A Lost Zuko

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I was lost. I knew I should've listened to Katara when she gave me the directions but something was on my mind. Well, someone. Zuko. He was lost. Not literally like I was but mentally. He thought capturing the Avatar would bring back his 'honor'. Which was completely wrong. I stumbled, tripping over a rock. If only I had Aang's glider. I could've used it to find them. I blew a gust of wind. I let it lose, letting it blow along with the part of the wind, that wasn't being controlled. It blew back into my face, whipping my hair. So, that way was North. Ok. But I didn't even know what way I went so what was point anyway. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and stumbled into something furry.

Spirits! I was clumsy! I looked up mid- apologize when I saw- "Zuko?" Said prince, well, banished prince was staring at me and it seems that he had been for a while. I didn't mind getting up, I was trapped in his golden eyes. They captured me like a cage. Zuko got off and bent down before me and tackled me in a hug. I had to lean on an arm to not fall over from the force of the hug. I held him back wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my head under his chin. I broke out my trance when I felt a kiss on my hair. I looked up with a heartbroken expression. I didn't know what to say. The words died from my mouth and I sat there stupidly gaping at him. "I-I'm sorry." Zuko rubbed his neck. Oh. He talked first. Good. "It's okay" I squeaked in a small voice. "Where you going?" I asked as if he weren't trying to hunt down my friends at the moment. I could at least pretend everything was normal.

Who knows how bad things will get later? I should enjoy the time I have with him right now. "Well...I left Uncle and..I guess I'm just looking for a place to stay." He said running a hand through his hair. He hadn't let go of my hand the entire time. I hadn't noticed that he cut off his ponytail. Good, because I was gonna cut it off anyways. "Ok." I answered. When had things gotten so awkward between us? Oh yeah, since he attacked the Water Tribe. That doesn't help but maybe I could go with him. Just this once. Ill go back and find my friends tomorrow. Sokka had drawn a 'great' map and showed me where we were going next, so I would know where to find them.

"D-do you mind if I come with you? We can just pretend that everything's normal for today." I titled my head upward at him, cursing my self for the stammer. His hand squeezed mine. He was still holding it. "Of course." He pulled me up the ostrich horse behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning my head on his back. "You do know that capturing the Avatar won't bring your honor back, right?" Zuko's breath hitched. "Yes, it will"
"No, it won't"
"Yes, it will"
"How do you know it will?"
"How do you it won't?"
".....fair enough... but I'm not gonna let you hurt my friends that easily." Zuko smiled at the challenge. He knew that I wouldn't hurt him either. I stuck between a wall and rock. "Remember when we were little?" Zuko started. I hummed acknowledging that I was listening. "Well, you remember the time where me, you, and my mom were feeding the turtle ducks?" I giggled, "Yeah, and you attacked a poor duck with a loaf of bread! How could I forget."

"It's not funny!" Zuko yelled, a blush crawling up his cheeks. "Y-yes it is. I-it's mom bit you after t-that too!" I stated between laughs. "Y/N stop laughing!" Zuko said letting out a snicker of his own. "I-I can't. It's t-too funny." Zuko shook his head. It really felt like old times now. "And then a couple days after that....you were gone." Zuko faltered. My laughter died immediately. "I'm sorry." Zuko stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me. His hands cradled my face. He leant his forehead against mind. "It's not your fault. This stuff is confusing. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I just have to get honor back and then you. After that I pro"- Zuko words died as his eyes landed on a scar on my neck. His fingers reached down to brush over it. I gritted my teeth as I felt a twinge of pain. Zuko took away fingers immediately.

"H-how did this happen?" Zuko stammered. "And who did it?" His voice growled in my ear. His tone sent shivers down my spine. Zuko was really overprotective of the people he loved. His fists rolled into a ball. I looked up to make eye contact. His brow was furrowed into a glare. "Some Fire Nation soldiers who were trying to take over a small town." I told him. His breathing quickened and he gripped my hand tighter. I hadn't even noticed when he had held it but he had. "It's okay though. It's just a small cut." I tried. Zuko's hand grew hotter in mine. He quickly snatched it away to avoid burning me. "Zuko, really it's okay. I'll heal it once we stop." Zuko brought me into his chest, pulling me in by my waist. His head rested on my shoulder. "Nobody hurts you and gets away with it.... do you remember what they looked like?" He growled.

Truth was, I did know what they looked like. But I wasn't gonna tell Zuko. His temper was that of a typical firebender's. Wicked. "No.." I lied through my teeth. "You're lying." His voice was now calm, against my shoulder. I sighed in defeat. "Seriously Zuko, I'm fine. And you know I'm not lying. Let's keep going. I think I see a small hut up ahead." I said, glancing at the house. The sun was down, so everyone was inside. A small light had turned on and was flooding out of the windows. Zuko sighed and nodded. He lifted his head off my shoulder and turned around, continuing on the road.

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