My kind of ladies," she smirked. "Shut up already!" I shouted, throwing flames at her.

"My new friends and I took our inspiration from your little nightmare. What do you think? Not a bad rendition, hm?" A bolt of lightning headed at me. I stepped back, still in its range, as it drew closer and closer. Okay, I'm not gonna get hit with lightning again. No. That's just embarrassing. I was too slow last time, but this time- a figure stepped in front of me, redirecting it back. "Y/N-?" Zuko asked, turning to me. Azula had fled. "I'm fine! Don't worry about me! Let's get Azula!" We rushed into the other tunnel she had disappeared in. "Wait, Azula! I just want to talk!" I shouted into the dark. Zuko lit a small flame on his hand, staying in front of me, protectively. "Azula...?" Zuko called, nothing but echos calling back. We headed in deeper, stopping at a door. Azula was revealed in the room, as I pushed it open.

"Listen, Azula-Maybe this is a weird thing to say given the circumstances, but you seem...better," Zuko noted. Azula raised her palms, holding blue flames on them. "Oh, not just better, stronger!" Her flames turned to blades, expertly missing me. "You wanna go? Let's go," Zuko challenged. I stepped back, panic rising. Okay, now, what am I supposed to do? The two siblings are about to murder each other, but I'm out of water, since I used it all, and wind will just make the flames stronger. And considering the fact we're in a small, dark, closed room, that doesn't sound like a good idea. Flames won't work either. But I have to do something, I can't just stand here. "Getting rid of me won't put you back on the throne, Azula! Just accept it. You will never be Fire Lord!" "Accept it? I've embraced it! I know I will never be Fire Lord because I'm not meant to be Fire Lord! You were right all along, Zuzu! Once I discovered my own destiny, that voice in my head finally shut up! I've felt weightless ever Maybe for the first time in all my life," Azula smiled.

"That's, uh...That's great, Azula...I guess..." Zuko trailed off. "My destiny, you see, is to make you into the Fire Lord I tried to be-one who's strong, who rules through fear! Can't you see? It's already working! So, I don't want to steal the throne. I might steal your girl, though," Azula smirked, turning to me. "You disgust me," I shot, creating a mini tornado of fire in my hands, steadily make it bigger. I was about to send it towards Azula before I heard a voice. Kiyi's voice. Coming from the ceiling.
"Zuzu? Y/N? Guys, where are you?" Zuko's eyes returned to Azula, smiling, "You hear that? My friends found the children and freed them. We've won." "Oh, I disagree. In the last twenty-four hours, I've shown just how ruthless you can be. Deep down inside, you're still one of us. You can deny it for a little while, but eventually, you will become just like me...and then, in a sense, I'll be Fire Lord again," Azula smiled, smoke beginning to fill the room. I don't know what they're using for the effects, but it looks really cool. I should ask where she got it from.

"No! You're wrong!" Zuko shouted, desperately trying to convince himself she was. "Take your own advice, Zuzu, and accept it. It's who you are," Azula said. Moments later, she was gone. Me and Zuko rushed upstairs, finding a bunch of kids, Aang, Kei Lo, Mai, and Ukano. Kiyi ran over to Zuko, him kneeling to hug her. "Zuzu!" "Kiyi! I can't tell you how worried I was about you!" "I wasn't worried at all! I knew you'd come for us!" Zuko stood up, holding Kiyi in his arms. Finally, we got the kids back. And I did absolutely nothing. But, it all worked out, so good.


And just like that, we were once again standing on the stage-like porch of the Fire Nation Palace, as Zuko addressed his subjects. "My fellow citizens, thank you for gathering here on such short notice. The last few days have been traumatic for all of us. Our children were taken, our parents grew fearful, and our streets descended into chaos. And as your Fire Lord, I...well...I responded poorly. Security and freedom exist in a delicate balance. I did not maintain that balance well. My recent decisions were based not on reason, not on wisdom, but on fear. For that, I ask your forgiveness. You should never feel like prisoners in your own city, or suspects in your own homes. I resolve to do better. I will continue striving to be a Fire Lord worthy of you. I'm grateful for your patience. I'm grateful for your trust."


"Hey, Y-Y/N," smiled Zuko, joining me out on the balcony, standing under the stars. The moon reflected off of the water in the turtleduck pond like it did, all those years ago. "Hey, wassup?" I smiled back. He was holding something behind his back, again. "Well, you've been with me through a lot, and even when we weren't on the best of terms, you still stayed with me. You didn't leave me, and you always helped me, even though I acted like I didn't need help. You tolerated my idiotic behavior, and still loved me for it. And, you're the only one who I'm not always angry at. And well...I really like it when your with me so... I was wondering, if you'd like to-Y'know," he brought his hand out from behind him, revealing a necklace. Before he could say anything else, I threw my arms around him, smashing my lips onto his.




Ayyyy! Author Chan, here! I know I ended it in a really cliche way, but it's cute, so who cares. This seems like an ending, but NO! I'm extra. So, I'm gonna be adding some short scenarios like I did before. I might also do a 40k reads special, who knows. Thanks for reading it. It really means a lot. So, yeah, that's about it! Bye, love you!

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