The Harmony Restoration Movement

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"I never realized the Fire Nation had built so many colonies in the Earth Kingdom," Aang noted, pointing to the map. "Yes. For the earth people, they're a constant reminder of the War, like an old scar. Oh, I...I-Fire Lord Zuko, I meant nothing personal!" Earth King Kuei rushed. "No, Earth King Kuei. You're right. After all the pain my father has caused, it's my duty to bring healing to the world. I'll remove those colonies. I'll do whatever it takes," Zuko decided. Momo jumped onto my shoulder messing up the notes. "Ugh, Momo, come'n," I muttered under my breath, crumpling up the paper and tossing it away. Many more cluttered the hall. "But removing the colonies won't be easy. A lot of people's lives are gonna be disrupted. We need someone to oversee everything, to make sure it all goes peacefully. Someone like me!" Aang exclaimed. "Really? You'd want to do that?" I asked, looking up from another messed up sheet of paper, thanks to Momo. "Yeah, I'm the Avatar! Making stuff go peacefully is kind of my thing! I mean, your the Protecter, but your thing is well...protecting! Actually, I want you to come too."

"Wonderful! The Avatar and Protecter's personal involvement will give the entire process an air of hope!" "Sokka and I can help!" Katara exclaimed. Sokka whined, "Aw. I was gonna visit Kyoshi Island." "It'll be a movement - a movement towards harmony! We'll call it...We'll call it..." Kuei started. "The Harmony Restoration Movement!" Sokka yelled. "Yes! The Harmony Restoration Movement! I like it!" "What's with you and your goofy names for everything?" Asked Toph appearing at Sokka's side. "It's a gift."


Later that night, after the tea shop episode, the Earth King threw a celebration outside. Also, Aang and Katara are finally together. I spent a lot of time and hard work in trying to convince Aang to confess. Well, the hard work was mostly just trying not to take his life privileges away. Anyways, we were flying around on Appa, since Sokka wanted to before the celebration satrted, and Aang was doing crazy tricks and what not. We lost track of time, not noticing the sun falling slowly. "Let's go again!" Yelled a cheery Aang from over the saddle. I clutched my spinning head. "How bout no." "Wait guys! The fireworks are starting!" Suki exclaimed. They were in fact.

"Sounds like the Earth King just announced the Harmony Restoration Movement!" Toph turned to Sokka, "Hey, wanna know what fireworks are like for me? Close your eyes." Sokka followed, closing his eyes. "BOOOOM!" I jumped, even though it wasn't directed towards me. "AAH!" Sokka yelled. "Oh, Toph! Don't be such a grump! You're out with friends on a beautiful night, celebrating the fact that we saved the world!" Katara gushed, hugging Toph. "True." Sokka toppled over, "Ouch." I went to flick his forehead and he smacked my hand away. I tried again, only to have my hand smacked once more. Soon enough, it turned into an all out hand-slapping battle. "You, too, Your new Majesty Fire Lord Zuko sir! Turn that frown upside down! It's happy time! Zuko...?" Aang started.

I managed to smack Sokka in the back of the head before turning to Zuko. "I visited my father in prison the other day ... I've been meaning to ask you for a favor, Aang." Zuko said. "Sure. Anything," smiled Aang. "If you ever see me turning into my father, I want you to...I want you to end me." Woah. My heart pounded in my ears at the sheer thought of it. "No!" I exclaimed.
"What?!" Yelled Aang. "Even now, after everything that's happened, my family's legacy is still a part of me. That's why it's my duty to heal the scars that the Fire Nation has left on the world. But the Fire Lord's throne comes with a lot of pressures. And if I'm honest with myself...I need a safety net. The world needs a safety net. That's what I need you to be, Aang. The safety net." Zuko explained.

"Zuko, you're not your dad! And you're my friend! How can you expect me-" "As your friend, I'm asking you-if you ever see me go bad, end me. Promise me, Aang." Zuko pressed. "Woah, woah, woah, no one is ending anyone, and your not turning into your father," I rushed, eyes wide. Zuko grabbed my hand, "This is for the best." "...Fine. I promise," Aang sighed. I paused. "I'm sorry what? I'd like to see you try." Aang looked down at Appa's fur, sadly. The promise had already been made. But there was no way I was gonna let it get to that.


We all arrived back at the Palace. "Alright, whoever can get Zuko to sleep first wins..nothing!" I exclaimed. Zuko looked up from the maps he was studying. Toph kicked the ground, bringing up a huge boulder. "Alright, Zuko come here." "You know what? The competition is off," I decided. Zuko turned back to his maps, bags under his eyes. "Toph, hand me that boulder." Toph threw it to me, only for Katara to take it away. "No one is knocking Zuko out with a boulder. If he wants to sleep, he will sleep." I groaned, "Fine." Everyone went away one by one to their respective places, Aang had stayed at the Palace, going to start the Harmony Restoration Movement tomorrow, while Katara and Sokka had a ship to load, heading back to the Southern Water Tribe. Toph had also left, saying that she wanted to start a school or something, I don't know.

It felt kind of empty without them, and less chaotic, but this was how it was gonna be from now on. "I think I should go home." Zuko perked up from his maps, "What?" "Home, Fire Lord Zuko. A house. The one that I lived in," I giggled. "But this is your home now, your the Fire Lady," Zuko rushed. "Woah, slow down. We're not even old enough to get married." "Yeah, but your staying at the Fire Nation Palace," Zuko ordered. "Says who?" "Says me and I'm the Fire Lord and what I say goes," Zuko pressed. "Are you abusing your power?" I questioned. "Well, no, but for you, yes."

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