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"Actually Azula, I'm not coming back. I'm going to be helping the Avatar." I said. Azula didn't get the time to react since her hands were frozen from the water in my leather pouch. I didn't get to hear what she said next because I bolted out the front door and out of the village. I don't think Azula followed me. I didn't hear her. Or I didn't sense her. I don't how, but I've been able to sense people. I lit a small flame on my hand, stopping when I heard rustling. "W-who's there?" I said, like they would answer. After a while of silence I decided to go check it out. I know most people probably wouldn't think it was a good idea to go looking for some dark figures in bushes at night but something told me this was good.

I pulled apart two bushes and saw- "Appa, Momo!" I whisper-screamed. They were asleep so I didn't want to wake them up. If they were here that meant the gaang wasn't too far. I climbed over Appa and saw Aang, Sokka, and Katara sleeping quietly, a smile growing on my face. I finally found them. I gave all their sleeping bodies a hug and settled down, leaning against Appa, to finally get some rest. Appa's fur was really soft and comfortable, resembling my bed.


"Y/N'S BACK!!" I woke to an unpleasant voice yelling in my ear. Arms wrapped around me. "Missed you too, Sokka," I mumbled, patting Sokka's back. Katara and Aang joined the hug. "Y/N where were you? We looked for you but then thought that you had been taken back to the Fire Nation!" I explained to them everything that had happened ever since we split up and they told me their story. Apparently they had gone to the North Pole and tried to get Aang a water bending teacher but that didn't work out so now me and Katara were his water bending teachers. Ok whatever. Oh, and Sokka's ex turned into the moon.

We decided to get clean in a nearby river. Me and Katara showed Aang some water bending moves. Well mostly me because I had years of training at the Palace and Katara didn't have much. She was a quick learner though. Sokka was floating around with Momo on his stomach. "Hey, Y/N, can you me that one move you did. Y'know the big water swirly tower thingy?" Aang said bouncing like an excited oversized puppy. I smiled, "The water vortex? Aang, only a water bending master can do that move and your still learning the basics. I've had a lot of time to master it, which is why I can do it but it'll take you while." Aang frowned and I felt like I had just kicked a puppy. So I showed him another, more advanced, move and he did it perfectly. "This dude named the Blue Spirit also helped me." Aang explained. The blue Spirit. The Blue Spirit.

"Forgive me or else the Blue Spirit will come get you!" Zuko yelled his voice echoing through the palace halls. "Never!" I yelled while running around the Fire Lady. Ursa stopped and watched us, smiling to herself. "The Blue Spirit is just a part of a story. He can't catch me!" I yelled through giggles. I looked back. Zuko was following me with a Blue Spirit mask on. I had made it for him as well as the story. We always told made up stories to each other but Zuko really liked this one. "That's what he wants you to think!" Zuko said catching up to me and wrapping his arms around me. I yelped. "Now forgive me." I hummed in thought. "How about"-
"Miss Y/N, it is time for your training." A guard said walking up to me. Oh. Zuko and I were disappointed but I wouldn't want to argue with Ozai. I hugged Zuko back while Ursa argued with guard about my training sessions.

Some people walked up to us and I snapped out of the memory. They looked like travelers. There were two guys and two girls. One of the guys had a banjo and the girl beside him had a flute. Weird. "Hey, River people." Said banjo guy. Sokka and him argued for awhile, well, Sokka argued with him but he didn't have much to work with. Before long, I was sitting on Appa making drawings in his fur while the lady did my hair. They could tell amazing stories and were great at singing. I think the guy was singing a song about a secret tunnel or something,
"Two lovers, forbidden from one another
A war divides their people
And a mountain divides them apart
Built a path to be together
"...Yeah, and I forget the next couple of lines, but then it goes..."
Secret tunnel!!!
Secret tunnel!!!
Through the mountain!!!
Secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel!!!"
I could spend hours with them. But Sokka had 'plans'. They told us they'd lead us through the cave but Sokka wouldn't agree and Appa doesn't like tunnels so.

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