Katara's Mom

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Sorry it's so short, I'm working on another Avatar story that I'm trying to get out of my drafts. I haven't even finished one chapter yet :/

We headed to Sokka's tent, bumping into Suki on the way. "Oops, sorry, wrong tent!" Suki rushed, cheeks a bright red. "Oh, sorry, did you need to talk to Sokka too?" Asked Zuko, oblivious to the events. "Oh." I said, grasping on. Suki giggled nervously, "Nope! Not me!" "Suki!" I exclaimed. "Heh," Suki smiled, rushing away. Zuko opened the tent to see Sokka, lying on his stomach, candles surrounding him and a rose in his mouth. "Well, hello- Ahh! Zuko, Y/N. Of course, why would I be expecting anyone different?" Sokka sat up, while we sat down, me giggling uncontrollably into my hand. "What?" Asked Zuko, being the innocent little child he is. "N-nothing." I laughed.

Sokka gulped. "So, whats on your mind?" Asked Sokka, redirecting the conversation. "Your sister. She hates me. And I don't know why, but I do care what she thinks of me." Zuko answered, fingers slipping into mine. "Nah, she doesn't hate you. Katara doesn't hate anyone. Except maybe some people in the Fire Nation. No, I mean, not, uh, people who were bad and are now good. No, I mean bad people. Fire Nation people who were never good." Sokka rushed, correcting his slip up. "And we-
"Stop. Okay, listen I know this may seem out of nowhere but I want you to tell me what happened to your mother." Zuko interrupted. "What? Why would you want to know that?" Asked Sokka, slightly taken aback. "Your sister keeps repeating it-

-She told me about it in Ba Sing Se. I think she's somehow connected her anger to it to me." Zuko shrugged. Sokka sighed, "It's not a day I like to remember." He explained everything that happened while I was out. "It's my fault." I breathed once he was done. "What?" Asked Sokka, turning to me. "It's my fault." I repeated, "She was protecting me. If I was awake, I could've helped. I could've done something." Sokka shook his head, "It was out of your control. You were passed out, dealing with your own problems in the Spirit World." "Do you remember the symbol?" Asked Zuko, hand still in mine. "Yeah. Sea ravens, I think." "Thanks, Sokka." Smiled Zuko. "No problem. Thanks for stopping by!" Sokka cheered, shoving us out of his tent. We headed in the other direction, stopping when hearing a whispered, "Suki."

We turned around to Sokka poking his head out of the tent, calling for Suki. I giggled again, dragging Zuko away. "What's going on?" Questioned Zuko. "What do you mean?" I asked with a tilt of my head. "You keep giggling and Sokka and Suki are acting all weird." Zuko explained. "Its nothing." "That's what you said last time. Tell me." Zuko pleaded. "No." "Pleeeaase." "Sorry, Zuko. I can't," I smiled at my boyfriend's innocence. "Why not?" Zuko pressed. "Maybe another time, okay?" I laughed, knowing that he'd forget soon. "Fine, but I'm gonna remember." Zuko decided. "As you wish, Prince Zuko." I giggled. Zuko settled down on a rock in front of Katara's tent. "You should go to sleep." Zuko offered. "While your out here? No." I answered, bluntly, sitting down next to him.

"Your the one to talk, you haven't slept for like two days!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, but that doesn't matter." Zuko shrugged. "How the heck does that not matter? Your going to sleep." I ordered. "Y/N, please-" "No. You get grumpy when your sleepy deprived and I don't want to have to console another Sokka," I grumbled. "What?" "Yeah. You yelled at Sokka and he came to me like, 'Y/N, tell your precious Zuko to stop yelling at me'." Zuko shook his head, sighing, "That guy can't take criticism can he?"

"That's not the point. You're going to sleep." I decided. "But what if Katara wakes up?" "I'll stay awake." I shrugged. "No, I'll stay awake." Zuko answered. "Your tired!" "No, you're tired!" "Zuko, your lips don't always tell the truth but your eyes do. And the bags under them, prove that you're tired." I tried. Zuko still didn't listen. I sighed. Two stubborn firebenders do not go well together in a fight. We ended up just cuddling and whoever fell asleep first would be the winner of...well, nothing. Zuko ended up falling asleep, finally, head in my lap, at like midnight. He's still gonna be sleep deprived, but it's a start. I ran my fingers through his hair, waiting for Katara to come out of her tent. My eyelids felt droopy, and I closed them, thinking I'd let them rest for a moment but I ended up falling asleep, too.


I woke up to Zuko having already woken up. "How long did you sleep?" I asked. "Six hours." Zuko shrugged. "I thought you said you'd stay awake?" Zuko noted. "I did. But I didn't." I answered, crossing my arms. Katara walked out of her tent, and Zuko perked up, while I hid a yawn behind my hand. "You look terrible!" Katara shot. "Hey, he spent all night out here for you! Shut up!" I shot back. "Y/N, you don't have to be a part of this." Katara glared. "I will be a part of it if you keep treating him like garbage." I answered, matching her energy. "Look, I know who killed your mother," Zuko interrupted. "And I'm going to help you find him."


"I need to borrow Appa." Katara said sharply to Aang. "Why? Is it your turn to take a field trip with the lovebirds?" teased Aang. "Yes, it is," Katara said, completely serious.

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