The Avatar

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I woke up in a cold place, surrounded by water tribe people. I no longer had my fire robes on but instead some warm water tribe clothes. Loose, beige pants that only tightened once they reached my ankles, and a dark blue jacket. I felt something cold on my wrist and looked down. My mom's charm bracelet. It was a delicate silver chain with jewels in the shape of different spirits. I sat up and looked around at the people staring at me. Creepy. There was a girl who seemed thirteen and a guy who seemed fourteen. And this bald twelve year old dude was also there and he had blue arrow tattoos on his head and arms.

Is this a some sort of strange dream? "W-where am I?" I said, saying the thing that everyone says in this sort of situation. "In an icy cold place, duh." Said the guy in water tribe clothes very rudely. I sent him a glare and he immediately lost his confidence. Heh, coward. The girl elbowed him and sat down next to me. "Your in the Southern Water Tribe. I'm Katara and this Sokka, my brother and this is Aang the Avatar." She explained. The Avatar? Hope he doesn't think I'm some sort of wannabe. Turns out, he was a complete dork. We all talked for a while and when I explained to them where I came from the guy, Sokka, almost attacked me but Katara froze his butt and feet to the spot.

"She's Fire Nation!" He exclaimed. "Ya, but she's just a little girl." I'm sorry what? A little girl? I'm older then you. Also, like, ouch. They fought for a while, and Aang tried to calm them down while I leaned back and watched the chaos. "How long was I out?" I asked. They all immediately silenced and found sudden interest in their shoes and the iced wall. An older woman walked in. "Oh, she's finally awake. It's been almost two years!" "Two years?!" I exclaimed. What the actual hell. I looked across the room, at a piece of shiny ice. I looked different. My features were sharper, my eyes were brighter and cheeks thinner. My hair had gotten to my waist.

I looked....fourteen. "Wow..." I turned back around and the girl looked like she was gonna say something but a man ran in and said quickly, "Black snow." And then left. Is it normal to just burst into someone's house, say something random and run away in the Water Tribes? Turns out it wasn't something random. The Fire Nation was attacking. The Fire Nation had abused these people like they had to me. They hadn't physically hurt me but they only wanted me to use me. I'm not on the Fire Nation side anymore. I'm on the side that thinks the Fire Nation is crazy and needs to stop. We booked it outside and then a bunch of Fire Nation soldiers walked out. "ZUKO?!" I yelled. Said prince turned his gaze to me. He was also different. For one, he had this huge scar on his face and his ponytail was different. It looked ugly and I was gonna cut it off asap.

"(Y/N)?! I thought you- I thought-" "You know this horrible young man?" Asked the same old lady from earlier. "Uh, yeah, h-he's not horrible, though." I explained. Apparently I was wrong. He had become, cold and heartless over the years. "Zuko, what are doing?" "What I have to to regain my honor." Zuko answered. "What is with you and honor?" I asked. "Look, Y/N, I can explain, okay?" "There's nothing to explain!" I yelled. A blast of fire grazed the side of Aang's face and my body stepped forward by itself, making it's own movements.

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