Zuko's Sad Boi Days

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Aang was not having a good time. He has been practice earthbending but just couldn't do it. He didn't know why. Water and Air had came so easily to him. And Y/N could always teach him firebending, though she had been complaining about her firebending starting to 'fade'. Toph wasn't being really nice either. Y/N and Katara's way of teaching was easier. He sighed, sitting down on a rock. Being the Avatar was hard work.


I was sitting on the top of a mountain, meditating, trying to get in tune with the spiritual energy in this place. "You're awfully cute." I peeked an eye open and crawled to the edge of the mountain. Sokka was sitting in a tree, watching a little Saber-Tooth Moose-Lion. It was awfully cute. I laid down on my stomach and leaned my chin on my hand, watching them from above. "But unfortunately, you're made of meat." Oh. Oh. He was gonna eat him. I'm a vegetarian so I don't like that idea very much. "Just a bit closer." Sokka said, scooting closer to poor animal. He was now on the edge of the tree branch. I gripped my sleeve tightly as he nearly caught it. But then, his branch broke and fell, almost hitting the moose-loin. I blew a gust of wind pushing him to the side and making him land in a crack in the ground. I hid a snort behind my hand. Sokka looked up bewildered. I scooted back, hiding myself from view.

"You are one lucky meat creature." He grumbled under his breath. It took everything in me to not burst to laughter. I decided to let Sokka sit there for a bit and maybe he'd give up meat. Until then, I'm gonna meditate. I sat back down in my meditating position. An image of Zuko passed my mind. I missed him. I hope he was okay. My form began to flicker and I ended up next to Zuko. Like the real, actual, Zuko. This wasn't a memory. Sorla, what the hell is this? This, is called Spiritual Projection. Only Airbenders with a strong spiritual connection can do this. And you are one of them. Said the voice of Sorla. I was gonna ask her how I did it but Zuko noticed me. "Y-Y/N? H-how"- I just shrugged before smothering him into a hug. A throat was cleared and we broke away immediately. Iroh was laying there, a bandage on his chest and arm. "Hey." Iroh raised a hand and waved at me. "I see you have just figured out an ancient spiritual move. Very good." I smiled. "Thanks."

Iroh was teaching Zuko how to redirect lightning. He had already taught me that and he was the only one who could since he invented it himself. Zuko wanted to try it after like two minutes. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" I squeaked. Zuko looked at me. "I think I can do it." I shook my head, I wasn't gonna allow this. "Zuko, your a great firebender and all but, that is madness." I argued back. "Well if you wont help me, I'll find my own lightning!" He yelled, going away. I shook my head before turning to Iroh who motioned for me to go console him. I nodded and followed Zuko. I weaved my way through giant rocks and canyons before finally finding him. "You've always thrown everything you could at me! Now I can take it and give it back!" He yelled at the sky.

Oh, Zuko. "Come on! Strike me! You've never held back before!" I approached him, cautiously and placed a hand on his shoulder. Water drops landed on our heads. He turned around and wrapped me in a crushing hug. His tears soaked into my light blue spirit hair. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that without me." I whispered into his chest. He hugged me closer, burying his face into my hair. He was still crying. I pulled back, wiping the tears off his face, but new ones kept coming. "Hey......I love you." I said in a hope to comfort him. It worked. His tears stopped and he gave a small smile. I pressed a kiss to his cheek, noticing my flickering form. Zuko noticed it too. "Don't leave." His broken voice said. I pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "I can't control it. I'm sorry. I'll see you again though. I promise." I faded away into blue mist in his arms and appeared back at the canyon. Why did it just end like that? I don't think it has a time limit.

Trouble. Sorla's voice said. Before I knew it, my feet had carried me to where Aang, Toph, and Katara were standing practicing earthbending. Aang was standing, blindfolded, at the end of a ramp. Toph was at the start of it, as well as a big rock. The boulder rolled down headed straight for Aang. My eyes widened and I instinctively sliced it in half with water from my pouch. Toph slid herself down towards me and growled up at my face. "I'm sorry! I can't help it! I'm the Protector for Raava's sake!" I defended. Toph sighed, flattering, before turning to Aang who had jumped out of the way. He also defended himself by saying, "I guess I just panicked. I don't know what to say." Toph started chewing him out and even though I'm the Protector and should be protecting him, I backed away slowly not wanting to get on Toph's bad side.

I sighed, once I was out of Toph's rock-throwing range. Sokka would probably be yelling at them right now. Sokka. Sokka. Shot! I left him behind. I ran to the place, where I had gotten him in and kneeled down next to him. "Oh, hey, Y/N. It's nice to see you." He said, leaning his head on my ankle. "I'm so sorry! I got you stuck in here and then I left you here!" Sokka lifted his head up to send me a glare. "Never mind then, it's not good to see you." He mumbled. He still leant his head back down on my ankle. Aang joined us about a second later and complained about his earthbending while I redid Sokka's hair. It had gotten messy and had made its way out of his ponytail.

The mom of the moose-loin showed up and tried to attack me and Sokka but Aang dealt with it. I wasn't in the mood to fight so I didn't do anything. But I did have to restart Sokka's ponytail. Toph showed up a while later as I was gathering Sokka's hair, getting ready to tie it up. She had Aang's staff for some reason. Anyways, he stood up to her and she told him that he could know earthbending. And he could. Oh and Aang told me that Roku told him, that I was supposed to be his spirit stuff teacher. Okay. Nice.

Toph also got Sokka out of the crack after thanking me for putting him in it. I smiled. We really loved bullying Sokka. Aang was really excited about whole thing and kept showing Katara and Appa his earthbending skills. "Hey, Y/N look what I can d"- I put my hand against his forehead pushing him back. "You canearth bend. Yeah I know. How cool." Aang smiled smugly, "Are you jealous?" He taunted. I glared at him for a hot second before chasing after him. He was as fast as me, making it really hard for me to catch up to him. Katara was cooking dinner and Toph and Sokka sat in the corner laughing and telling Aang to run.

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