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I stood up, the flag on my back falling to the ground. I turned around to find, not a general, but the Fire Lord. My eyes widened, knowing I was no match for him. "Please, Father, I only had the Fire Nation's best interests at heart. I'm sorry I spoke out of turn." Ozai did not listen, advancing towards his own son. I fell to my knees, tears brimming my eyes. "You will fight for your honor." Ozai's voice boomed. "I meant you no disrespect. I am your loyal son." My teary voice pleaded. "Rise and fight, Prince Zuko." Ozai ordered. "I won't fight you!" I declared. "You will learn respect and suffering will be your teacher." Ozai drawled. Fire encased my vision and heat overtook my eye.

I lurched up, breath heaving and covered in cold sweat. My hand shot up to my eye. It was fine. For me, it was just a bad dream. But for Zuko...it was reality. I rushed to his bed and threw my arms around his sleeping form, hiding my tears in his robes. I didn't know he went through that. All alone. His mother wasn't there to defend him, and I was too busy being the useless, stupid idiot I am and was passed out at the Southern Water Tribe. I could've helped. I could've discovered the Protecter State then. I could've saved him from dishonor and that scar. The scar that he hated himself for. A reminder of how much of a failure he was. I could've changed that. Those words sunk in to me, making me feel guilty.

It's my fault. I should've told my mom that I was fine with being a weapon if it were for Zuko's safety. It's my fault he had too spend all those years finding Aang. Something that was thought impossible. It was my fault that he had shed all those tears, it was my fault he was thought a traitor to his country, it was my fault he was afraid to trust and depend on anyone, knowing that they would leave him when he needed them the most. Just like I did. It was my fault he was afraid to love anyone since, love had only left him alone. I had left him alone. He had been hurt, and confused. I did that too him. I broke into sobs, hating myself.

Zuko's hand brushed my face. "Why are you crying?" His grumbly voice said. It was oddly attractive. I didn't answer, too busy sobbing into his robes. "Please don't cry." Zuko whispered, making me sob even more. He was so pure and nice to me, even though I caused him so much pain. "Is it my fault? Are you crying because of me? Because of what is said that day?" Zuko asked, not knowing the real depth of it. That was just a stupid argument. Zuko sighed when I didn't reply, "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean all those things I said. Your an amazing person and deserve so much better. I still love you. I didn't mean to make you cry." Zuko whispered. I am not an amazing person who deserves much better. That's him. I sobbed harder into his robes. "I hate myself." He breathed to himself. That me sob even more. He hates himself when he should be hating me. He shouldn't be so nice to me, he shouldn't be treating me like the most precious person in the world when I left him all alone and hurt.

"You shouldn't hate yourself. You should hate me." My teary voice said with nothing but resentment towards myself. "Why would I hate you?" Zuko whispered. "Because I left you. I left you when you needed me the most. You had to chase the Aang and whatnot. You had to go through so much. All of your tears and wounds are my fault. I was being stupid and was passed out when I could've defended you." I confessed. Zuko paused for a while, comforting arms around me. "Where did this come from?" Zuko asked, referring to what I was talking about. I sniffled, "I got a flashback on what happened that day. The Agni Kai. If I was there, I could've saved you from that scar. I could've told you to shut the hell up, when you spoke out. But, no. I was passed out." I explained.

"Ooooh." Zuko dragged. "Y/N, that wasn't your fault. Why are you blaming yourself? I don't blame you. No one blames you. Why? 'Cause it's not your fault. You have your own path, and I have mine. There was a reason that you were there and not with me. I would've never left the Fire Nation. I would've never realized my true destiny. And you would've never met the Gaang. Everything happens for a reason. We could've still been in the Fire Nation, not knowing right from wrong." Zuko comforted, running a hand through my hair in an effort to calm me down. "How can you still love me?" I broke, tears still spilling into his robes. Zuko paused again, not expecting that. "How can I still love you? Well, because you would've been there. You would've helped me. No one else would've. Y/N, your an amazing person, whether you know it or not." Zuko answered.

I sniffed, cuddling closer to him. "I'm sorry." Zuko sighed, ruffling my hair. "I told you, it's not your fault." I shook my head. "Not about that-" Zuko pressed his lips to mine, shutting me up. "Forget that."


I dropped my teacup from Toph blowing a loud air horn, they found in the temple in my face. I turned to her, unimpressed. I took a deep breath while Sokka laughed behind his hand. Sokka's laughter flattered at the look I was giving them. "Toph, I think we need to run." He whispered. "What? Why? Nevermind, I sense rising anger in-AAAHHHHHHHH!" I chased after them, a whip of tea in my hands. I wrapped it around Sokka who broke through it, running away. Toph and Sokka swerved through the rest of the Gaang who were checking out the Pai Sho room. "What's going on?" Katara giggled. "Why don't you ask those little badger moles?" I shot. "I'm confused." Aang declared.

I stumbled into Haru. "What?" He snapped. "Nothing. Maybe if you'd move out of the way, I wouldn't bump into you." Haru furrowed his brow. "What about you? Maybe you should've warned me." "Yeah, but I was too busy chasing those two. Maybe you should have learned a thing or two from Toph instead of being the horrible earthbender you are." I shot, sticking out my tongue, and resuming my chase. I am so friking mature. Haru chased after me, not pleased by my 'horrible earth bender' comment. "Least I can earthbend!" He yelled, indignantly. "Oh, yeah? You wanna try me, Mr. Earthbender?" I yelled, now chasing after Haru who didn't back down. Sokka giggled to Toph, "I think we're off the hook now."

"Yes, what you gonna do? Go all wind, water, and fire on me? Oh that's right, you can barely make a small flame." Haru shot. I gritted my teeth, brow twitching. "I will show you what a small flame-" "okay, that's enough." Zuko decided, lifting me by my waist and turning me around. "Let..go of me." I struggled, wanting to use my retorts. Haru came to me, from around Zuko. "We can't have an Agni Kai or whatever you call it, but, in the Earth Kingdom, we have duels. I can challenge you to a duel. But wait, you can't earthbend." Haru smirked. "Why you lousy little b-"

Zuko placed a hand over my mouth, knowing what was coming. "There are kids here." He whispered, pointing towards the Duke, Toph, and Aang. "Hey! I'm a hundred and twelve and also your great grandpa!" Aang shot. "Yeah but that was in a past life time!" Zuko shot back. "So? Still counts! I know bad words!" Aang pressed. Toph joined in, "Yeah. And I was a part of an Earth Rumble! Trust me, the viewers know how to rage." Zuko sighed, "Doesn't mean you should-" "It doesn't mean you should be talking Fire Boy." Toph grumbled. We continued our argument, Sokka, Katara, Teo, the Duke and Haru somehow finding a way to join in.

I sighed. "I'm hungry." Everyone stopped arguing. "Yeah, me too." Haru shrugged. "I could eat." Teo nodded. "Lunch time!" The Duke exclaimed. "Same here." Zuko agreed. "Oooo food!" Aang mused. "I'll set the table." Katara smiled. "I call the leftover fox chicken!" Toph called. "I'm sticking with the vegetarian menu, or else Y/N'll probably trap me in an ice prison or something." Sokka laughed. "Dang it. My secret's revealed." I grumbled. Sokka shrugged. We had a very important conversation debating whether or not I should get my airbending tattoos which Haru, Sokka, and Toph made jokes about, while Katara set the table. We decided that I could get the tattoos on just my hands, not one pointing to my nose, which I was grateful for.

We also debated on whether or not Aang should start his firebending lessons. We won and Aang had to start. "Come'n Aang, we've explored almost all the rooms!" Katara reasoned. Aang sighed. "Fine. Only because Katara said so." I scoffed, "Simp." Aang sent me a glare. "What? It's true!" Aang huffed, crossing his arms. Zuko grabbed his arm, dragging me and him with him to get started on mastering the art of Fire.

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