Ember Island

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The boat neared the dock, before halting to a stop. "Welcome to Ember Island, kids. I see Y/N's back." Lo and Li said, greeting us. "Yeah, I'm 'back'." I said. I had been bitter towards everyone, ever since I got here. I think I had also broken up with Zuko. We never made it official that we're over but, I haven't gotten within two feet of him since. I'm pretty sure that he thinks we're still dating. I don't really know..dating is confusing, even without being held against will. We entered Lo and Li's small, cramped house, decorated with a variety of seashells and pearls. "It smells like old lady in here." I heard Zuko whisper to Mai. "Gee. I wonder why." I smiled. I always found Mai's sarcasm funny. "Who are these two beautiful women?" Ty Lee asked, pointing to a painting of two girls. "Why that's Lo/Li and me." They answered in unison, getting into the same position as the painting. Zuko gagged, covering his mouth. I made a face of disgust, hoping to unsee what I just saw.

Ty Lee threw herself onto the bed covers. "Oooh, I love the seashell bedspread." I turned away, glaring at the beach. "Are you serious? Looks like the beach threw up all over over it." Mai said, with a little extra attitude. Lo and Li picked up on my mood and turned towards me, their amused eyes settling on the side of my face. I was still glaring daggers at the rushing waves. "We know you're upset that you were forced here for the weekend. But Ember Island is a magical place. Keep an open mind. Give it a chance. And it can help you understand yourselves and each other. The beach has a special way of smoothing the most ragged edges." Lo and Li said, taking turns with each sentence. I did feel a lot of energy around here. Not really from the people, but the island itself. It just seemed...different.

I heard two claps, and turned around, a piece of my hair getting in my view. "Time to hit the beach!" Lo and Li said. I blew a gust of wind from my mouth, with airbending, and moved it to the side. Ty Lee immediately jumped up chi blocking me. "Ah.." I breathed, being sent to the ground. "Heh. I'm sorry." She said, picking em up and throwing my arm around her shoulder. I looked over and Lo and Li threw off their robes, revealing their loosely-fit swimming suits. Mai covered Zuko's eyes.


Y'know this is my first time being kidnapped, but I'm pretty sure that you don't get to the beach with your kidnappers. I threw my towel down on the ground, settling down on it, and leaning against the smooth rock behind me. Azula stepped on some kid's sandcastle making him run away screaming. I was swirling around some water in a small coconut, Ty Lee sitting beside me, ready to chi block me if tried anything fancy. Zuko was also settled right beside me. Two boys walked past us, looking at us and whispering, "I ain't never seen two pretty best friends. It's always one em gotta be ugly." They really thought we couldn't hear them? I scoffed, drawing a knife with my water. "Hey! Do you need anything?" Asked a guy to Ty Lee. "Could you scooch a little more to the...thanks!" She smiled, the guy having blocked her from the sun. I continued drawing little doodles with my water. The guy saw me water bending and widened his eyes. He opened his mouth about to say something about it but I drew another knife in the water, this time bigger, and he immediately closed it. This place is filled with cowards.

I wanna go back to my friends, just a bunch powerful benders, minus Sokka, traveling the world and learning more about their bending. I know they're alive, but do they know I'm alive. Zuko picked up a shell, offering it to me. "Here, this is for you." I turned my unamused gaze to him. "Why would I want that?" Zuko lost his confidence, looking a lot more bashful then before. "W-well..I thought that....sorry." He stammered, staring at the ground. I sighed, taking it from him anyways, hoping it would him feel better. It was filled with water. I pulled it away, hyper focusing on the small bits of water. There was water everywhere, even inside people bodies. I gasped, throwing the seashell away. I couldn't feel the water in people's body anymore. What was that? That was scary.

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