Sorla ships Y/N x Zuko

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The invasion is in 6 hours. My job is to project my spirit and locate the best spot and find the Fire Lord. Now, that uses up a lot of energy. And sleep equals energy. So why am I sitting here, completely awake while the others sleep peacefully? Because Sorla is being a hardcore Y/N and Zuko shipper. She won't let me sleep with all the cute visions of little me and Zuko. Sorla, please, give it a rest. Me and Zuko are over. It was answered with another flashback.

Zuko pressed a kiss on my cheek. I giggled, pulling away. "What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be getting one of those 'how to run the country' lessons." I wondered, not lifting my hand from the bread I was feeding to the turtleducks. "Yeah, but I got bored." Zuko sighed, tearing a piece of bread from my loaf to also throw it to the turtleducks. "Isn't it important, though?" Ozai would always get mad at him for not paying attention in those. "Meh. You're more important." He answered. "How am I more important?" I pressed, not wanting him to get in trouble. "Calm down, Y/N. It'll be fine. They won't care if I miss one day, right?"

Sorla, please, stop. We're not getting together again. Another flashback played.

The Fire Lord just found out about my triple bendingness. If that's a word. I had came back outside, finding Zuko storming towards me water dripping from..everywhere. "You're soaking wet." I mumbled, stating the obvious. Azula and Ty Lee laughed in the background, watching him suffer. Zuko grabbed my hand, a bit roughly then usual, irritated with Azula. "Girls are crazy! Except for you." His slippery fingers snaked through mine, pulling me to who knows where. His pace was fast and I had to do an awkward half-jog to keep up. "What happened?" Zuko turned his glare to me. "Azula put a flaming apple on Mai's head, so I knocked it off, and we landed in the fountain. Now, I'm soaking wet." He grumbled.

Some of the water from his sleeve dripped onto my arm, soaking into my sleeve. "Why are you pulling me along?" I wondered, soaking from the water dripping from Zuko's wet clothes. "Cause I feel really uncomfortable right now and you make me feel comfortable." Zuko snapped. "Oh." I answered, not knowing what else to say. I pulled my fingers away from Zuko's. I bended the water off of mine and Zuko's clothes. "Y-you're a waterbender?" Zuko stammered, anger lost and confusion found. "Yeah. Well, I can bend three elements.

I'm not the Avatar, though." I answered. Zuko still looked lost. "So..your not a non bender?" He asked, titling his head to the side. "Duh." I shot. Zuko stared at me for a while. "Glad you're not the Avatar. Or the Fire Nation would have to capture you!" He threw his arms around me, trapping me in them, voice booming playfully. We giggled, me struggling against Zuko's arm. "Ahh! No! The Fire Nation's captured me!" I played back. Fire Lady Ursa had walked in. She leaned against the doorframe watching us play with a big smile on her face. "Come'n guys. Uncle Iroh's sent you gifts." We looked up, then turning to each other. I pulled away from Zuko, grabbing his arm, and following the Fire Lady.

Ugh, Sorla, please stop. For the last time. We. Are. Not. Getting. Back. Together. The beginning of another flashback crossed my vision. Okay, okay, fine. I'll try to get us back together. Now, please, let me sleep. I'm gonna need to fight tomorrow. Sorla listened but she knew I wasn't being sincere. At least, she let me sleep.


I woke up outside Zuko's bedroom. He was asleep, curled up in his blanket. He looked so comfortable that I wanted to go lay down next to him. But I couldn't. 'Cause friking Sorla sleepwalked me to him. And I don't even know how I got in without getting caught. I walked up to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek, before turning around to leave. "Y-Y/N?" Said the voice of a sleepy prince. Dammit. I turned around to see Zuko blinking confusedly. That's weird since he's usually a deep sleeper. "H-hey, Zuko. This is a.. a dream." I stammered, sitting down. Zuko rested his head on my shoulder, still not fully awake. "You sure this is a dream? It feels real." He mumbled against my shoulder. "Yeah. Yeah, it's a dream." I pressed, stroking his back, hoping it would make him fall asleep again.

It worked. He fell asleep. I put his head back down on his pillow, slipping away. How did I get in here without being caught. I found out once I went outside. All the guards were either frozen to the wall or knocked out. I sleep bended. Is that even possible? How did I even get so much water? Sorla, we need to set our boundaries. No. Sleepwalking. Me. To. Zuko's. Room. Got it? I managed to leave and apparently, I had knocked out some people who saw me in the town as well. This is getting out of control. The sun had rose. The invasion would be here soon. Nice going, Sorla.

I stopped, sitting down to project my spirit to my family. Everyone had woken up and Aang seemed much cheerier then usual. He wasn't the 'I need to practice' and emo Aang anymore. He was his normal, happy, cheery, and bubbly Aang. "Y/N! Where are you?" Aang rushed to me, throwing his arms around my glittery form. "I sleepwalked to the Fire Nation. D-don't worry, I'm fine. I also sleep bent and knocked out everyone who saw me." I giggled nervously, eyes landing on Katara's worried face. "Oh. Well, that's perfect! The invasions here!" Sokka exclaimed, throwing an arm around my shoulder. I turned to see what he was talking about. Three Water Tribe ships emerged from the fog. Nice. I'll finally get to meet everyone.

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