Zuko Memories

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Mr. Beifong payed Xin Fu but they wouldn't let Aang go, saying that the Fire Nation would pay a lot for him. His eyes landed on me and something clicked. "Get her, too." He order. I smirked, these people need to know who to mess with and who not to mess with. I tapped my foot on the ground sending my blind friend a signal. Toph nodded, a smirk growing on her lips as well. We turned our gazes to the guys. I took out my sword. I was glad that I had thought to bring it. It would come in handy. They attacked first and me and Toph completely destroyed them. A rock blew at me, I sliced it with wind. I took out my water and made it into a whip. I sliced the rocks blown at me with my water whip. Dust filled the air. I blew it all away with a huge gust of wind.

Sokka and Katara were helping Aang. I blasted fire at the guy in front of me and he stumbled back, off the ring, into the pile of fighters, me and Toph had made. Someone approached me from behind and I spun around, spin kicking my opponent, fire blasting from my foot. He also fell back into the pile. Nice. I dusted off my hands before blowing one last gust off wind, clearing the dust. "We make a good team." Toph smiled. "We do."


Toph ran away with us. None of us really minded since Aang really needed an earthbending teacher. Toph didn't like flying around so she clung on to saddle the entire way. It was spring so, Appa had started to shed. A lot. We landed after a while and set up camp. I was chomping tomatoes for dinner, on a rock that I cleaned with some water. Toph and Katara were having a fight or something. They kept on arguing and making fun of each other. "Can you two just shut up?!" I yelled, tired of this nonsense. "No! How bout you shut up!" Katara said, matching my anger and volume. "I have been quiet this entire time but you two are screaming your heads off!"
"H-hey, how bout we go to sleep."Aang tried
"Its two in the afternoon." Katara snapped.
"Does anyone have glue? I would like to waterbend their mouths shut with it." I said blandly.
"O-oh, I have some!" Sokka exclaimed, rummaging through his 'bag'. Toph bended a rock at him, causing him to drop it. "No, you don't." She said, leaning back, and crossing her arms.

I sighed, shaking my head as I turned my attention back to the tomatoes. Aang and Sokka were working on getting the saddle off Appa, so that they could set up the tents. I saw what Katara's problem with Toph was but it wasn't my problem, so I stayed out it as much as I could. I hissed my teeth as the knife I was using cut my finger. I wiped it on an extra cloth which lied to the side. I shrugged it off and continued chopping.

I clutched my ankle, wincing in pain. Zuko rushed to my side. Azula had just shot some lightning at my ankle and Zuko chewed her out for it. "I'm so sorry." My teary eyes met his. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault." Zuko had started to tremble once his eyes had landed on my wound. "I-I don't like it when you get you get hurt." His voice broke. My pudgy, seven-year-old hands grabbed his own. "I'm okay, Zuko." He wrapped me in a crushing hug. "Promise me you'll never get hurt again?" His eyes were expectant and careful. My ankle rested in his lap. "I promise."

I scoffed. Well, that promise was broken. And it wasn't the only one.

Me and Zuko has snuck out again. We would sometimes sneak out to walk around town since we never got to leave the palace. We ended up at a new tea shop that Iroh had talked about. I placed some coins on the counter, the cashier looked up at me blandly before asking, "What do you want? Are you even old enough to be out this late?" He growled. "Yes, we're aloud to." We weren't aloud too. Still aren't. We were only eleven. But the cashier seemed to believe it. He was kinda slow. We ordered our tea before sitting down at a table. No one recognized us since we had hoods on. "Hey, wanna go out somewhere?" Said a sly voice from behind me. I turned around to see a boy, my age, with wavy, black, hair and shiny grey eyes. Ew.

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