Lake Laogai

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Sokka was drawing pictures of Appa to put up while Toph lied on the ground, lazing about. I was on the windowsill, trying to put a ponytail in Momo's hair. He wasn't making it easy. "We found a printer to make our posters!" Katara exclaimed, throwing open the doors, and rushing in with Aang. "Hey, I though designing the missing Appa poster was my job! I've been working all day on my Appa." He held up his Appa poster. I crawled to his side to get a better view, immediately hiding my laughter behind a hand.

"Sokka, the arrows on Appa's head." Aang pointed out. "This is his head." Sokka said, also pointing to Appa's head. "I thought it was his leg." I added. Sokka sent me a glare and throwing another one of his posters at me. I caught it, and scanned it trying to make out a sky bison. Katara peered over my shoulder to criticize it as well. "Why are there feet coming out of it?" She asked turning her head back to Sokka. "Those are his horns! I haven't seen him in a while okay?" He slumped, losing confidence. I gave him a big hug trying to comfort him. "It looks just like him to me." Toph mocked. Sokka didn't pick up on her playful tone and said, "Thank you! I worked really-...Why do you feel the need to do that?" He complained remembering that she was blind.

"We love messing with you." I said, rustling his hair. "Let's just stick with the professional version." Katara said, surprising a grin. "Come on! Let's get busy!" Aang said, bouncing around in his airbending boots.


Rules. I hate them! Apparently, we aren't allowed to put up posters in this city. What kind of rule of that?! "We can't wait around to get permission for everything!" Complained Sokka. Everyone was mad, even Aang which was saying something. He was on the verge of cracking and I felt. "You are absolutely forbidden by the rules of Ba Sing Se to continue putting up posters." Jo Dee said, being straight forward for once. "We don't care about rules and we're not asking permission!!!!" Aang yelled. Ahh, there was the crack. Nice. Now we can actually have fun. "We're finding Appa on our own and you should just stay out of our way!" I clapped, "Wooo! Yeah! Freedom!" I blew the roof off with the biggest gust of wind I could muster. Toph joined in, "Yeah! Let's break some rules!" She earth bent the side of the house down, its bricks falling and crumbling around the place.


"We should split up to cover more area." Sokka suggested. "Toph can go with Y/N." Toph stiffened. "Why? You think I can't put up posters on my own?" She angrily glued a poster to the wall, facing the wrong way. "It's upside down isn't it? I'll just go with Y/N." She grabbed onto my arm, dragging me with her. We heard some commotion and instantly followed the sounds. The wheat-chewing guy was pinned again the wall with ice pricks trying to reason with an angry Katara. Apparently, he knew where Appa was. "Aren't you the same guy who asked me out?" Katara's rage doubled. "Yeah. Your boyfriend got pretty jealous." Aang stiffened. "Boyfriend?" He was kinda protective of me since I was like a sister to him. "Is it Zuko..." Toph offered. I gulped,"No." Toph glared. "You're lying." Aang turned to me," You were dating that angry freak!"

"...yeah." Aang's tattoos started to glow. "No, no, no, no ,no! Aang calm down!" I grabbed his hand. "Why is he dating you!?!" Aang's voice was now mixed with the other Avatars. "No, Aang, I-I this isn't important right now! We'll sort this out later! Let's find Appa." My eyes had also started glowing and I feel the control over my body slipping away. His eyes started to dim a little. I wrapped my arms around him, his form slumping in my arms. "I just don't want you to get hurt." He mumbled into my hair. I exhaled, "I knew what I was getting into. I can handle myself." Aang pulled away. "I trust you." We turned back to the guy who's name was Jet, from what I heard. Katara seemed pretty pissed off with him. Aang still convinced her to give him a chance.


Wheat guy was brainwashed. Every clue pointed towards it. "The Dai Le must've sent Jet to miss lead us. The janitor was a part of the plot too!" Katara exclaimed. Wheat guy had turned out to be her ex-boyfriend. No wonder she was so pissed off with him. "I bet they have Appa in the city! Maybe he's in the same place they took Jet! Where did they take you?" Aang queried, getting a little antsy. "Nowhere- I-I don't know what your talking about!" Wheat guy said. I knew his name but 'Wheat guy' sounds better then 'Jet'. "We need to find a way to jog his real memories." Aang suggested. I plopped myself down on the pile of hay they had. "Maybe Katara could kiss him. That'd bring something thing back." Sokka teased. I glared at him, "Her ex may be brainwashed, but least he didn't turn into the moon!" Sokka immediately shut up. I'm sorry Yue. It was just to keep Sokka off of Katara's case. Yue says it's okay. Sorla! It's been a while! Miss me? I am pretty great to have around, aren't I? Forget I said anything. Sorla chuckled.

"Just an idea." Aang turned around, jealousy written over his face. "A bad one." I suppressed a snicker. "Ooh wait. I've got it." He plucked a piece of hay that had made its way into my hair and stuck it in Jet's mouth. "I don't think it's working." Wheat guy said, spitting it out. "Try to think something from your past that triggers your memory." Toph offered. We tried and tried. It didn't work. Katara put some healing water around his ears. Good idea. "They took me to a headquarters, under the water. Like a lake!" Something clicked in Sokka's head. "Wait! Remember what Jo Dee said? She said she went on vacation to Lake Laogai." I straightened in the straws I was settled on. "That's it! Lake Laogai." Stated wheat guy getting up.


We found ourselves at the edge of a lake. "So where's the secret headquarters?" Sokka questioned. "Under the water, I think" Wheat guy answered. "I got this." The others turned their heads to me as i sat down, getting into my meditating position. "What the heck is she doing?" Smellerbee asked, leaning towards Toph. Aang shushed her. I felt my spirit flicker and I appeared inside a small cavern. Different and separated rooms lined the halls as well as two small rivers. Itty lamps also lined the rivers. My form flickered again and I was back. "Go underneath those bricks, and there's a small tunnel. Turn right, and we're there." I informed them, getting up. We immediately set off in the directions. "I think there may be a door big enough to hold Appa up ahead! I think it's through here." Wheat guy said, filling us in.

I stopped, stiffening. Aang picked up on my tense form first,"You okay?" I nodded tersely. I can sense Zuko and Appa's energy. "I-I have to go. I think I know something!" I mumbled, running off. Everyone stared after me before continuing on their path. "She'll be fine. She can handle herself." I heard the faint voice of Toph say to Aang.


"Stop it, Uncle! I have to do this!" I heard the agitated voice of Zuko say. I guess Iroh was there as well. "I'm begging you, Prince Zuko! It's time for you to look inward and start asking yourself the big questions! What do you want?!......Nevermind, your answer has just arrived." He said as I slammed open the door. "Zuko! What you- I- you- I thought you promised!" I said, between deep breaths. Zuko's masked face turned slightly to me. "Zuko, please!" I begged, tears starting to form in my eyes. He looked like he had just kicked a baby liondog. Guilt overcame his emotions. "Your right. I'm sorry." He mumbled, after taking a deep breath. He raised his sword towards Appa, cutting him free. I exhaled imagine relief, heading towards him to swamp him in my hold. "Thank you."

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