The Protecter State

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The hot steam from the water, encased my body. This was not good. Everything was starting to glow white now. I blinked my eyes, hard, trying to stay out of the Protecter State. The blocked energy in my back surged forth, sending a shock of pain through my body. I yelped, the sound bouncing off the walls around us. My breathing was heavy and audible. This sucks. I hate this. I felt tired, limp. The control was being slipped from my hands. I shook my head, pulling back the control over my body. This isn't good for me.

The pain was immeasurable, surging through my body. It felt like I was laying on needles, after being hit square in the stomach with a boulder. And I've actually been hit by a boulder. Thank Toph for that. I yelped again. Tears stung my eyes. The steam from the water wasn't making it easy. It was making it hard to breath and see what was happening around me. It made everything hot and sweaty, pushing my anxiety into the skies. I don't like this. My heart was thrumming, head pounding, body aching, and brain racing, anxious and desperate to find and idea that would stop this.

Objects around me glowed again. I blinked hard, screaming in pain. The wound on my back was throbbing making it hard to think about anything else. I can't believe Zuko was okay with this. He really is heartless. Everything glowed again, and control was slipping from my hands. I groaned. The metal on my right side clicked together. I didn't move my hand though. It was too late when I realized that every object was glowing, and I couldn't control my body. It had worked. They activated the Protecter State. "Ahh..yes, we have succeeded." Ozai said, smiling liking a maniac. Also, like, why does speak so formally. No one talks like that. The water beneath me, rose chasing after the Fire Lord. He deflected it with Fire, eyes widening. The boiling water had managed to encase some Fire Nation soldiers, their screams decorating the small volcanic opening. I bent some air at the people behind me, dropping them off the side.

I guess the Fire Lord hadn't realized how powerful the Protecter State was. I felt energy surging to my left, and I yanked off the metal chains bounding me to the rocks. I used airbending to swing it towards the Fire Lord. They wrapped around his neck, and some soldiers rushed to his side to pry them off. My teeth gritted, and I yanked him towards me. Ozai blasted fire at the water, making even more steamy, and using his fire to not fall into it. I bent the water into giant daggers, and pulled Ozai towards me again. His pupils dilated in fear. A prick of ice, pulled his head to face me. Two others were bounding him to the water, making sure he couldn't get away. I pulled the daggers back, ready to strike. The boiling water rose again, this time in small droplets, creating a mini-hurricane. Ozai blasted fire from his mouth, melting the ice pricks.

"You dare threaten my life! You should learn that your actions have consequences!" My voice was mixed with Sorla's now. Maybe she can hear me. Sorla, please stop. We just killed so many people. Please. For me. Control was roughly shoved back into my hands, and everything stopped glowing. Ozai was still in fear. I wiped tears from my eyes. I just murdered so many people. They had families and lives and everything. And I took that away. "I grabbed Ozai's beard, pulling his head towards me. "You. Are. A . Horrible. Person. You're not even a person!! You're a monster!!" Tears spilled out of my eyes. The mini-hurricane was now just a hurricane. Fire Nation soldiers yelled when the boiling water made contact with their bodies.

I took a deep breath, calming it down. My glare turned back to Ozai. I let go of him, shoving him away. Some steam tickled my nose, making me sneeze. I blew back into the concrete walls of the prison. My body slumped to the ground. Pain surged through my body. I think I broke something, I don't what, but I think I did. But that's not important. I lost control of my powers. That's not a good sign. Sorla, please, stop. I experimented with another sneeze. I didn't blow back this time. Thank you. Tears streamed down my face. I had no energy left. The wound on my back was still throbbing. My legs and arms were jelly, my entire body ached with pain and soreness. I don't like this. My heart ached just as much as my body.

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