Crystal Catacombs

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Aang went to a guru who said he could help him with the Avatar state. He offered me to go but I had to stay in Ba Sing Se. It needed all the protection it could get right now. Me and Katara were with the generals, planning the invasion. Toph went to see her mom and Sokka went to see his dad. The Kyoshi warriors had also arrived, helping to protect the Earth King. Their energy seemed incredibly shifty and familiar. I kept staring at them, trying to focus on their energy and I swear I caught a bead of sweat run down one of their faces. They kept looking away from me and stealing glances from time to time. No one gave me the time to focus on their energy and I was dragged away by Katara to help strategize. I know the Fire Nation the best so I would be the most help.

"So if we enter through here, and follow the passage Y/N showed us, we'll be able to get in with no problem. Then the army and navy will infiltrate the Fire Nation on the day of Black Sun." Momo jumped from my shoulder onto the map, knocking down the little rock pieces we were using. "Or we could send Momo to do some damage." Me and Katara snickered. Our laughter turned to nervous giggled as we caught the general's stern gaze. "Cause the...sorry." We headed off to the Earth King to talk to him about the Kyoshi warriors. I had finally told Katara about the strange energy I was getting from them. She comforted me, saying that if I wanted to check it out, the king would let me. "Hey, Suki! Y/N was wondering if she could meditate on your energy. She says it's giving her different energy then before. Maybe you could also arrest that angry freak. If Y/N let's you. Anyways, we're not doubting you, we just...wanted to...." her voice died off, noticing that "Suki's" eyes were gold. It's Azula.

Oh god. I hadn't seen her since...that happened in the drill. "Of course. If she can focus on energy while her chi is blocked." Ty Lee immediately chi blocked me and Katara, sending us to the ground. Ugh, really. I hated being chi blocked. My muscles felt weird and my body was stiff. My combat skills were worse and I couldn't do any spiritual stuff. It would require a lot of energy and Ty Lee had just blocked my energy. We were thrown into a secret cavern under the Palace, which I didn't even know was there. Really? When I thought we could finally leave this city? Ughhh. Why must life do this to me?


I don't know how long we've been down here. But I got my bending back. The rocks in this place were made with something else. I couldn't cut through them and Sorla was being a brat and saying that I could only use the Protector state to protect something. Ugh. Thanks a lot Sorla. You're welcome. Just wait till I get control over it. Maybe I should've went with Aang. Then I wouldn't be trapped down here. Katara had given up and was sitting on a particularly smooth rock. "You've got some company." Said one of the Dai Le members, throwing a body down here with us. Zuko. Zuko. I rushed towards his side grabbing his shoulders. My worried gaze turned furious. I felt the control of my body slipping away. Everything was now glowing a faint white.

They hurt Zuko. My glowing glare turned to the Dai Le, on its own. A shower of sharp, ice spikes were shot at the opening. The Dai Le stepped back immediately closing the opening. Zuko turned to me. I couldn't do anything but least I could see. "Y/N calm down. I'm fine." He cradled my face with his warm hands, not afraid to get close. Sorla, can I drive now? I want to hug him. I asked, hoping Sorla would hear my pleads. Everything stopped glowing and I was in control again. I slumped, while Zuko's arms rushed to catch me. "Ahem." I looked over at Katara cracking a weak smile. "Wassup." She stormed up to Zuko pointing an accusing finger at him. I stepped away, much to Zuko's disappointment and decided to let her take her anger out.

"Why did they throw you in here? Oh wait, let me guess, its a trap. So that when Aang shows up to help us, you can finally have him in your little Fire Nation clutches!" She raged. I bit my lip, holding in my retorts. Just let her get it out of system. Then you can tell her. Good idea, Sorla. Y'know It'dbe nicer to hear more praises. I smiled to myself, settling down on the rock Katara had got up from. Zuko stayed silent turning his head towards her once then back to me. "You're a terrible person, you know that?! Always following us! Hunting the Avatar! Trying to capture the last hope of the world? I can't believe Y/N's dating you! But what do you care!? Your the son of the Fire Lord. Spreading war and violence and hatred is in your blood!" Woah, okay. Sis snapped. I know right.

This time, Zuko did replied. "You don't know what you're talking about!" Uhh...I should I do something? Zuko won't be able to hold in his anger for long. I kinda wanna see how this goes. Alright, then. "I don't?! How dare you! You have no idea what this war has put me through! Me personally!" She crouched down, tears streaming down her face. "The Fire Nation took my mother."Zuko turned around, "I'm sorry. That's something us three have in common." Katara's sniffling stopped, her breaths evening out. Oh yeah, I forgot his mom ran away too. They sat in silence for while, me sitting in the corner observing awkwardly, then Katara said, "I'm sorry I yelled at you before." Zuko doesn't care. He gets yelled at all the time. "It doesn't matter." Called it! Please shut up. No.

Sorla sighed. Y'know while they talk, I can tell you why you have such a good spiritual connection. Why? You've probably noticed that you're being more and more connected to the spirit world. You're powers are growing stronger everyday. It's because you're friends with me. What? But what about Aang? He's not friends with Raava. I don't really think that's how it works. Every spirit is different. They all have different ways of growing and mine is friendship. Friendship triggers protection. You want to protect someone who your friends with. That means that the better we get to know each other, the better our powers are. And soon enough, you'll be able to control the Protecter State. Wow. That's cool. I know. I am pretty cool. I wasn't talking about you.

Rude. Zuko grabbed my hand, crouching before me, snapping me away from my conversation with Sorla. "She's a better healer then me. I think she'll be able to heal it." Katara said, handing me her spirit water pouch. I blinked in confusion. They were talking about healing his scar. Oh. Thanks. I was about unscrew the cap when a loud explosion happened. Aang and Iroh were standing at the mouth of a tunnel they created. I smiled, rushing to hug Aang. I could tell he was glaring at Zuko who glared back, no hesitation. "Uncle, what's re doing with the Avatar?!" Aang's eyes narrowed even more. "Saving you, that's what."

My eyes switched between the two, still glaring at each other. My boyfriend and brother do not get along. This is bad. Especially, since they're both really protective of me. Zuko growled taking a step towards me, only to be stopped by Iroh. "Zuko, it's time we talk." He turned towards us. "Go, help your friends. We'll catch up with you." Aang dragged me away, pulling me by my hand. "We have to find Toph and Sokka." Katara said, while we rushed through a big opening, our robes and hair swishing by the gusts of wind. A blast of blue fire passed me, cutting off the tips of my hair. My eyes widened, turning around. Shit. Really? Azula blasted more fire at us which I deflected. There was a river rushing by, which I could use to my advantage. Azula sent another blast of fire at Katara which Aang deflected, bending a small rock between them. It had turned into a standoff. We were all watching Azula as intensely as she watched us.

Azula's fighting style was very...precise. It was elegant, fast, and unpredictable. We would never know what hit us. Even a small foot forward by her could be either a deadly move or an innocent step. Another blast was fired but this time, it was orange. My eyes searched for the source of the Fire. Zuko. His eyes also scanned the surroundings landing on me more then once. He came to help us. Yay. Thank you, Zuko. Too soon. Said Sorla. What do you mean. Another blast was fired, this time at Aang. Zuko wasn't here to help us. He'd changed sides.

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