The Cave of Two Lovers

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We ended up up getting attacked and going through the tunnel anyway. We kept coming to dead ends because of Sokka's 'great' map reading, but whatever. I don't really care anymore. Halfway through we got split into three groups because of some rocks. Group one was Sokka and the nomads, group two was Aang and Katara, and group three was just me. Yay, I'm all alone again. I also kept on coming to dead ends, so I decided to give up and sit down, 'cause why not. Something on my wrist glinted from the fire on my palm. My mother's spirit charm bracelet. Spirits! I can ask them for help. I hadn't seen any for the past few days but I mean, I could always try.

I sat criss crossed with my fists in front of my stomach connecting. I closed my eyes and trying to focus. A flittery, blue figure showed up in front of me. This girl followed me everywhere. Even when I couldn't see her, I knew she was there.. "Oh, hey. I'm Sorla. Raava finally let me talk to you. So, um, I'm the Spirt of Protection and what not, and much like Raava spirit's in the Avatar, mine is in you. If that make sense. Uh, anyways, I basically protect all the good spirits and everything good in the world or something like that, I'm not sure. So, remember at the Water Tribe, when you couldn't control yourself? Yeah, that was me. Whenever the Avatar is in trouble, the Protecter State activates. When you make friends, you love them. Least I hope so. Anyhoo, when your friends with someone, you wanna protect them. So the Protecter State actives whenever you see a loved one, or the Avatar get in trouble. I said too much. Whoops. Anyways, to get out of this know what? Ima let you figure out."

And with that, she was gone. Well, that was no help. And an overload of information. But first I need to focus on getting out of this cave. I looked around the dark cave, noticing jewels on the roof of the cave. My eyes scanned the ground. I found a pretty little jasmine flower, settled in the dust. I picked it up, out of pure curiosity.

"Y/N!" Said the excited voice of Zuko. I turned around to see Zuko running full speed at me. He tackled me into a huge hug, throwing his little seven year old arms around me. "Hey Zuko!" I giggled. "I missed you so much! Uncle has another story to tell us! Come on, he's also making Jasmine tea for us!" I snickered, rushing after Zuko as he grabbed my hand, pulling me to the garden.

I smiled to myself at the memory of little me and Zuko. The jewels on the roof glowed in a straight line. How did that happen? I didn't even do anything. It was kinda pretty, though. The emerald light filled the dark tunnel and I followed it, blindly. I have no reason to trust jewels on the roof of a cave, but I am. For all I know, they could be leading me to my doom. But I still followed since I have nothing better to do. They lead me outside to where the others were gathered. Sokka and the nomads were on some badgermoles, which wasn't normal, but I decided not to question it. "Y/N! We thought we'd have to go back inside to find you!" Katara exclaimed once her gaze landed on me. "Glad to know you'd be worried if I died. So...Omashu right?" I smiled to them.

Their smiles faded as they turned to look at the great city. A huge Fire Nation flag hung over the top. Well, frick. Katara tried to explain to Aang that they could find another Earthbendong teacher for him but he insisted on Bumi. So we decided to sneak in and try to find him. I swear, the things I do for this random kid. We had to go through a sewer, which was disgusting. I was at the back and used my water bending to clear the way for me. Sokka, however, was almost drowning in the water. I was convinced that Katara was using her waterbending to bother him, and I wasn't going to do anything to stop her.

We made it to the outside of the Palace where I saw- "Mai". I whispered. "What?" Said a really confused Aang. "Not a what, a who." I answered. "That's Mai. We went to school together and she would sometimes come over to my house for sleepovers as well as Ty Lee. If she takes out her knives, run and pray." I rushed. Aang gulped, staring at her. Mai wasn't someone who you could push around. She was walking with her mom and her adorable little brother Tom Tom, who I would spend many times with, playing around in their garden.

A rock rushed passed us and down the side of the Palace. Mai and her family were walking right under it. Aang sliced it away with air, catching Mai's attention. "Dude, she knows!" "Who? Knows what?" Asked Sokka. "A crazy knife throwing lady knows we're in here and if we don't run, we'll die!" I yelled. Mai was advancing on us so I ushered the others away. I made the stupid mistake of turning around and looking behind me. My hood fell off and I scrambled to shove it back on. "Y/N?" Mai asked to the dark. I didn't want anyone else to know where i was. We rushed through and around the rock formations until we got sent underground by a moving piece of ground. A bunch of Earth kingdom faces stared back at us. The resistance. This was their secret hideout.

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