The Boiling Rock Pt.2

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I headed to the lounge area sensing Zuko's energy. Sokka was somewhere by the coolers where one of the prisons was probably taken. "I hate this place." I breathed to myself, bumping into Zuko. "Hey, watch it! Oh wait, it's just you." Zuko sighed, catching my eyes. "Yeah. Where's Sokka?" "Helping one of the guards take a prisoner to the coolers." "Knew it," I muttered. "Hey! You over there! We need you at the courtyard." A guard yelled to me. "Uhhh. Be right back."


"Hey there, fellow guards. How goes it?" Said the voice of Zuko to me and Sokka. "Zuko?" Sokka asked, lifting his helmet. I slid it back down, sensing the eyes of a guard on us. "Sshhhhh. Listen, I asked around the lounge. There are no Water Tribe prisoners. I'm afraid your father's not here." Zuko admitted. "Well, there might be a Water Tribe prisoner if you don't keep your helmet down." I muttered, sliding Sokka's helmet down again since he had lifted it back up. "Why you so paranoid?" "Because that prisoner has eyes on us." I said, turning his head in the direction of the prisoner and back again. "Oh, okay. Well are you sure? Did you double-check?" Sokka pressed to Zuko. "Yeah, I'm sure." Zuko nodded. Sokka banged his head against the wall and went to do it again so I kept a hand at his forehead.

"No, no!" "I'm sorry, Sokka." Zuko shrugged. "So we came here for nothing? I failed...again." Me and Zuko shared a look. "Ah, what would Uncle say?...sometimes, clouds have two sides. A dark and light," Zuko started, "and a silver lining in between. It's like a silver sandwich! So....when life seems hard....take a bite out of the silver sandwich!" Zuko exclaimed, making no sense at all. I pushed him out of the way. "This isn't your department. It's mine." I stated, clapping my hands together, "Look, Sokka, things don't always go as planned. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. I mean, most of our missions have gone great. Just because one or two don't, doesn't mean we shouldn't go any more missions. I know this one was fail but-"

"Maybe we haven't failed after all!" Sokka exclaimed, rushing to the railings. "That's the spirit! I can't believe that worked. I didn't even know what I was saying." Zuko murmured. "No, what you said made no sense. Y/N's wasn't a lot better, but it made sense. But look-" He pointed to a prisoner "-Suki!" It was Suki. Yay. Finally. Suki looked quite gloomy, as she got up to go back into her cell. I navigated her energy, and went to help another guard while Zuko stood at their door, waiting for Sokka to explain the plan to Suki. I came back to Zuko in a prisoner outfit, moping the floors while Suki helped him and Sokka stood there, acting like he was watching them. "Oh, good. You guys have met." Sokka smiled. "Actually, we met a long time ago." Suki muttered. "We did?" Zuko asked, not remembering.

" kinda burned down my village." Suki grumbled. "Oh, sorry bout that. Nice to see you again," Zuko smiled pleasantly as if he hadn't ruined her life. Sokka told us about an escape plan using the coolers. Zuko didn't think it was a good idea but it was the best we had so. Another prisoner overheard and wanted in and if we didn't, he'd tell on us. Friking snitch. He also wanted his girlfriend and best friend with us so we'd have to let them come to. I can't wait to get off of this island. Zuko and Chit Sang (the random prisoner) staged a fight in which Zuko firebent. "No firebending! To the cooler!" A guard that Sokka had 'called over' yelled. I pulled Zuko up, taking him to the cooler. I slipped a wrench into his hands, closing the door of the cooler with a wink. Now, we wait for an hour. I joined Sokka and Suki again, though Suki was gonna have to go back into her cell soon.


We ended up waiting another night since Sokka and Zuko overheard a conversation where some new war prisoners were gonna come here. That meant Hakoda could be there. Could. Sokka decided to stay, letting Chit Sang and his friends take the cooler . Zuko had loosened it up and we were on the brink of leaving and that was time Sokka had decided to stay. My dude needs to work on his timing. But the others got caught so I'm glad we didn't take the cooler. We got to the gondola just in time to see the new war prisoners. Sokka was kinda anxious knowing that he would have failed again if his dad wasn't there. Everyone walked out. "I'm sorry, Sokka." I sighed, patting his shoulder. "Oh, no." Sokka mumbled. "Hey you! Get off the gondola!" A guard yelled to what seemed like darkness. A figure walked out. It was chief Hakoda. "Dad..."

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