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"Master Piandao! You're a part of the White Lotus!" I yelped, panting from having just ran into the place. "What the heck is that?" Asked Piandao. "Uhh...what was it? The- Uh- who knocks at the guarded gate?" I tried. I think I said it wrong, I don't know. Piandao failed to hide his smile. "What?" I sighed. "You know what I'm talking about! I think it's 'who knocks at the garden gate', right?" Piandao smiled. I pulled out the White Lotus tile from my shoe, settled beside Zuko's pearl dagger. "Oh. I see it's from a Grand Lotus. I knew you would come, Y/N." Finally.

"It's nice to see you again. Iroh said that you'd tell me on the day of Sozin's comet the reason you're telling me about this, but can you tell me now?" I pressed. Piandao hummed in thought. "Sure, I don't know why not." He shrugged. "You, Y/N, will grow stronger as grow older and wiser. Your connection with the spirits will also grow stronger. Until the point where you will be able to tell someone's personality just by glancing at them. You will be one who chooses the generation of the White Lotus. That is why it's important for you to know." Woah. That's cool. I get stronger powers?


Prince Zuko grunted, upset. "What does it mean?" He grumbled, tossing the letter to the side. It landed on a lantern, draped over it. The light shone through the paper, exposing hidden letters. Zuko gasped, picking it up. "The Fire Sages keep secret history in the Dragonbone Catacombs." He had been there once, with Y/N but they didn't talk to them. In fact, he wasn't even supposed to be there. They had called for Y/N, but she had dragged him along. Zuko shook his head trying to forget Y/N. It didn't work. He could never forget Y/N, no matter what he did. His life was to deeply intwined with hers. Their entire childhood was spent together. Day by day. He did miss her, yes. He didn't really mean what he said. He was just a little angry.

He was always angry. His anger ruined everything for him. It even drove away the best thing he had. Y/N. He wanted her back more then he wanted anything. But she was gone, now. No one knew where she was but he did. He had seen Sokka climbing into her room. But he kept that to himself. The note in his hand had started burning. Zuko blew on it, extinguishing the small flame. He pulled on his hooded cloak and left his room.


Aang had dragged us to an island. Avatar Roku's home. It was just a pile of ash. Aang pulled me down, sitting down in his meditating position. "What?" I asked, not knowing why I was here with him. "Roku said your my spirit guide." He said like it proved something. "Uhh. Okay, whatever." I mumbled, also getting into meditating position. We were now in the Spirit world. Roku showed up, giving me a warm smile. "If you will excuse us, Y/N. Avatar Kyoshi would like to show you something." Kyoshi appeared beside him, as Aang started to fade. Roku must've followed Aang. Kyoshi gestured for me to follow her. The scene changed, turning the Fire Nation Palace.

"I am going to be showing you a glimpse of the future. Sorla said that she would sue me if I didn't. That's really the only reason I'm here." Kyoshi mumbled. "Oh. Ok. How do spirits sue each other?" I wondered. Kyoshi sighed, fanning her face with her fan. "Newbie." She insulted. "We use spirit coins. When you use one, it'll take you to where you want to go and let you meet who you want to. Everyone starts with twenty. You can earn them by being happy. Now shut up." She snapped. "Okay." A girl, dressed in the Fire Lady robes strolled through the halls. I realized after she came closer, that it was me. "Wait, hold up, that's me!" I exclaimed. "Yes, dummy, that's you." Kyoshi sighed. "Why am I the Fire Lady! Me and Zuko broke up!"

Kyoshi dropped her fan. "Yeah. This is just a little reminder to get your crap together and make up. Or else the world will look like this." The scene changed again. This time, we were in the main hall. Azula was Fire Lord. Blue flames reflected off of her face. Something in her eyes looked different. She seemed..unstable. "Is she okay?" I whispered to Kyoshi. "No. She's not. You really need a lot of hand holding don't you?" She scoffed. "I can't believe you reincarnated into Aang." I shot, brow furrowed. "Honestly, I can't either." Kyoshi shrugged. "So, yeah, get yourself together and go kiss Zuko or something, I don't know." I blinked, still very confused. "Isn't Zuko a bad guy though? I mean, yeah, I still love him, but he's on the opposite side."

Kyoshi was starting to get very annoyed. "Just wait. You'll see. Anyways, I hope that's enough for Sorla. Bye. I hope I never see you again. But thanks for the whole saving Aang thing. Least I won't have to put him in the time out corner like I did to Roku." She mumbled, more to herself. "Wait, really? Isn't he basically you, though?" I asked. "Yeah, but we're just connected by the spirit of Raava. I had Roku wear a 'I started a hundred year war' sign, too." She said, smugly. "And please don't tell,anyone else about these visions. They're specifically for you." Her form started to flicker and she left. I blinked open my eyes. Aang turned to me, having also just came back from the Spirit world. "Your boyfriend is my great grandson." I blinked, stupidly. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Zuko's my great grandson. Well, he's Roku's. But basically mine too." "T-this is a lot to process." I stammered. Aang nodded. "Yeah." He turned around to face the others. "Sozin and Roku were best friends. But Sozin went against Roku and started the war, after he left Roku on a volcano. Then I was born. He had a couple of friends who helped him learn too. He said that some friendships last a lifetime." I stepped down from the stone, following Aang. "You mean, after all that Sozin and Roku went through together, and even though Roku showed mercy, Sozin betrayed him like that?" Katara asked in disbelief. "It's like these people are born bad." Toph added.

"I don't think it was about that?" Aang murmured. "What was it about?" Sokka pressed. "I think it was about friendship." Aang decided. Toph stepped closer. "Do you really think friendships can last more than a lifetime?" Aang caught Toph's hand in one of his and mine in the other. "I don't see why not." Katara also joined, grabbing Toph's other hand. "Well, scientifically speaking, there's no way to prove that.." Sokka trailed off. I sent Sokka a glare. "Just hold hands, Sokka."

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