Secret Passages

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"They took her, didn't they? They took my baby," Ursa said, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm sorry." "Y/N! Oh my god, are you okay? Oh shit, your hurt!! I'll get-" "It's okay, mom. I'm fine," I reassured my mom who had arrived shortly after Azula left. Aang, Zuko, Ty Lee, and Suki were simply standing in the middle, watching as Noren and Ursa sobbed and my mom fussed over me, looking for any wounds that would need immediate attention. A couple generals were looking around the place as well.

"Let's get you inside," Zuko said, appearing behind me. I nodded, following him inside. "I think you need some healing tea and then-" "Healing tea? But it tastes absolutely DiGuStInG," I spat. "Well, Uncle made it, so it's got to be better." "That's something," I shrugged as Zuko led me to the kitchen. He lifted me onto the island, handing me a cup of tea. I gagged at the smell. "Drink it," Zuko said. I shook my head. "Come'n, it's not that bad," he consoled. "Well, you try it then," I shot. Zuko shook his head. "Do you want to go to the meeting tomorrow? If yes, then drink up. You can't go if your hurt this badly."

I grumbled, pinching my nose. Okay, Come'n Y/N, it's not that bad. It's not that bad. It's not that bad. I took a gulp, and felt like puking. Okay, Come'n, I got this. I gulped it all down, as much as I didn't want to. Least, I can go to the meeting, now. "Come'n, let's get you to the healers," Zuko smiled, dragging me out of the kitchen and through a couple long corridors.


The healers wrapped my wounds with bandages, and then I fell asleep. Wow, how interesting. Small flames light the dark hall, as multiple people surrounded the low table. "There were four more kidnappings last night, including Kiyi. That makes a total of thirteen. Our citizens are so frightened that many are planning to leave the city before sundown," General Mak explained. "I don't blame them," Zuko mumbled. I gave his hand a squeeze. Mai, Kei Lo, Suki, and Ty Lee entered the room. "Zuko. I heard," Mai said. "Mai!" He rose from the throne, me rising from my throne-like chair beside him, to go greet them. "We have a clue as to who the Kemurikage are, at least," Aang said. "Yeah, but that's why I'm worried," I sighed, remembering Azula. "You know for sure they're not spirits?" Mai queried. "Last night, one of them shot lightning at us," Suki informed.

"No, it can't be! Lightning bending is rare, but it isn't that rare! I mean, Y/N can do it! That doesn't necessarily mean-" Mai started. "It wasn't just the lightning, Mai. It was how she fought. How she moved," Ty Lee replied. "It was definitely Azula," Zuko said, voice filled with bitterness. "But why would Azula want to kidnap all those kids? And her own sister?" Mai asked. "No one knows," I sighed. "She's Azula. That's reason enough," Zuko shot, appearing to have more than one grudge against her. "I need to tell you something, Zuko. Last time we were here, you asked if my father was involved with the New Ozai Society. I told you I didn't know. I lied. Not only is Ukano involved-he's their leader," Mai admitted.

Everyone paused for a bit, silence hanging in the air. "So Ukano's the leader of the New Ozai Society and the Safe Nation Society? That guy's really into societies!" Aang exclaimed. "Either that, or the two organizations are actually one and the same." "Why would you keep that from me?!" Zuko asked Mai. "He's my dad, Zuko! No matter how evil he is, I still don't like the idea of betraying him! You of all people should understand that!"
"You're right. I'm sorry." "There's more. When we saw him in the streets last night, I could tell that he was trying to hide something. I think he already knew the Kemurikage weren't spirits. He may have even known about Azula."

"So you think he's working with Azula? That he has something to do with the kidnappings?"
"I don't know. Maybe. Every time he's talked to me about Tom-Tom, I've gotten this weird his worry is for my benefit." Zuko turned to Mak, "General Mak, we need to bring Ukano and his allies in for questioning. Find out exactly what they know. Seal off the Capital City. Until this situation is resolved, no one gets in or out. Then send your soldiers to Ukano's home to arrest him. If he isn't there, and I'm willing to bet he isn't, search people's homes for him or anyone else who may have been a part of the Safe Nation Society."

"Yes, Fire Lord!" "Zuko, this isn't the way! Please, let me find Ukano! I'll sit him down and talk to him. No soldiers!" Aang pressed. "Avatar Aang, thank you for your assistance up to this point. You know how much I value your wisdom and friendship." "Why are you talking to me like that, all adult and stuff?!" "We already tried things your way, and it didn't work out! It's time for a different approach. If you're not willing to support me, then you need to leave." "But you can't treat everybody in the city like criminals! Such drastic actions will only cause more mistrust!" I exclaimed. "Drastic situations call for drastic actions, Aang and Y/N," Mai said. "Fine, don't listen to us then," I grumbled. "Suki, Ty Lee, please escort the Avatar out." The Kyoshi Warriors, dragged Aang out of the hall. "I'm going, I'm going!" Aang whined.


"Zuko! We've been looking all over for you!" Aang shouted. We were in the courtyard, multiple people being brought inside to be interrogated about the societies. "Aang? I thought you left." "Well, you thought wrong, buddy! Suki, Ty Lee, and I found something you gotta see! Come on!" "Fire Lord, the sun will set before we know it. We need a plan or our people will rise up again," Mak bowed. Zuko walked away from both Aang and Mak.
"I'm sorry, Aang, but General Mak is right. Like I told you, I need to handle this my way." "Even if your way is stupid?!" I asked.

Zuko didn't answer. Me and Aang shared a look. I gave a small nod and he began airbending, forming an air scooter beneath him. "Stand back." "What are you doing?" Suki asked. "Getting the Fire Lord's attention," I answered for Aang. Aang launched a whirling ball of air at Zuko, carrying him away. "What the-Aang! Put me down immediately!" Zuko ordered. "I will-as soon as you take a look at what we found!" Aang shouted over the sound the air made. I followed them, taking a short cut to the spot Suki and Ty Lee had showed me. Suki led me onto a rooftop, next to a passage entrance.

Aang stopped airbending, dropping Zuko onto the rooftop. He pushed a brick, opening the passage up, wider.

               "Oof! Don't ever do that again!" Zuko shouted

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"Oof! Don't ever do that again!" Zuko shouted. "Okay, okay, but look!" Aang pointed. "A secret passageway! So you think this is how Azula and the other Kemurikage escaped? How did you figure this out?" "I remembered it from when we were little. You really should've come exploring with us more, Zuko."
"I really should've. Kiyi could be on the other side." "Tom-Tom, too. I'm coming along," Mai decided. "Suki, Ty Lee, please stay to keep guard over the royal palace," Zuko said, turning around. "You got it, Zuko!" Ty Lee smiled. We all entered the tunnel, me lighting a small blue flame on my hand. "Okay, blue fire doesn't give off a lot of light," I muttered, blowing it out. Zuko and Aang lit orange ones on their hands instead, lighting the dark tunnel.

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