Stupid people

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It was nighttime and everyone was asleep. Well, everyone beside me. I was healing myself with some water from a nearby river. It was around midnight and the stars sparkled in the sky. The water glowed faintly. I was always mesmerized with the way the water glowed when you used it to heal wounds. I would spend time healing random servants at palace whenever Azula bullied them, and they got hurt so I had a lot of time to practice healing. It had come easy to me, unlike lightning which I had to work day and night for. I loved that I could make someone feel better and it also made me feel better. I heard rustling in the bushes and jumped, startled. I swished through the water, towards the noise, my swim suit flowing around in the water.

My arm had stopped hurting so I left the healing water. A figure stepped out of the bushes. "Y/N? What happened." Said the voice of Zuko. "Zuko? How'd you get here?" I questioned. "Answer my question first." Zuko knelt down in front of me, to get a better view. I was still submerged in the water so I pushed myself upward a little with waterbending, to wrap my arms around him. Zuko hugged back without hesitation, being extra gentle on my arm, "I had to fight this blind earthbending girl, who's supposed to be Aang's earthbending teacher and let me tell you, she could fight." Zuko's arms stiffened around me. "The Avatar's here?" This time I stiffened. I let go of Zuko and let the water carry me back down. I couldn't tell him that Aang was here and but it would be know use lying, he could always tell when I was lying.

Another figure stumbled through the bushes. "Ah, my niece-in-law." Said the happy, cheery voice of a tea-loving Uncle Iroh. Zuko's cheeks turned a bright red. "We're not married!" Me and Zuko both said, cheeks growing warmer by the second. "Not yet ,at least. Anyways, what brings you here, Y/N?" Iroh said, ignoring the indignant yells of Zuko. I smiled at the fatherly love I had missed. Iroh had always been a father figure to me. More then my own father had. My father had sold me out. But Iroh had always had my back. "We're looking for Aang's earthbending teacher and we found her but beat her record and then she got upset and left." I said simply. Iroh laughed, his happy old laugh. I had missed Iroh so much.

I continued healing my wound while talking to them, the water around me swirling around in a blue light. My eyes met Zuko's gold ones. A warm smile grew on his face. "Anyways, we have to going. Walking around the world is quite time consuming ." Iroh said turning around and walking back into the bush he came from. Zuko was still staring at me. He didn't seem to mind if Iroh had gone away. He knelt back down in front of me and placed a warm hand on my chin. I turned my gaze back to him. Pushing myself up, I got out of the water and settled between Zuko's legs. "Hey." I said simply. "Hey." Zuko said still staring at me. He continued to stare at me, while I played with his fingers, making them dance on his knees. "What?" I said after a while, looking back up at him.

Zuko shook his head lifting my hand to press a kiss to the back of it. I leant against his chest, not having enough energy to go back into the water. The water rushed past us, some of it still glowing from the remains of my healing water. I pressed a kiss to his lips, palms resting on his chest. Zuko returned it with no hesitation. "I missed you" he said after we broke away. "I missed you too." I said leaning back down to rest my head on his shoulder. One of his hands was on the small of the back, the other weaving through my hair. He leaned his head on top of mine, holding me closer. My eyelids felt heavy from the comfort and soon enough, I was asleep.


I woke up in my sleeping bag. Zuko must have carried me here after I fell asleep. Oh no. I looked up, anxiously, and sighed in relief once my eyes landed on the Avatar. Aang was still there. Good. Zuko didn't capture him. That's not like him, though. Not like the new him. The new him was mean, and rude. The old one was nice, and caring. His attitude towards me hadn't changed but it had towards everyone else. Y'know maybe Iroh snuck some 'you're being stupid. Stop trying to capture the Avatar and get a life' plant stuff in his tea. I rubbed my sleepy eye. My wound had healed completely. That's a good sign.


We had ended up at the Blind Bandits house for some reason. Her name was Toph. I really liked her name, it was pretty. Her parents were really welcoming since we were with the Avatar and he had heard about me too. They were a really rich family. The Beifongs. My father had once worked with them. Oh wait, I can now say that I have daddy issues. Nice. Anyways, her parents didn't know that she could kick butt. They kept describing her as a blind, helpless, girl. Which was.....upsetting. I honestly don't know how she can put up with them. I personally wanted to strangle them, and I even tried to, but Sokka grabbed the back of shirt before I could strangle her dad. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Y/N. We've heard so much about you."

I scoffed, "Well it's been horrible meeting you." I muttered under my breath. Toph's face wore an amused smile. She seemed to be enjoying my attitude towards her parents. "I'm sorry, what was that?" Mr.Beifong asked, having not heard me. I was about to say my statement louder when Sokka covered my mouth with his hand. "She said it's a pleasure meeting you too. Her father told her a lot about you," Aang answered for me once Sokka removed his hand. I sent a glare at Sokka then Aang. Sokka just shrugged and continued stuffing his face with rice and Aang just sent me a sheepish smile. I hate these two. But I really like Toph. Whenever Aang would mention her fighting skills a fissure was bended underneath his foot, making him jump.

I sent her a smile, and even though she couldn't see it, I bet she could tell. Her parents were being jerks and refused. Idiots. I tried to strangle them again but Katara grabbed wrist and pulled me away. "Y/N, can you stop trying to kill everyone who bothers you?" She said as we walked away. "I'll try." I shrugged. "No, you won't." Sokka interjected. "No, I won't." Aang was with Toph, cause she wanted to talk to him. It had been a while so I told Sokka and Katara that I was gonna go check on them. I passed her earthbending teacher on the way and decided to have some fun. I bended a sharp gust of wind at his shoulder, making him trip. I pursued my lips in an effort to hold back my laughter, snickering once I finally got out of his hearing range.

There were two big holes in the ground along with a letter. I quickly scanned it before jumping into them. Xin Fu and some of the other competitors had kidnapped them for money. What is their problem? The way had been blocked. Oh yeah, they're earthbenders. Doesn't matter, I know the way to the ring. I warned Sokka, Katara, and they warned her parents since I felt like destroying everything every time I looked at their stupid faces. We headed to the arena where Aang and Toph were ascended in the air, captured in metal cages.

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