A lil steamy

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The next few chapters are gonna be like a bunch of short stories/ scenarios to show that time has passed so have fun with them. Like the title, this one gets a lil steamy.

"Zuko, your supposed to be meditating, not staring at me," I smiled, peeking an eye open to see Zuko staring at me. We were in the outside training hall, grass carpeting the place, and some trees and bushes around the area, providing obstacles. I gasped from the sudden movement of Zuko backing me up against the tree trunk, and crawling over me, hands beside my hips. "Not my fault your hot," Zuko whispered, placing a kiss to my neck, sending my heart rate into the sky. I pushed his forehead away before he could press more, "We're supposed to be meditating." Zuko crawled back over me, "Meditating can wait." He placed his lips back to my neck-

The door slammed open and Katara and Sokka paused at the sight of Zuko on top of me, shirtless. That kinda looked wrong. "Oops, sorry, we'll come later," Katara rushed covering her eyes. Sokka stormed up to us, "Woah, woah, we need to set some ground rules. Y/N you are not to get within two feet of Zuko, and Zuko you are not to get within two feet of Y/N. Y'know what? Make that thirty." "What? No!" I exclaimed. "Yes, that was too close. You are not to get that close till your twenty five!" "Says who?" "Says me!" "And why does what you say matter?" "Because I'm your older brother!" Sokka exclaimed. "Uh, no. You've got Katara," I argued. "Yeah, but Katara is more responsible and mature than me."

"Are saying I'm irresponsible and immature?!" I yelled. "Yes! And as your older brother, I refuse to let you two get that close!" "But I'm older than you," Zuko pointed out. "Yes, but she's not," Sokka pointed out, gesturing to me. Katara grabbed Sokka's arm again, and dragged him away, while he continued yelling. "Wait, what did you want?" I asked before Katara could leave. "Oh, Aang needed you for airbender rituals." She closed the door, and headed out, Zuko crawling back over me. "So, where were we?" I pushed him away with a giggle, "This is important."

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