Tickle Fights

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Dis is prolly the last short scenario before I start the comics. Anyways, bye, love you.

"Y/N stop," Zuko ordered. "Oh mighty Fire Lord, oh sweet, powerful, kindhearted, funny-" "Y/N." Zuko said pointedly. "Please let me go home, nice, friendly, lovely-" "Stop!" I did. For two seconds. "Oh considerate, lovable, leader-" Zuko started chasing after me and I bolted outside the second I realized. "Okay, okay, sorry!" I laughed. I swirled around a tree, going the other way. Zuko wasn't there. Two muscular arms wrapped around me from the back. "FRICK!!" I pushed away from him, running again, only to be tackled to ground, Zuko's palm on the back of head, protecting it from the grass as we hit it. "Okay-okay-I-I'm sorry," I laughed, catching my breath.

Zuko thought about it for a second, hovering over me on his forearms. "Fine. But no going back home." "Whyyyy?" "Why do you want to? Your dad ran away. No ones been there for ages," Zuko said. "Okay, yeah, but I can't stay here forever!" "Why not?" "Becau-Zuko I don't live here!" "Well you can! Who's stopping you? I'm not." "I know your not, but its been abandoned for so long, and its against Fire Nation rules! No one besides the royal family can stay in the Palace for this long!" "Well, forget the rules!" "We can't forget the rules! Your the Fire Lord, you out of everyone should follow them!"

Zuko hummed in thought. "Fine. But there's a lot of Ozai supporters out there, so you have to take at least fifty guards with you, and you have to come back here every hour, and whenever we're around someone besides the Gaang you have to hold my hand, and give me daily kisses, actually, make that hourly kisses, oh, and cuddles-" "Is this your way of demanding more affection? And I'm not taking an army with me wherever I go."

"Well, you are taking at least thirty guards, and no, it's not my way of demanding more affection. Who do you think I am, some sort of affection deprived idiot?" Zuko asked. "Actually wait, don't answer that," he rushed, realizing what he said, while I laughed. "But I do have to leave for the Harmony Restoration Movement. Aang's been doing all the work," I said with a tilt of my head. Zuko sighed, "Fine. But once your here, no going home. Your staying with me." "Deal. Now get off of me."

Zuko rolled over, into the grass while I sat up. "But seriously, do you have to leave? It was so lonely in the Palace with just us, and now it's gonna be even more lonely." "I've been making Aang do all the work, and we're supposed to be sharing the work so, yeah. But knowing me, I'll be back in three days," I shrugged. "Three days!?" Zuko exclaimed. "And you tell people your not a soft boy," I mused. Zuko sent me a glare. I know what that look means. I sat up, scooting back, instantly. Zuko's fingers wrapped around my ankle, yanking me into his lap, playfully. "Okay, okay, sorry," I giggled, Zuko placing a million kisses on my face, making me laugh uncontrollably at the ticklish feeling. I am so gonna get back at him for this. And I was right, he is a soft boy. At least, to me.

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