Stupid Fights

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I headed back to the capital with Zuko, everything a bit awkward. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. Zuko perked up, "What?" "That you withdrew your support. You didn't tell me about you getting nightmares and not being able to sleep, either." Zuko looked shocked, "Who told you?!" "A guard. I like to talk to them when your doing Fire Lord stuff," I shrugged. Zuko muttered under his breath, "I'm gonna fire them." "Woah, don't blame them for what you did!" "You mean didn't do."

"Same thing! You have to tell me this stuff, okay? I care about you. If your having problems, your supposed to talk to me about them. I'm your girlfriend." Zuko smiled, grabbing my hand, "Won't happen again. I'm sorry." I placed a hand on sullen cheek. "You need to update your sleeping schedule." "How-" Zuko started. "Do you ever look in the mirror?" I asked. "Look, your guards are a bunch of idiots, so I asked some old friends to help," I smiled, leading him to the outer hall. The Kyoshi Warriors stood there, excited to see us. I had sent them some letters a couple days ago.


Zuko's arm twitched around me. I blinked open my eyes, staring at his troubled face. He was sweating, clutching the covers. I placed a hand on his cheek. "You good?" I whispered, as if he could hear me. He lurched up, gasping. "Y/N!" "I'm fine," I sighed. "What happened?" "Someone's here," Zuko mumbled. "Zuko, your with the Protecter. I'd feel it if someone were here." "I have to check myself." Zuko rushed outside, me lying back down. I felt his energy walk away and followed. Suki put an arm out, blocking the doorway,"Zuko said you should stay here. He went to get a glass of water." "And why can't I go with him?" Ty Lee shrugged, "he wants to make sure your safe."

I closed my eyes, focusing on his energy, "He's not heading to the kitchen." Suki and Ty Lee shared a look. "I'm gonna go after him to make sure he's safe," Suki offered. I nodded. Suki went after him, Ty Lee telling me to go back to bed. I know it's not a good thing to send spies after your boyfriend, but something tells me this is the right decision. Actually, that was me. Oh, hey Sorla. Wassup. See, you didn't even realize I was here, I was just a part of you.


Zuko disappeared again, after giving me my good night kiss. I had talked to Suki and she told me that he was meeting with Ozai. That really scared me. He didn't have his bending, but he could still hurt Zuko. It angered me more than it scared me though. He didn't think about telling me. Like he didn't want to tell me about withdrawing his support. Or not being able to sleep. Or siding with Azula back in Ba Sing Se and bringing me back. And these were all important things, that he should talk to me about. For a relationship to work, there has to be trust. There has to be communication. But there's none of that in this one.

I confronted him in the throne room the next morning. "I know you've been secretly meeting with Ozai," I said, walking into the room. "Y/N! Who did you hear that from?" "Does it matter? It wasn't from you," I muttered, bitterly. "I know I keep screwing up. But please...I-I love you, Y/N." "If you did, you'd think about telling me. Again, your being selfish." "Selfish!? I didn't want to worry you!" Zuko exclaimed. "Not telling me worries me even more! You have to tell me that, I can help! But I guess you don't want my help! You don't want me at all!" "No, I do! Just because I didn't tell you something, doesn't mean I don't love you!" "A relationship needs to have trust and communication. But we have none of that," I muttered, not really thinking this through. "What are you telling me?" Asked Zuko, eyes wide.

A general walked in, stopping our argument. "Fire Lord Zuko!" He announced. Zuko looked up, "General Mak!" Mak kneeled, "A message has arrived from the spies you sent to the Earth Kingdom!" "You sent spies?!" I shrieked, the flames in the room turning blue. Mak continued, "Your suspicions are confirmed. The Earth King's army now marches towards Yu Dao." Oh no. It's an all out war now. The flames turned bluer as I stormed up to the throne, "WHY WOULD YOU SEND SPIES!!" "Because I'm the Fire Lord and I need to protect my nation!" "Your putting it in more danger! Y-you sent SpIeS without telling me! Zuko, we talked about this! We're supposed to be restoring harmony!" "I AM! I HAVE TO DEFEND MY NATION AND DO WHATS RIGHT FOR IT! If you don't want to stand up for your own home, you can leave!" I paused at the words. I'm the Protecter. My duty is to the Avatar and to the world. "Fine!" I bowed to him, "Goodbye Fire Lord Zuko." "Y/N! Come back! That not I meant! I-I-I order you to come back! Argh! Why would I say that? So stupi-" I slammed the door to the throne room closed, the flames raging blue inside.

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