BONUS- Chapter One

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"Umm..Toph? I don't think you should be-" "Don't tell me what to do!!" Toph shouted at Sokka. She was cutting carrots, for some reason we thought it'd be a good idea to give her a knife, since we were all traveling, again, and needed to make food. Why are we traveling? Because it brings back memories or something, I don't know. But I'll admit, it is fun.

"Y/N, pass the cabbage," Aang called. I threw a cabbage at his face. He panicked, blowing it with air. The leaves of the cabbage were now settled on the ground. "What is with you guys destroying cabbages!!" Toph yelled at me and Aang. "I don't know. The cook ran away crying after Y/N went in the kitchen. Once," Zuko chuckled. "Hey, I just sneezed, okay! Plus, the cabbages were in my way!" "You made a royal cook lose their job," Katara scolded. "He was the one who ran away crying like a baby!" "Because you kept yelling rude insults at him!" Zuko said. "Only because he couldn't get the pudding recipe right!" "Okay, yeah, Y/N once chased me with kitchen knives because I messed up the pudding recipe, too," Aang admitted.

"Yeah, Y/N, you need to chill," Sokka mumbled. "EXCUSE ME!!" I yelled. "Hey, calm down you two!" Katara rushed. "She's the one who needs to calm down!!" Sokka shouted. "Guys, really?" Aang smiled, kinda scared. "Shut up!!"Toph shouted over our angry yells. We silenced, turning back to our original jobs. "There, much better," Katara said, starting another conversation about turtleducks.

I'm so sorry this took so long, I've been kinda busy. Also, the next few updates might be kinda slow, since I've been reading a lot more, and might be starting another book.

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