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It had been two months and I had been able to heal and bend lightning. The blood bending lady was fired, since I didn't like her. The Fire Lord was also very upset about the fact that I couldn't make blue fire. Haha, suck it old man. I don't know how that benefits me but something's telling me that it does. I had been training day and night everyday since the Fire Lord found out about my ability. He had set up an extra bedroom for me, at the palace. Soon though, the Fire Lord suddenly passed away and Ozai took the throne even though it was rightfully Iroh's. And suddenly everyone at the palace was being even nicer to me.

I mean Ursa, Zuko, and Iroh had always been really kind to me but like, now, even Azula was being nice to me. I had grown close to Zuko and Ty Lee from the time at the palace. But today, I was gonna go home, thanks to my mom's demands. She doesn't mess around. I was standing outside waiting for my palanquin when two arms wrapped around my waist and I was hugged from behind. A chin rested on my shoulder and a cheek was pressed against mine. "Bye (Y/N), I'm gonna miss you." Said the voice of Zuko. "I'm gonna miss you too." I said as the palanquin arrived and was set down for me to climb into.

Zuko pulled away and frantically waved as I left. Ursa had a growing smile on her face as her eyes switched between Zuko and me. Huh, weird. The palanquin ride was like two minutes long, and considering the fact that my house was literally five minutes from the palace that made sense. I could've walked but Ozai wouldn't allow it saying, someone could assisanate you, or if the other nations find out, they could take you away and what not. At least twenty guards stood around my house. So this is what it's like to be a high security prisoner. Nice.


The sun fell and the moon rose, bringing stars with it, much faster then I wanted it to. A knock on my door was heard, announcing the presence of someone. I sat up, mumbling a "come in". "(Y/N), we have to leave now," said the voice of my mom. I rubbed my droopy eye, not in full sense of what was happening, "Hmm? Why? What's wrong mom?" She pulled me into a tight hug, stroking my back softly. "Honey, the Fire Lord only wants you to defeat the Avatar, if he's ever found. And I know he's alive, since I can feel Raava's energy. You'll be safer somewhere else. I'll take you to my best friend," she smiled. "What? I don't want to leave! I-ill have to leave you and dad and Zuko!" I exclaimed. "Shhh. You'll meet us again, I promise. We don't have much time, until the Protecter State starts developing," mom mumbled, the last part more to herself. A question popped in my head and I voiced it, "What's the Protecter State. And who's Raava? Also, how did I get my powers?" I lifted my head up to my mom who was still holding me.

She placed a kiss on my forehead. "Your spiritual connection is very strong. When I was little I would always see little spirits and play with them. You told me that happened to you too once remember?" I nodded. "Well, our family has been blessed for a long time by the spirits. Raava is the Spirit of all good in the world. She's the one who activates the Avatar State. When you were two years old, our village got attacked and we had to leave. Since the Avatar is in an iceberg, Raava is free to go where she wants, staying hidden."

"She passed through you and gave you the powers to defend yourself from the attackers, before she moved back to the Avatar. Since, she only passed through you for a minute or two you only got the power of three elements. But the spirit had told me to keep them secret. So I did. But of course your father knew, and he told them. Sweetie, your gonna have to leave before someone thinks somethings up. I love you." And with that, everything in my vision went black.

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